Though often referred to by multiple nicknames, Nabati's birth name was Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Mufarrij bin Abdillah. Nabati was a descendant of freed slaves, and the nickname Ibn al-Rumiyah[7] or "son of the Roman woman" was due to his mother's Byzantine Greek ethnicity, a fact which was said to cause Nabati a measure of embarrassment.[8]
Born in Seville, Spain in 1166,[8] Nabati traveled to North Africa, the Levant and Iraq while pursuing his education, eventually spending a period in Alexandria in 1216.[9] He later returned to Seville and opened a pharmacy.[10]
Nabati was also a theologian. Though he initially followed the Malikischool of Sunni Islam, Nabati later chose to switch to the Zahirite school,[8] being described as a "fanatical" adherent of the teachings of Ibn Hazm.[11] He died in 1240.[8]
Upon his return to Spain, Nabati authored his famous work Botanical Journey, an early book on plant and herb species which he based on his observations around the world.[10]
Nabati wrote a commentary on the book of Pedanius Dioscorides which bore the title Materia Medica after the term.[12] Nabati's commentary was itself encyclopedic in nature, seeking to bring together the work of both Dioscorides and Ibn Juljul, along with preceding traditions and Nabati's own original contributions on plants in the Iberian peninsula.[13]
^Emilia Calvo, "Ibn al-Baytar." Taken from the Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-western Cultures, pg. 404. Ed. H. Selin. New York: Springer Publishing, 1997. ISBN9780792340669
^Toufic Fahd, "Botany and agriculture." Taken from Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science, Volume 3: Technology, Alchemy and Life Sciences, pg. 819. Ed. Roshdi Rasheed. London: Routledge, 1996. ISBN0415124123
^Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science, volume 1: Astronomy, Theoretical and Applied, pg. 264. Ed. Roshdi Rasheed. London: Routledge, 1996. ISBN0415124107
Huff, Toby (2003). The Rise of Early Modern Science: Islam, China, and the West. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN0-521-52994-8.