Overview of the events of 1915 in science
The year 1915 involved numerous significant events in science and technology , some of which are listed below.
Earth sciences
Life sciences
January 11 – Lucille Farrier Stickel (died 2007 ), American wildlife toxicologist.
February 26 – Wang Daheng (died 2011 ), Chinese optical physicist.
February 28 – Peter Medawar (died 1987 ), Brazilian-born British biologist, co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1960 ) for his work in immunology .
March 15 – Laurent Schwartz (died 2002 ), French mathematician .
March 16 – Kunihiko Kodaira (died 1997 ), Japanese mathematician.
May 30 – Henry Aaron Hill (died 1979 ), American fluorocarbon chemist and first African American president of the American Chemical Society .
June 15
June 19 – Katherine Sanford (died 2005 ), American cell biologist.
June 24 – Fred Hoyle (died 2001 ), English astronomer and science fiction writer.
July 28 – Charles Hard Townes (died 2015 ), American physicist and co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1964 ) for developing the maser .
October 1 – Jerome Bruner (died 2016 ), American developmental and educational psychologist .
October 26 – Lu Jiaxi (died 2001 ), Chinese physical chemist.
November 18 – Tang Aoqing (died 2008 ), Chinese quantum chemist.
November 30 – Henry Taube (died 2005), Canadian-born recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1983 ).
December 5 – Ren Xinmin (died 2017 ), Chinese rocket scientist.
December 22 – A. E. Wilder-Smith (died 1995 ), English-born organic chemist .
February 17 – Stanislaus von Prowazek (born 1875 ), Bohemian-born parasitologist.
April 19 – Sir Thomas Clouston (born 1840 ), Scottish psychiatrist .
March 21 – Ambrosius Hubrecht (born 1853 ), Dutch zoologist .
March 24 – Margaret Lindsay Huggins (born 1848 ), Irish -born astronomer .
May 2 – Clara Immerwahr (born 1870 ), German chemist (suicide).
May 7 – Marie Depage (born 1872 ), Belgian nurse (died in sinking of the RMS Lusitania ).
May 13 – Morgan Crofton (born 1826 ), Irish-born mathematician .
July 22 – Sir Sandford Fleming (born 1827 ), Canadian engineer and surveyor known as the "father of time zones ".
August 10 – Henry Moseley (born 1887 ), English physicist (killed in action on the Gallipoli Campaign ).
September 26 – Tsuruko Haraguchi (born 1886 ), Japanese psychologist (tuberculosis ).
October 11 – Jean Henri Fabre (born 1823 ), French entomologist .
October 15 – Theodor Boveri (born 1862 ), German geneticist .
December 19 – Alois Alzheimer (born 1864 ), German neuroscientist .
^ Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 75 :205–10.
^ Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane ("The Origin of Continents and Oceans").
^ Stromer, E. (1915). "Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen Prof. E. Stromers in den Wüsten Ägyptens. II. Wirbeltier-Reste der Baharije-Stufe (unterstes Cenoman). 3. Das Original des Theropoden Spinosaurus aegyptiacus nov. gen., nov. spec" . Abhandlungen der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse . 28 (3): 1– 32.
^ Hoge, Mildred (January 1915). "Another Gene in the Fourth Chromosome of Drosophila " . The American Naturalist . 49 (577): 47– 49. doi :10.1086/279455 . JSTOR 2456099 . S2CID 83865793 . Retrieved 2021-07-23 .
^ synd/3356 at Who Named It?
^ von Economo, K. (1917-05-10) "Encepahlitis lethargica". Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 30 : pp. 581–585; (1918) Die Encephalitis lethargica . Leipzig; Vienna: Franz Deuticke.
^ "Encephalitis lethargica" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
^ Atenstaedt, R. L. (August 2006). "The medical response to trench nephritis in World War One" . Kidney International . 70 (4): 635– 640. doi :10.1038/sj.ki.5001618 . ISSN 0085-2538 . PMID 16820794 .
^ Cannon, Walter Bradford (1915). Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage: an Account of Recent Researches into the Function of Emotional Excitement . Appleton.
^ Blom, Philipp (2008). The Vertigo Years: Change and Culture in the West, 1900-1914 . Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. pp. 336–337 . ISBN 978-0-7710-1630-1 .
^ In Journal of Agricultural Research . Harding, Thomas Swann (1980). Two Blades of Grass: A History of Scientific Development in the U.S. Department of Agriculture . Ayer Publishing. p. 324. ISBN 978-0-405-12547-8 .
^ Noether, E. (1918). "Invariante Variationsprobleme". Nachrichten von der Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse . 1918 : 235– 257. Reprinted in: Noether, Emmy; Tavel (1971). "Invariant Variation Problems". Transport Theory and Statistical Physics . 1 (3): 186– 207. arXiv :physics/0503066 . Bibcode :1971TTSP....1..186N . doi :10.1080/00411457108231446 . S2CID 119019843 .
^ Soddy, Frederick ; Hitchins, A. F. R. (August 1915). "XVII. The relation between uranium and radium. Part VI. The life-period of ionium" . Philosophical Magazine . 6. 30 (176): 209– 219. doi :10.1080/14786440808635387 .
^ Einstein, Albert (1915-11-25). "Die Feldgleichungen der Gravitation" . Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin : 844– 847. Archived from the original on 2016-10-27. Retrieved 2006-09-12 .
^ van Dongen, Jeroen (2010). Einstein's Unification . Cambridge University Press. p. 23. ISBN 9780521883467 .
^ Wilson, Paul N. (1972). "J. G. A. Kitchen, 1869-1940, and his inventions". Transactions of the Newcomen Society . 45 : 15– 43. doi :10.1179/tns.1972.002 .
^ Edwards, Phil (2019-12-03). "The trick that made animation realistic" . Vox . Archived from the original on 2021-11-17.
^ Gaede, W. (1915). "Die Diffusion der Gase durch Quecksilberdampf bei niederen Drucken und die Diffusionsluftpumpe" . Annalen der Physik . 46 (3): 357– 392. Bibcode :1915AnP...351..357G . doi :10.1002/andp.19153510304 .
^ U.S. patent 1,178,092 U.S. copy of the 1915/1916 Mills grenade patent.