Alley Oop is a syndicated comic strip created December 5, 1932, by American cartoonistV. T. Hamlin, who wrote and drew the strip through four decades for Newspaper Enterprise Association. Hamlin introduced a cast of colorful characters and his storylines entertained with a combination of adventure, fantasy, and humor. Alley Oop, the strip's title character, is a sturdy citizen in the prehistoric kingdom of Moo. He rides his pet dinosaur Dinny, carries a stone axe, and wears only a fur loincloth.
Alley Oop's name was most likely derived from the French phrase allez, hop! In the 1933 press release that accompanied the launching of the strip with its new distributor NEA, Hamlin was quoted as saying "I really can't recall just how I struck upon the name 'Alley Oop', although it might be from the fact that the name is a French term used by tumblers. Alley Oop really is a roughhouse tumbler."[1] The name of Alley's girlfriend, Ooola, was a play on a different French phrase: oh là là.[2]
The first stories took place in the fictional "Bone Age" (similar to the Stone Age) and centered on Alley Oop's dealings with his fellow cavemen in the kingdom of Moo. Oop and his pals had occasional skirmishes with the rival kingdom of Lem, ruled by King Tunk. The names Moo and Lem are references to the fabled lost continents of Mu and Lemuria.
On April 5, 1939, Hamlin introduced a new plot device which greatly expanded his choice of storylines: A time machine was invented by 20th-century scientist Dr. Elbert Wonmug; the name Wonmug was a pun on Albert Einstein, as "ein" is German for "one" and a "stein" is a type of drinking mug.[3][4]
Oop was transported to the 20th century by an early test of the machine (in the daily strip of April 8 and the Sunday strip of April 9, 1939). He became Dr. Wonmug's man in the field, embarking on expeditions to various periods in history, such as Ancient Egypt, the England of Robin Hood, and the American frontier. Oop met historical or mythical figures such as Cleopatra, King Arthur, and Ulysses in his adventures. In addition to the time machine, other science-fiction devices were introduced. Oop once drove an experimental electric-powered race car, and he has space-traveled to Venus, the moon (twice), and "Earth-Two". During his adventures, he was often accompanied by his girlfriend Ooola and by the sometimes-villainous, sometimes-heroic George Oscar Boom (G. O. Boom). Laboratory assistant Ava Peckedge joined the cast in 1986.
Syndication history
Alley Oop was first distributed by the small syndicate Bonnet-Brown on December 5, 1932, but this run ended on April 26, 1933, when Bonnet-Brown became defunct. NEA picked up the strip and, starting on August 7, 1933, the earlier material was reworked for a larger readership. A full-pageSunday strip was added on September 9, 1934; the strip also appeared in half-page, tabloid, and half-tab formats, which were smaller and/or dropped panels. During World War II, newspapers eliminated full-page comics to save paper; starting on December 1, 1940, Alley Oop's Sunday comic was offered in a smaller format which could, at an editor's discretion, be further reconfigured to save space. Daily comics were first reduced in size on April 20, 1942, and have become smaller since then, but they have been appearing in color since September 15, 2008.
When Hamlin retired in 1971, his assistant Dave Graue took over. Graue had been assisting Hamlin since 1950 (starting as a letterer) and creating the daily solo since July 15, 1966,[citation needed] although co-signed by Hamlin. Hamlin's last signed daily strip appeared December 31, 1972, and his last signed Sunday was April 1, 1973. Through the 1970s and 1980s, Graue wrote and drew the strip from his North Carolina studio. In 1974 Graue retained an assistant, Dave Olson, to ink and letter the strips.[5] Olson worked on the strip until his retirement at the end of 1990; starting in 1991, Graue hired Jack Bender to finish the daily strips and produce the Sundays.[6]
Graue initially decided to retire at the end of 1991, and the syndicate selected Jack Bender as the strip's new creator. However, Bender was primarily interested in the art chores; he re-hired Graue to stay on as writer and recruited his wife Carole, a calligrapher. This team produced the strip from the last week of December 1991 through the end of August 2001; Graue wrote the strip and thumbnailed the art, from which Jack drew the strip and Carole lettered it. Graue finally retired in 2001, satisfied in having completed fifty years working on the strip. NEA then hired Carole as the new writer, based largely on the strength of an Alley Oop Christmas story that Carole had written and Jack had drawn, separately from the main Alley Oop strip, for the 1997 holiday season.[6] Starting September 3, 2001, Alley Oop Sunday and daily strips were drawn entirely by Jack Bender and written, lettered, and colored by his wife Carole Bender.[7] (On December 10, 2001, the 75-year-old Graue was killed in Flat Rock, North Carolina, when a dump truck hit his car.)
At its peak, Alley Oop was carried by 800 newspapers. Today,[when?] it appears in more than 600 newspapers. The strip and collections of it were popular in Mexico (under the name Trucutú) and in Brazil (Brucutu). In 1995, Alley Oop was one of 20 strips showcased in the Comic Strip Classics series of commemorative United States postage stamps.
In 2002, Dark Horse Comics produced a limited-edition figure of the character in a brightly illustrated tin container. Alley Oop was issued as statue #28 — part of their line of Classic Comic Characters collectibles.
In 2008, to celebrate Alley Oop's 75th year, the Benders conducted a contest for "Dinosaur Drawings from Our Young Readers". The entry Tyrannosaurus rex holding a banner wishing "Happy Birthday" to Alley Oop, by 12 year-old Erin Holloway of Hammond, Louisiana, was published in the comic strip on January 17, 2009.[10][11]
In popular culture
The long-running success of the strip made the character a pop culture icon referred to in fiction, pop music and dance:
"O. Paley" (whose name was a loose anagram of "Alley Oop") was the central figure in Philip José Farmer's The Alley Man, a 1959 novella about the last Neanderthal who has survived into the 20th century.
Alley Oop is mentioned in the 1971 David Bowie song Life on Mars.[13]
There is an Alley Oop museum and fantasy land theme park[14] in Iraan, Texas
Main characters
A main character is one who is a fixture of a particular setting. For example, King Guz and Queen Umpa are always present in ancient Moo, even if they are not central to every storyline.
Although Ooola is "Alley Oop's girlfriend", and their jealousy of potential rivals has driven many storylines, they rarely showed each other affection prior to the Benders' run. (More often, Ooola did serious violence to Alley's cranium.) For the first 69 years of the strip's existence, the two kissed only twice: once on August 14, 1945, as a last goodbye when they believed they were going to be drowned, and again on September 28, 1999, when Ooola pecked Alley on the cheek as thank-you for a timely rescue. The Benders made the couple more physically affectionate and even brought them to the altar—but, when they reached that point, Alley and Ooola decided that they made better friends than spouses.
