Alejandro López Román (born 1971) is a Spanish composer and pianist. Musician of eclectic style, his works cover both current symphonic composition like jazz or film music.
He has composed over seventy works for piano, voice, guitar, orchestra, chamber, electroacoustic, and teaching music, modern (jazz, pop) and film music, theatre and dance. He has scored fifteen short films and three feature films.
In 2014 he obtained the Doctorate in Philosophy from the Department of Aesthetics, UNED, after completion of his thesis "Musivisual analysis, audition guide and study of film music", where he analyses the connections between the language of image and musical language.
In 2003 he became a Professor at the department for Audiovisual Composition of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, where he launched the Classroom "CINEMA" (Composition and Research in the Audiovisual Media).
2004 Award for Best Original Soundtrack by Niño Vudú by Toni Bestard in "IX Festival de Cine Ciudad de Zaragoza"
2005 Award from the I Forum of Young Composers of the Fundación Sax-Ensemble by Argos, for saxophone quintet, two percussionists and piano
2005 4th Prize "Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga" by Ménades for chamber orchestra, the "Young Composers XVI Premio SGAE"
2007 2nd Prize "Angel Iglesias" by Dos Estudios Extraños, for guitar, in "II Guitar Composition Competition Ciudad de Badajoz"
2015 "Cultura Viva Award" in the "Music" category of the XXIV Edition of the Spanish National Viva Cultura Awards for its extensive and multifaceted work as a creator, performer and pedagogue
2018 Gold Medal (Contemporary Classical and Album), Music Global Awards for the album “Chamber Music”
2017 Silver Medal. Music Global Awards for “Epojé, Op. 50”, para violoncello y piano
Catalog of works
1990 Danza Espectral for violin, flute, clarinet, trombone and piano (out of print)
2017 A Common Enemy, Soundtrack of the movie / CD Rosetta Records
2017 Chamber Music, CD Naxos
2017 Spirit of Nature, Soundtrack / CD Mousiké
2015 Integral de la Obra para Arpa dedicada a Mª Rosa Calvo-Manzano, CD Arlu Discos
2013 La Perfecta Desconocida, Soundtrack / CD Karonte
2012 El Perfecto Desconocido, Soundtrack of the movie / CD Karonte
2011 Dos princesas and Bacantes in "Dúos para flauta y arpa españoles contemporáneos", CD Arlu Discos
2010 Intrusos en Manasés, Soundtrack of the movie / CD Mousiké
2009 Electroshock, Soundtrack of the movie / CD Mousiké
2008 Ludus Ludovico and Sonata para flauta, violoncello y arpa in "El arpa en la música de cámara española contemporánea", CD Arlu Discos
2008 Music for Shortfilms, compilation CD / CD Mousiké
2007 Ménades, para orquesta de cámara in "XVI-XVII PREMIO SGAE Jóvenes Compositores", CD Fundación Autor
Books published
2017 Análisis Musivisual, guía de audición y estudio de la música cinematográfica. Editorial Visión Libros, Madrid
2008 El Lenguaje Musivisual, semiótica y estética de la música cinematográfica, Editorial Visión Libros, Madrid
2008 Indeterminación y minimalismo, pop y vanguardias, Lulu
2008 Manuel de Falla y la filosofía española, Lulu
2009 Estética de la música cinematográfica, aspectos differenciadores, in "Reflexiones en torno a la música y la imagen desde la musicología española", edition by Matilde Olarte, Salamanca
2009 Enseñanza de la música de cine en España, in the magazine "Música y Educación", number 78, year XXII
2007 Cine, Música, Arquitectura. Ejercicio Interdisciplinar de percepción del espacio y memoria auditiva, in "Experiencias de innovación docente en la Universidad de Alcalá", Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)