Doctor Wonmug was drawn to look identical to the Grand Wizer. By the end of Dave Graue's tenure, Wonmug and the Wizer had been in each other's company five times; in each instance, the story was told as though the two characters had never met before, and the characters' identical appearances were remarked upon (May 26, 1945; December 7, 1960; July 17, 1963; July 30, 1965; September 24, 1970). The Benders addressed the similarity twice (on October 6, 2006, and March 23, 2007) by subverting it; that is, the other characters exclaimed that the two looked the same, but both the Wizer and Wonmug scoffed and claimed not to see any resemblance. In the daily strip on June 21, 1969, Wonmug's birthdate is given as May 10, 1900 (which was also V.T. Hamlin's birthday).
Dinny, Alley Oop's pet dinosaur, was designed as an amalgam of different features and was not meant to resemble any known dinosaur. Dinny's species is identified as a "Cartoonosaurus" in the daily strip on April 12, 1968.
First Appeared
Alley Oop
August 7, 1933
A time-traveling caveman
August 12, 1933
Oop's pet dinosaur
King Guzzle
September 8, 1933
Ruler of Moo
September 21, 1933
Oop's pal, who talks in rhyme
Pooky, the Grand Wizer
September 23, 1933
Advisor to the king
Queen Umpateedle
September 28, 1933
Queen of Moo
October 10, 1933
Oop's girlfriend
Dr. Elbert Wonmug
April 7, 1939
20th-century scientist and inventor
G. Oscar Boom
February 28, 1940
Rival and partner to Wonmug
Avery S. Peckedge ("Ava")
August 21, 1986
Dr. Wonmug's laboratory assistant
February 9, 2020
Time-traveling child scientist (Sundays only)
Supporting characters
New stories typically introduced new characters, especially when those stories were set outside of Moo. Therefore, a "supporting character" is one who has been featured across multiple storylines.
Eeny, the dictator, was a transparent representation of Hitler. In her first story, in 1937, she recruited "hairshirts", taught them a familiar arm-raised salute, and installed herself as "dictator" while leaving Queen Umpa as a figurehead ruler. In her second story, in 1942, she and her "Moozys", headed by the armbanded "Moostapo", overran the country and herded its citizens into "concentration caves."
The Lemian King was inconsistent during Hamlin's run. King Tunk first appeared in 1934 as a bald man with a stubbled chin, and he remained so through 1938. In 1944, this same character was named Wur rather than Tunk, although Sawalla's King Wur had previously been featured in storylines alongside King Tunk. When Lem was re-introduced in 1954, its king was named Tunk but was clean-shaven and had a full head of hair; the Lemian king returned to his original design in 1959 but was again called Wur. He regained the name Tunk in 1961 (giving his full name as "Clab Tunk" on May 22, 1961) and from then on it stuck.
Dave Wowee, Wonmug's great-great-great-grandson, was named in honor of (and drawn to resemble) Dave Graue, who typically told people that his last name "rhymes with Wowee".[15]
First Appeared
September 28, 1933
Guz and Umpa's daughter
Clab Tunk
March 21, 1934
Ruler of Lem
Dootsy Bobo
May 7, 1934
Moovian mischief-maker and rival for Ooola's affections
Ooola's cousin and Foozy's wife (married on February 20, 1939)
April 7, 1939
Dr. Wonmug's lab assistant
April 15, 1939
Dr. Wonmug's daughter
G.I. Tum
June 24, 1939
Federal agent
Dr. Amos Bronson
July 22, 1939
Historian and Wonmug's friend
Moe, Beau, and Joe
January 27, 1943
Foozy's triplets
November 20, 1953
Alley's warhorse
Sonny Boy
June 11, 1954
Dinny's descendant, a twenty-or-so-million-year-old dragon
August 11, 1954
Doc Wonmug's barbarian love interest
Jack East
February 25, 1957
Riverboat gambler
Oxy Twenty-Four
January 14, 1959
An ancient moon-man
The Gink
September 15, 1970
A mind-reading Bigfoot
January 31, 1972
a young Moovian boy
February 19, 1978
a good-natured Moovian with much brawn but little brain (Sundays only)
Wanda the Witch ("Granny")
January 18, 1979
A practitioner of magic arts and the Wizer's peer
Dave Wowee
September 21, 2002
Doc Wonmug's great-great-great-grandson from 2145
Collections and reprints
Publication Year
Dates reprinted
Alley Oop: The Sawalla Chronicles
Ken Pierce Inc.
April 10 – August 28, 1936 (a few strips omitted)
Alley Oop by Dave Graue
TOR Publications
May 14, July 6–13, Sept 18–20, November 24 – December 31, 1979; January 1 – February 4, 1980; September 8 – December 1, 1981; April 5–24, April 28 – June 12, 1982
Alley Oop Volume 1: The Adventures of a Time-Traveling Caveman
Alley Oop Goes Modern: The Complete Sundays Volume 3
Acoustic Learning
May 7, 1939 – December 28, 1941
Alley Oop In World War II: The Complete Sundays Volume 4
Acoustic Learning
January, 1942 – August, 1944
Rollerboning with Alley Oop: The Complete Sundays 1976–1978
Acoustic Learning
January 1976 – December 1978
Alley Oop Against the Outlanders: The Complete Sundays 1979–1981
Acoustic Learning
January 1979 – December 1981
Alley Oop In the Land of Giants: The Complete Sundays 1982–1984
Acoustic Learning
January 1982 – December 1984
Alley Oop and Mini-Dinny: The Complete Sundays 1985–1987
Acoustic Learning
January 1985 – December 1987
Alley Oop and the Dinosaur from Outer Space: The Complete Sundays 1994–1996
Acoustic Learning
January 1994 – December 1996
Alley Oop and the Magic Staff: The Complete Sundays 1997–1999
Acoustic Learning
January 1997 – December 1999
Alley Oop Meets Earlie Oop: The Complete Sundays 2000–2002
Acoustic Learning
January 2000 – December 2002
Alley Oop Is Ooperman: The Complete Sundays 2003–2005
Acoustic Learning
January 2003 – December 2005
Alley Oop and Dinny
Acoustic Learning
December 5, 1932 – April 26, 1933 (aka Bonnet–Brown #1–120); August 7 – December 31, 1933
War with Lem
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1934
Invasion of Moo
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1935
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1936
Chief Bighorn
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1937
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1938
Alley Oop: The First Time-Travel Adventures
Acoustic Learning
January 1, 1939 – December 31, 1942
Alley Oop and the Sword of Genghis Khan
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1943
Alley Oop and King Solomon's Mines
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1944
Alley Oop In Ancient China
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1945
Alley Oop In the Ancient Lost Atlantis (includes color Sunday strips for Atlantis story)
Acoustic Learning
January 1, 1946 – December 31, 1946
Alley Oop Meets Napoleon
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1947
Alley Oop In Egypt
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1948
Alley Oop Meets Julius Caesar (includes daily and color Sunday strips)
Acoustic Learning
January 1, 1949 – December 31, 1950
Alley Oop Is Gladiator XVIII
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1951
Alley Oop In Witchland
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1952
Alley Oop Meets Macbeth
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1953
Alley Oop and the Dragon of Iron Castle
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1954
Alley Oop and the Tiger Tail Transplant
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1955
Alley Oop Races Blarney Goldfield
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1956
Alley Oop On the Mississippi
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1957
Alley Oop: Back to the Moon
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1958
Alley Oop and the Million-Dollar Nugget
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1959
Alley Oop and the Fountain of Youth
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1960
Alley Oop Versus the Moonmen
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1961
Alley Oop and the Brain Butcher
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1962
Alley Oop and the Dragon of Silene
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1963
Alley Oop On Mount Olympus
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1964
Alley Oop: The Ice Age
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1965
Alley Oop and the Man from 2166
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1966
Alley Oop and the Neanderthals
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1967
Alley Oop In Youtopia
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1968
Alley Oop and the Beanstalk
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1969
Alley Oop and the Fabulous Ghost Racer
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1970
Alley Oop and the Mad Mod Mechanical Man
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1971
Alley Oop and Sir Clank of Far Outman
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1972
Alley Oop on the Island of Dinnys
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1973
Alley Oop and Han Sin's Kite
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1974
Alley Oop and the Thorn King of Nerr
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1975
Alley Oop and the Hunt for the Texas Pterosaurs
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1976
Alley Oop and the Great Moovian Migration
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1977
Alley Oop on the Planet of Delfon
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1978
Alley Oop In Wonderland
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1979
Alley Oop and The Seven Cities of Gold
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1980
Alley Oop Meets Draculina
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1981
Alley Oop On the Trail of the Swamp Fox
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1982
Alley Oop Versus the Black Knight
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1983
Alley Oop and the First Prehistoric Olympic Games
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1984
Alley Oop and the Captive Prince
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1985
Alley Oop In the Land of No Return
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1986
Alley Oop: Under the Sea
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1987
Alley Oop and the Hubots of Talaxia
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1988
Alley Oop Meets Fang
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1989
Alley Oop and the Monarchs of Gorp
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1990
Alley Oop In Sparta
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1991
Alley Oop and the Beast of the Woods
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1992
Alley Oop and the Art Invasion
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1993
Alley Oop and the Mesmeric Menace
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1994
Alley Oop Versus the Nightlings
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1995
Alley Oop and the Fire Goddess
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1996
Alley Oop and the Minotaur
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1997
Alley Oop and the Zan of Zoron
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1998
Alley Oop and the Counterfeit Queen
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 1999
Alley Oop and the Mighty Kafrak
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 2000
Alley Oop and the Slavers
Acoustic Learning
January 1 – December 31, 2001
In addition to the magazines mentioned in the table below, Comics Revue has also reprinted Alley Oop daily and Sunday strips. The Menomonee Falls Guardian, published weekly, reprinted one week of daily strips in each issue. The Menomonee Falls Guardian Special #1–3 were sold separately; Special #4 was an insert included with issue #100.
December 5, 1932 – January 3, 1933 August 7 – September 2, 1933 December 19, 1993 – February 20, 1994 (Sundays) September 15 – November 8, 1980
Alley Oop Magazine #1
Spec Productions
July 3 - September 28, 1940; September 8–13, 1941 June 5–13, 1962 February 27 – March 27, 1994 & May 7, 1995 (Sundays) November 10 - December 25, 1980
Alley Oop Magazine #2
Spec Productions
January 9–30, 1933 & Bonnet–Brown #49–75 August 4 – December 22, 1996 (Sundays) September 30 – November 25, 1940
Alley Oop Magazine #3
Spec Productions
November 26, 1940 – May 31, 1941
Alley Oop Magazine #4
Spec Productions
Bonnet–Brown #75–101 April 10 – September 18, 1994 (Sundays) May 30 – August 5, 1983 June 3 – July 7, 1941
Alley Oop Magazine #5
Spec Productions
August 8 – October 11, 1983 July 9 – October 21, 1941
Alley Oop Magazine #6
Spec Productions
October 21, 1941 – April 21, 1942
Alley Oop Magazine #7
Spec Productions
April 21 – August 13, 1942 January 16 – March 26, 1991
Alley Oop Magazine #8
Spec Productions
August 14, 1942 – January 16, 1943 March 27 – April 15, 1991
Alley Oop Magazine #9
Spec Productions
January 16 – May 1, 1943 April 16 – July 6, 1991
Alley Oop Magazine #10
Spec Productions
May 3 – October 27, 1943
Alley Oop Magazine #11
Spec Productions
October 28, 1943 – May 13, 1944
Alley Oop Magazine #12
Spec Productions
May 15 – November 21, 1944
Alley Oop Magazine #13
Spec Productions
Bonnet–Brown #102–120 November 22, 1944 – January 27, 1945 December 2, 1981 – February 6, 1982
Alley Oop Magazine #14
Spec Productions
January 29 – June 30, 1945 February 10 – March 31, 2002 (Sundays)
Alley Oop Magazine #15
Spec Productions
July 2, 1945 – January 11, 1946
Alley Oop Magazine #16
Spec Productions
January 12 – July 19, 1946 (includes color Sundays from April 7 – June 2) September 23 & 27 and Sunday, December 1, 2002
Alley Oop Magazine #17
Spec Productions
November 11, 1950 – May 21, 1951
Alley Oop Magazine #18
Spec Productions
May 22 – December 31, 1951
Alley Oop Magazine #19
Spec Productions
January 1 – July 5, 1952
Alley Oop Magazine #20
Spec Productions
July 7 – December 23, 1952
Alley Oop Magazine #21
Spec Productions
December 24, 1952 – June 13, 1953
Alley Oop Magazine #22
Spec Productions
June 15 – December 31, 1953
Alley Oop Magazine #23
Spec Productions
January 1 – June 30, 1954
Alley Oop Magazine #24
Spec Productions
July 1 – December 30, 1954
Alley Oop Magazine #25
Spec Productions
January 1 – July 1, 1955
Alley Oop Magazine #26
Spec Productions
July 1 – December 31, 1955
Alley Oop Magazine #27
Spec Productions
January 1 – June 30, 1956
Alley Oop Magazine #28
Spec Productions
August 2, 1956 – January 1, 1957
Alley Oop Magazine #29
Spec Productions
January – June, 1957
Alley Oop Magazine #30
Spec Productions
July – December, 1957
Alley Oop Magazine #31
Spec Productions
January – June, 1958
Alley Oop Magazine #32
Spec Productions
July – December, 1958
Alley Oop Magazine #33
Spec Productions
January – June, 1959
Alley Oop Magazine #34
Spec Productions
July – December 31, 1959
Various strips have also been reprinted in comic-book form. The comic books tended to alter the original reading experience by colorizing the daily strips as well as rearranging, dropping, cropping or extending panels to fit the format. Recap and exposition panels, as well as strips that served as diversions from the perceived "main story" (such as an interlude of Alley and Foozy discovering how to drive a car while Dr. Wonmug fixed the time machine), were typically excised.
Famous Funnies and The Funnies re-lettered their Sunday-strip reprints, enlarging the text and simplifying the language, so that the comic would be more legible when reduced from tabloid to comic-book size. Although the first seven issues of Red Ryder Comics' Sunday-strip reprints were unaltered, in every subsequent issue the panels were enlarged, redrawn, rearranged or deleted.
The Antarctic Press series featured a combination of original material, direct reprints of newspaper comics, and redrawn adaptations of newspaper-strip stories. The reprints rearranged, resized, and sometimes omitted panels. These reprints and adaptations are noted in the list of storylines.
Publication Date
Dates covered
Famous Funnies #19–25
February–August 1936
Eastern Color Printing Co.
October 28 – December 9, 1934 (one Sunday page per issue)
The Funnies #1
October 1936
Dell Publishing Co.
November 17 – December 8, 1935 (Sundays)
The Funnies #2
November 1936
Dell Publishing Co.
December 15, 1935 – January 6, 1936 (Sundays)
The Funnies #3
December 1936
Dell Publishing Co.
January 13 – February 3, 1936 (Sundays)
The Funnies #4
January 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
February 10–17 & March 1–8, 1936 (Sundays)
The Funnies #5
February 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
March 15 – April 5, 1936 (Sundays)
The Funnies #6
March 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
April 12 – May 3, 1936 (Sundays)
The Funnies #7
April 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
May 10–31, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #8
May 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
June 7–28, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #9
June 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
July 5–26, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #10
July 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
August 2, 23, 30 & September 6, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #11
August 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
September 13 – October 4, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #12
September 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
October 11 – November 1, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #13
October 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
November 8–29, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #14
November 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
December 13–27, 1936 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #15
December 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
January 3–24, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #16
January 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
December 6, 1936 & February 7–21, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #17
February 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
February 28 – March 31, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #18
March 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
March 28 – April 18, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #19
April 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
April 25 – May 16, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #20
May 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
May 23 – June 13, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #21
June 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
June 20 – July 11, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #22
July 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
July 18 – August 8, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #23
August 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
August 15 – September 5, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #24
September 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
September 12 – October 3, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #25
October 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
October 10–31, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #26
November 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
November 7–28, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #27
December 1938
Dell Publishing Co.
December 5–26, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #28
January 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
January 2–23, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #29
February 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
January 30 – February 20, 1937 (Sundays, with panels removed)
The Funnies #30
April 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
November 15–27, 1937
The Funnies #31
May 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
November 29 – December 11, 1937
The Funnies #32
June 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
December 13–29, 1938
The Funnies #33
July 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
December 30, 1937 – January 15, 1938
The Funnies #34
August 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
January 17–29, 1938
The Funnies #35
September 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
January 31 – February 12, 1938
The Funnies #36
October 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
February 14 – March 7, 1938
The Funnies #37
November 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
March 8–21, 1938
The Funnies #38
December 1939
Dell Publishing Co.
March 22 – April 6, 1938
The Funnies #39
January 1940
Dell Publishing Co.
April 6–22, 1938
The Funnies #40
February 1940
Dell Publishing Co.
April 22 – May 3, 1938
The Funnies #41
March 1940
Dell Publishing Co.
May 4–16, 1938
The Funnies #42
April 1940
Dell Publishing Co.
May 17–27, 1938
The Funnies #43
May 1940
Dell Publishing Co.
May 27 – June 7, 1938
The Funnies #44
June 1940
Dell Publishing Co.
June 7–17, 1938
The Comics #3
May 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
June 10–21, 1935
The Comics #4
July 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
June 22–29 & July 10–15, 1935
The Comics #5
September 1937
Dell Publishing Co.
July 1–9 & 16–19, 1935
Four Color Comic #3
Dell Publishing Co.
December 11, 1937 – July 19, 1938
Red Ryder Comics #6
April 1942
KK Publications
June 11 & 18, July 2 & 9, 1939 (Sundays)
Red Ryder Comics #7
May/June 1942
KK Publications
July 16 – August 6, 1939 (Sundays)
Red Ryder Comics #8
July/August 1942
KK Publications
August 13 – September 3, 1939 (Sundays)
Red Ryder Comics #9
September/October 1942
KK Publications
September 17 – October 1, 1939 (Sundays)
Red Ryder Comics #10
November/December 1942
KK Publications
October 8–22 & November 5, 1939 (Sundays)
Red Ryder Comics #11
January/February 1943
KK Publications
November 12 – December 3, 1939 (Sundays)
Red Ryder Comics #12
March/April 1943
KK Publications
December 10–31, 1939 (Sundays)
Red Ryder Comics #13
May/June 1943
KK Publications
January 7–28, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #14
July/August 1943
KK Publications
January 28 – February 18, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #15
September/October 1943
KK Publications
February 18 – March 10, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #16
November/December 1943
KK Publications
March 17 – April 7, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #17
January/February 1944
KK Publications
April 14 – May 5, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #18
March/April 1944
KK Publications
May 12 – June 2, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #19
May/June 1944
KK Publications
May 12 – June 30, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #20
July/August 1944
KK Publications
July 7–28, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #21
September/October 1944
KK Publications
August 4–25, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #22
November/December 1944
KK Publications
September 1–22, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #23
January/February 1944
KK Publications
September 29 – October 13, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #24
March/April 1945
KK Publications
October 20 – November 3, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #25
May/June 1945
KK Publications
November 10, 24 & December 1, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #26
July/August 1945
KK Publications
December 8 & 15, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #27
September/October 1945
KK Publications
December 22 & 29, 1940 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #28
November 1945
KK Publications
January 5 & 12, 1941 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #29
December 1945
KK Publications
January 19 & February 16, 1941 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #30
January 1946
KK Publications
February 23 & March 2, 1941 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #31
February 1946
KK Publications
March 9 & 16, 1941 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Red Ryder Comics #32
March 1946
KK Publications
March 23 & 30, 1941 (Sundays, panels rearranged)
Alley Oop #10
September 1947
Visual Editions Inc.
April 15 – November 9, 1935
Alley Oop #11
December 1947
Visual Editions Inc.
November 3 – December 26, 1939; March 15 – April 26, 1940
Alley Oop #12
March 1948
Visual Editions Inc.
Alley Oop #13
June 1948
Visual Editions Inc.
April 12 – June 21, 1941; July 12 – August 2, 1941
Alley Oop #14
September 1948
Visual Editions Inc.
August 4 – September 22, 1941; October 8 – November 24, 1941
Alley Oop #15
December 1948
Visual Editions Inc.
October 25, 1940 – March 21, 1941
Alley Oop #16
March 1949
Visual Editions Inc.
April 29, 1940, to ?
Alley Oop #17
June 1949
Visual Editions Inc.
August 16 – November 24, 1944
Alley Oop #18
October 1949
Visual Editions Inc.
July 29 – December 2, 1946
Alley Oop #1
November 1955
Argo Publishing Co.
June 15 – September 9 and October 24, 1953
Alley Oop #2
January 1956
Argo Publishing Co.
from 1953: dailies September 22 – October 3, October 12–16, October 27 – November 12; Sundays May 24 – June 14 (some panels omitted)
Alley Oop #3
March 1956
Argo Publishing Co.
March 22 – June 5, 1954
Alley Oop Adventures #1
August 1998
Antarctic Press
Two original stories, two adaptations, and one reprint
Alley Oop Adventures #2
October 1998
Antarctic Press
One original story; three original one-page features; two adaptations
Alley Oop Adventures #3
December 1998
Antarctic Press
Two original stories, later adapted into Sunday strips; one original one-page feature; one reprint; one adaptation
Alley Oop Adventures #1
September 1999
Antarctic Press
One original story, later published as Sunday strips; two reprints; one Jack Bender tryout strip, later published as a Sunday strip
Alley Oop Adventures #2
December 1999
Antarctic Press
Three original stories, two later adapted into Sunday strips; one reprint; one Jack Bender tryout strip
Alley Oop Adventures #3
March 2000
Antarctic Press
Two adaptations, one reprint
Original publications
The following publications were original material, not newspaper reprints:
The following table is a list of storylines featured in the Sunday comic strips. The ending of a storyline frequently overlapped with the beginning of the next, and actual story titles were provided only on a few occasions (e.g., "Alley Oop at Crummystone Manor" or "The Perpetual Motion Machine"). The dates and story descriptions given here are, therefore, not official or definitive delineations but may serve as a rough index to the history of the strip. Most of the Sunday strips from November 1996 onward are available on
The Sunday strips' continuity ran separately from the daily strips until 2006 (with two exceptions, as noted in the list). In the first few years following the time machine's introduction, Hamlin shifted the setting of the Sunday strip, sometimes abruptly, to match that of the daily storyline, but the Sunday and daily strips were entirely different stories, told in parallel, and they did not overlap. For example, when Oop was first brought to the 20th century, the Sunday storyline showed him doing little more than figuring out modern clothing and calmly running a few errands, whereas the daily strip had him roving all around the countryside in cars, trains, and planes, wreaking havoc and making headlines as the "Phantom Ape". If the same events did occur in both continuities, they were always told differently: before the first time-machine story, for example, Alley Oop acquired the Moovian royal jewels; however, in the Sunday strip, Guz voluntarily installed Alley as king (so he could take a vacation), while in the daily strip Alley took the throne by force (as revenge for Guz stealing and eating Dinny's egg).
After 1961, the Sunday strips featured no time travel but were set exclusively in Moo. It is possible that, from 1961 onward, the Sunday stories were meant to have taken place prior to Alley having met the time-machine crew because, in these strips, Alley was shown to be unaware of concepts he had already encountered in the time-travel storylines, such as shoes, or snow, or even the wheel.
Starting in January 2006, through the Benders' retirement in mid-2019, Sunday strips were not new stories but reprinted panels from the previous week's daily strips.
Since late 2019, the artistic team has made the Sunday strips "Little Oop", portraying a young Alley Oop. Little Oop was first set in a land of Moo that is anachronistic in a way similar to the Flintstones' "modern stone age", but he met a time-traveling child named Penelope who brought him to the modern era (on March 1, 2020).
Topper strips
Alley Oop's Sunday page had different toppers starting with the first strip and running through 1944:
Dinny's Family Album, September 9, 1934 – February 7, 1937
Foozy's Limericks, February 21 – May 16, 1937
Prehistoric Cut-Outs in Modern Dress, May 23 – September 12, 1937
Fragments, September 19, 1937 – April 9, 1939
Scientists Say, April 16 – July 2, 1939
Odds 'n' Ends, July 9, 1939 – April 21, 1940
Story of a Dinosaur Egg, April 28 – August 25, 1940
Foozy's Foolosophies, September 1, 1940 – September 5, 1943
The characters argue over who gets to use the space (breaking the fourth wall), September 12, 1943 – January 2, 1944
Buy War Bonds cartoon advertisements, January 9 – August 27, 1944[16]
Sunday strips
Start Date
End Date
September 9, 1934
October 7, 1934
Alley and Foozy start a trading business (Through the end of 1937, many storylines are driven by the two partners' profit schemes for this business.)
October 14, 1934
November 11, 1934
Guz wants a dinosaur
November 18, 1934
Foozy gives love advice
November 25, 1934
Alley solves the rock pile
December 2, 1934
December 9, 1934
Foozy promotes the Big Fight
December 16, 1934
February 3, 1935
Ama, the land of wild women
February 10, 1935
Foozy the debt collector
February 17, 1935
Oop's animal trap
February 24, 1935
March 3, 1935
Catching a merawow
March 10, 1935
Alley and Foozy play axe-golf
March 17, 1935
Foozy sells some beads
March 24, 1935
April 7, 1935
Umpa goes on a diet
April 14, 1935
May 19, 1935
Alley's new pet dinosaur
May 26, 1935
June 9, 1935
Alley courts Ooola
June 16, 1935
Guz's police report
June 23, 1935
June 30, 1935
Alley goes fishing
July 7, 1935
July 14, 1935
Alley's sore thumb
July 21, 1935
August 18, 1935
gag strips
August 25, 1935
September 29, 1935
Alley and Foozy have a fire sale
October 6, 1935
November 3, 1935
Guz's new robe
November 10, 1935
January 13, 1936
Oop, king of Oompahlan
January 20, 1936
February 10, 1936
gag strips
February 17, 1936
March 15, 1936
Dinosaur hunt
March 22, 1936
Axe-golf with Guz
March 29, 1936
May 3, 1936
Dinosaur egg pranks
May 10, 1936
June 14, 1936
gag strips
June 21, 1936
August 2, 1936
Munitions profiteering in war with Lem
August 9, 1936
Umpa's melon shelf
August 16, 1936
August 23, 1936
Brontosaurus hunt
August 30, 1936
Dinny's day in the jungle
September 7, 1936
September 13, 1936
Foozy lassos a pterodactyl
September 20, 1936
Posies are food for the soul
September 27, 1936
October 4, 1936
Alley annoys Guz and the Wizer
October 11, 1936
October 25, 1936
Foozy vs the Wizer
November 1, 1936
December 27, 1936
Foozy's price war
January 3, 1937
January 10, 1937
Guz's toothache
January 17, 1937
January 24, 1937
Fishing for dinosaurs
January 31, 1937
March 7, 1937
Crossing crocodile creek
March 14, 1937
March 28, 1937
Alley feeds the Moovian army
April 4, 1937
June 20, 1937
Alley's prize fight
June 27, 1937
October 10, 1937
Foozy, tax criminal
October 17, 1937
May 8, 1938
The Royal Moovian Circus
May 15, 1938
June 12, 1938
War with Lem over entertainment fees
June 19, 1938
July 3, 1938
Oop's imaginary jail sentence
July 10, 1938
Fishing with Foozy
July 17, 1938
November 13, 1938
G-man Foozy and Two-Axe Oop: Moovian cop
November 20, 1938
December 11, 1938
The football game: Moo vs Lem
December 18, 1938
January 15, 1939
Oop vs Guz
January 22, 1939
March 26, 1939
gag strips
April 2, 1939
July 16, 1939
Oop meets the 20th century
July 23, 1939
September 17, 1939
Alley Oop, millionaire
September 24, 1939
October 22, 1939
The skeptics visit Moo
October 29, 1939
November 5, 1939
Oop gets a mule
November 12, 1939
December 17, 1939
Escape from Troy
Start Date
End Date
December 24, 1939
March 24, 1940
Sailing with Eneas
March 31, 1940
June 30, 1940
A visit to Amazonia
July 7, 1940
October 20, 1940
Oop meets Cleopatra
October 27, 1940
November 17, 1940
200 million BC: Earth's second moon explodes
November 24, 1940
April 20, 1941
Oop returns to Cleopatra
April 27, 1941
September 28, 1941
Oop, pirate captain
October 5, 1941
October 26, 1941
Dinny gets stuck in the time-field
November 2, 1941
February 1, 1942
Castle siege in 12th-century England
February 8, 1942
March 22, 1942
The great tournament
March 29, 1942
April 26, 1942
Alley vs King John's troops
May 3, 1942
May 17, 1942
Alley tries to enlist in WWII
May 24, 1942
June 14, 1942
Oop turns invisible
June 21, 1942
September 27, 1942
Alley runs off to fight the war
October 4, 1942
November 22, 1942
Making movies in Moo
November 29, 1942
January 10, 1943
Oop the Hollywood star
January 17, 1943
February 7, 1943
Alley breaks his leg
February 14, 1943
May 9, 1943
Ancient Atlantis
May 16, 1943
July 25, 1943
Mystery of the haunted house
August 1, 1943
September 19, 1943
Spook hunting, round two
September 26, 1943
December 26, 1943
Beach vacation
January 2, 1944
March 19, 1944
Dr. Goo's shrinking potion
March 26, 1944
July 30, 1944
Rollo the brontosaurus
August 6, 1944
August 20, 1944
Oop helps with war production
August 27, 1944
October 15, 1944
Oop vs the USPS
October 22, 1944
November 5, 1944
Alley gets sick
November 12, 1944
May 27, 1945
Alley Oop at Crummystone Manor
June 3, 1945
September 23, 1945
The Perpetual Motion Machine (the time-machine's viewscreen is introduced on September 16)
September 30, 1945
November 18, 1945
Alley meets the Teutonic Cimbrians
November 25, 1945
January 6, 1946
Alley brings home Willie the horse
January 13, 1946
February 3, 1946
Love and marriage in Moo
February 10, 1946
March 10, 1946
Alley and Foozy on the town
March 17, 1946
March 24, 1946
Dinny vs Willie
March 31, 1946
June 2, 1946
(these are integrated with daily-strip continuity)
June 9, 1946
June 16, 1946
Alley retrieves Willie
June 23, 1946
August 11, 1946
Alley rewires the time machine
August 18, 1946
November 24, 1946
Alley meets Aladdin
December 1, 1946
December 22, 1946
Santa's weight-loss program
December 29, 1946
January 19, 1947
Alley's flying carpet ride
January 26, 1947
May 18, 1947
Ooola, the Witch of Red Tower
May 25, 1947
August 10, 1947
By rocket to Antarctica
August 17, 1947
September 7, 1947
Ham the Hermit's Moovian revolution
September 14, 1947
November 2, 1947
Alley and Oscar's prank war
November 9, 1947
November 23, 1947
Alley and the steam shovel
November 30, 1947
January 4, 1947
Alley meets Vikings
January 11, 1947
April 11, 1947
Wu Sing's dragon
April 18, 1948
May 30, 1947
Oop and the beanstalk
June 6, 1948
August 1, 1947
Oop loses his punch
August 8, 1948
October 3, 1948
The dragon in Moo
October 10, 1948
October 31, 1948
Alley becomes invisible
November 7, 1948
January 23, 1949
Invisible Oop fights alongside King Arthur
January 30, 1949
February 13, 1949
Alley gets sick
February 20, 1949
May 1, 1949
Oop vs the Soofoot Indian tribe
May 8, 1949
October 29, 1950
(these are integrated with daily-strip continuity)
Start Date
End Date
November 5, 1950
November 12, 1950
February 11, 1951
The Tale of the Butcher Baron
February 18, 1951
April 15, 1951
Oop's better way of life for Moo
April 22, 1951
June 3, 1951
Oop, ghost at large
June 10, 1951
July 15, 1951
Guz and the Moovian jail
July 22, 1951
September 2, 1951
Oop, champion of the people
September 9, 1951
September 30, 1951
Ooola returns to Moo
October 7, 1951
October 21, 1951
Foozy's toothache
October 28, 1951
November 18, 1951
Little Oop learns to hunt
November 25, 1951
December 23, 1951
Foozy's kids go hunting
December 30, 1951
January 20, 1952
Dinny's stolen egg
January 27, 1952
March 2, 1952
Oop, court minstrel
March 9, 1952
June 1, 1952
Dinny catches a cold
June 8, 1952
July 20, 1952
Guz tries to exile Oop
July 27, 1952
September 28, 1952
The flying dinosaurs
October 5, 1952
November 2, 1952
Stock car racing
November 9, 1952
November 30, 1952
Modern policemen in Moo
December 7, 1952
February 15, 1953
Oop loses his memory
February 22, 1953
April 26, 1953
Oop takes the Moovian crown
May 3, 1953
May 24, 1953
Hunting with Foozy's kids
May 31, 1953
July 12, 1953
Oop as Guz's bodyguard
July 19, 1953
August 30, 1953
Oop needs new pants
September 6, 1953
December 6, 1953
December 13, 1953
January 10, 1954
Guz and Alley settle their differences
January 17, 1954
Alley's garden
January 24, 1954
February 21, 1954
Ooola and Alley patch things up
February 28, 1954
May 30, 1954
Guz and Alley have a duel
June 6, 1954
June 27, 1954
Foozy's blackmail scheme
July 4, 1954
August 29, 1954
Oop, chief of Moovian police
September 5, 1954
November 28, 1954
Dogs and cats
December 5, 1954
December 26, 1954
Oop strains his brain
January 2, 1955
February 6, 1955
Prince Oop
February 13, 1955
March 6, 1955
Woman troubles
March 13, 1955
June 5, 1955
Oop, assistant Wizer
June 12, 1955
July 3, 1955
Guz drives Oop out of Moo
July 10, 1955
August 14, 1955
Eedy and her father
August 21, 1955
October 9, 1955
X-ray vision
October 16, 1955
October 23, 1955
Pterodactyl riding with Foozy
October 30, 1955
January 15, 1956
The king of Gondwana abducts the Wizer
January 22, 1956
March 25, 1956
It's a woman's world
April 1, 1956
April 22, 1956
Alley brings Guz a dinosaur
April 29, 1956
May 20, 1956
Adventures in babysitting
May 27, 1956
July 15, 1956
Guz sends the army after Alley
July 22, 1956
August 26, 1956
Guz and Umpa go on a diet
September 2, 1956
September 16, 1956
Foozy tries Wizing
September 23, 1956
October 7, 1956
Cross-dressing Moovians
October 14, 1956
November 25, 1956
Alley fixes his axe
December 2, 1956
January 13, 1957
Alley pretends to be sick
January 20, 1957
April 21, 1957
Guz learns to act like royalty
April 28, 1957
June 16, 1957
The ceratosaurus gizzard
June 23, 1957
June 30, 1957
National Black Eye Week
July 7, 1957
August 18, 1957
Guz and Umpa abdicate / A word from our sponsor (The "word from our sponsor" was a meta-fictional story-within-a-story in which the Alley Oop characters lifted the comic panels to look for an annoying spokesman who kept interrupting their storyline.)
August 25, 1957
September 15, 1957
The yowling dinosaur
September 22, 1957
November 3, 1957
Foozy and Alley explore Moo
November 10, 1957
December 29, 1957
Wala, Poddywumps, and Whiskers come to Moo
January 5, 1958
February 9, 1958
Oop, minister of women's affairs
February 16, 1958
May 11, 1958
Oop becomes a Yobnerg ("greenboy" spelled backwards)
May 18, 1958
June 15, 1958
Diving for doubloons
June 22, 1958
October 19, 1958
Big game hunting (This is the next-to-last Sunday time-travel story)
October 26, 1958
December 7, 1958
Guz hurts his foot
December 14, 1958
December 28, 1958
The tailless dinosaur
January 4, 1959
February 15, 1959
Guz's pet mammoth
February 22, 1959
March 29, 1959
It's a man's world
April 5, 1959
April 26, 1959
Guz's vacation
May 3, 1959
June 7, 1959
Oop's hot-air balloon
June 14, 1959
July 19, 1959
Oop returns to Moo
July 26, 1959
August 23, 1959
Firing the Grand Wizer
August 30, 1959
October 4, 1959
Guz's toothache
October 11, 1959
November 22, 1959
November 29, 1959
December 6, 1959
Alley and Foozy sit and think
December 13, 1959
June 26, 1960
Oop, king of Mootoo
Start Date
End Date
July 3, 1960
July 10, 1960
Guz puts down the revolution
July 17, 1960
August 28, 1960
Alley takes it easy
September 4, 1960
October 23, 1960
Riding the gold train
October 30, 1960
January 1, 1961
Meeting Alley's father (this is the last Sunday time-travel story)
January 8, 1961
February 12, 1961
Tax collections
February 19, 1961
April 2, 1961
Ooola makes Alley jealous
April 9, 1961
May 7, 1961
The underwater mystery monster
May 14, 1961
June 25, 1961
Oop, game warden
July 2, 1961
September 3, 1961
Substitute king Hexa
September 10, 1961
October 8, 1961
The royal family's mental wellness
October 15, 1961
November 19, 1961
Measles outbreak
November 26, 1961
December 24, 1961
He Ro arrives
December 31, 1961
February 25, 1962
Oop the clam magnate (In a light-hearted jibe at the B.C. comic strip, Oop discovers that clams make awful currency because they spoil and stink.)
March 4, 1962
April 1, 1962
Oop's not dead
April 8, 1962
April 29, 1962
Killjoy Oop
May 6, 1962
June 24, 1962
The exalted society of Moovian bird-watchers
July 1, 1962
August 19, 1962
Guz and Wizer trade places (On August 12, the Wizer's name is revealed to be "Pooky")
August 26, 1962
November 11, 1962
Wizer vs Dujoo the witch
November 18, 1962
December 2, 1962
Oop's hammock
December 9, 1962
December 23, 1962
Boredom in Moo
December 30, 1962
March 10, 1963
The Wizer goes away for a while
March 17, 1963
July 7, 1963
Moovian weight-reduction programs
July 14, 1963
August 18, 1963
Modern art in Moo
August 25, 1963
October 13, 1963
Guz's golf game
October 20, 1963
November 24, 1963
Umpa's picture window
January 12, 1963
December 29, 1963
Oop and Foozy go foraging
January 5, 1964
March 29, 1964
Oop denies being smart
April 5, 1964
May 10, 1964
Alley visits Mogo
May 17, 1964
August 9, 1964
The Mogoite invasion
August 16, 1964
September 20, 1964
Golf with a moron
September 27, 1964
November 1, 1964
The gazookus gizzard
November 8, 1964
January 31, 1965
Guz pretends to be dead
February 7, 1965
May 16, 1965
The Wizer is fired and re-hired
May 23, 1965
August 1, 1965
Alley and Foozy go hunting
August 8, 1965
August 22, 1965
Alley and Foozy's musical jam
August 29, 1965
September 26, 1965
The Wizer calms Oop
October 3, 1965
November 21, 1965
Moovian tiddlywinks
November 28, 1965
December 5, 1965
The fairy circle
December 12, 1965
January 9, 1966
Black-eyed romance
January 16, 1966
February 13, 1966
The dinosaur mating song
February 20, 1966
March 6, 1966
Wizer psyches out Oop
March 13, 1966
April 24, 1966
The dinosaur pox
May 1, 1966
July 10, 1966
Guz's nephew takes over
July 17, 1966
August 21, 1966
Umpa takes the throne
August 28, 1966
November 27, 1966
Guz gets a new spotted cat skin
December 4, 1966
December 25, 1966
Alley and Foozy go fishing
January 1, 1967
January 22, 1967
The Wizer's a trapper
January 29, 1967
March 5, 1967
Oop's new dinosaur Gizzy
March 12, 1967
April 2, 1967
Alley uses big words
April 9, 1967
May 28, 1967
Alley's evil eye
June 4, 1967
September 10, 1967
Umpa leaves Guz
September 17, 1967
September 24, 1967
gag strips
October 1, 1967
December 10, 1967
Alley's new pet dinosaur
December 17, 1967
February 4, 1968
Dinny's new family
February 11, 1968
March 10, 1968
Oop is presumed dead
March 17, 1968
May 12, 1968
Oop isn't feeling well
May 19, 1968
July 28, 1968
Foozy the Grand Wizer
August 4, 1968
October 13, 1968
Guz goes on a diet
October 20, 1968
October 27, 1968
The ladies get dinner
November 3, 1968
December 8, 1968
Alley babysits Foozy's kids
December 15, 1968
January 19, 1969
Guz and the Wizer search for reasons to arrest Alley
January 26, 1969
March 2, 1969
The rigor of being king
March 9, 1969
April 13, 1969
Alley's gone soft
April 20, 1969
May 11, 1969
Arms race of war clubs
May 18, 1969
Alley's hunt comes up zero
May 25, 1969
June 29, 1969
Alley vs the Cardiff Giant
July 6, 1969
July 27, 1969
Oop's revolution
August 3, 1969
August 31, 1969
Oop's day of exile
September 7, 1969
November 16, 1969
Oop's new dinosaur Pooky
November 23, 1969
December 21, 1969
Alley and Ooola's day out
December 28, 1969
February 8, 1970
Oop flirts with the womenfolk
Start Date
End Date
February 15, 1970
March 29, 1970
Oop, chief of police
April 5, 1970
April 26, 1970
Alley has dinosaur troubles
May 3, 1970
May 10, 1970
Oop and Ooola squabble
May 17, 1970
May 24, 1970
Alley gets a check-up
May 31, 1970
June 7, 1970
Alley sings
June 14, 1970
August 30, 1970
Oop and Guz's golf tournament
September 6, 1970
December 13, 1970
Oop, king of Moo
December 20, 1970
January 31, 1971
Peacenik children take the throne
February 7, 1971
May 30, 1971
The mystery of the missing queens
June 6, 1971
September 26, 1971
Princess Ceelee of Gonwanaland
October 3, 1971
November 7, 1971
Oop's spoiling for a fight
November 14, 1971
December 26, 1971
Spooky shenanigans
January 2, 1972
January 9, 1972
Dinosaur fishing
January 16, 1972
September 10, 1972
Baffo tries for the throne
September 17, 1972
December 17, 1972
The Ohnolun invasion
December 24, 1972
February 4, 1973
Guz is aphasic
February 11, 1973
May 27, 1973
Baffo takes the throne
June 3, 1973
July 22, 1973
Oop's hex picture
July 29, 1973
November 11, 1973
Messages of cheer and joy
November 18, 1973
February 17, 1974
Troll troubles
February 24, 1974
June 9, 1974
Guz goes on a diet
June 16, 1974
August 11, 1974
Guz returns to Moo
August 18, 1974
October 27, 1974
Guz and Umpa's marital strife
November 3, 1974
December 1, 1974
Alley rescues a baby pterodactyl
December 8, 1974
December 22, 1974
Guz' new club
December 29, 1974
March 9, 1975
The big-tooth fella
March 16, 1975
May 11, 1975
Guz's necklace
May 18, 1975
June 15, 1975
Loony the trader
June 22, 1975
August 24, 1975
Guz's sailboat
August 31, 1975
October 5, 1975
Guz has amnesia
October 12, 1975
November 2, 1975
Guz recuperates
November 9, 1975
December 28, 1975
Alley's new dinosaur Filmore
January 4, 1976
March 28, 1976
Swamp apples
April 4, 1976
May 9, 1976
Three-legged journey home (May 2 strip adapted in Alley Oop Adventures #2, 1998)
May 16, 1976
August 22, 1976
Teeny and Boke
August 29, 1976
October 3, 1976
Littlebeak and Longbeard (reprinted, starting with September 5, in Alley Oop Adventures #1, 1999)
October 10, 1976
November 14, 1976
The great Moovian pipeline (reprinted in Alley Oop Adventures #1, 1999)
November 21, 1976
January 9, 1977
Boomerang rocks (adapted in Alley Oop Adventures #2, 1998)
January 16, 1977
February 27, 1977
Kidnapped by the Boony-Goonies
March 6, 1977
July 10, 1977
The Outlander invasion
July 17, 1977
November 13, 1977
Alley becomes Grand Wizer
November 20, 1977
February 12, 1978
Salads and stunflowers
February 19, 1978
July 30, 1978
The alien shrink ray
August 6, 1978
October 22, 1978
October 29, 1978
January 14, 1979
January 21, 1979
February 18, 1979
Pterodactyl riding
February 25, 1979
July 15, 1979
Prisoner of Outland
July 22, 1979
December 16, 1979
Princess Krakatoa and Ferdy
Start Date
End Date
December 23, 1979
March 30, 1980
Guz's new dinosaur Cuddles
April 6, 1980
June 15, 1980
Mag and Gummo adopt Alley
June 22, 1980
September 21, 1980
Cuddles and her baby
September 28, 1980
October 26, 1980
Big boo and little boo
November 2, 1980
December 7, 1980
Guz and Umpa's new house
December 14, 1980
February 8, 1981
Alley's treehouse
February 15, 1981
March 22, 1981
Ferdy's family
March 29, 1981
April 19, 1981
Oop's new dinosaur Tagalong
April 26, 1981
June 7, 1981
The thieving magpie
June 14, 1981
November 4, 1981
The trial of Snag and Eegore
November 11, 1981
December 20, 1981
The green blob from outer space
December 27, 1981
February 7, 1982
Bongo the swindler
February 14, 1982
March 7, 1982
Guz loses his voice
March 14, 1982
June 20, 1982
Escape from Emu the giant
June 27, 1982
August 15, 1982
Rescue from the Hairy Ones
August 22, 1982
October 17, 1982
Hojo, President of Moo
October 24, 1982
December 12, 1982
Umpa's cousin Effy
December 19, 1982
February 6, 1983
Gifts for Effy and Ooola
February 13, 1983
February 27, 1983
Cleaning up the town
March 6, 1983
April 17, 1983
Umpa's night to remember
April 24, 1983
May 29, 1983
The giant hoo-hoo bird
June 5, 1983
July 3, 1983
Dinny's new romance
July 10, 1983
September 25, 1983
Mango and his buddies
October 2, 1983
December 25, 1983
The bad-luck gemstone
January 1, 1984
March 11, 1984
Handyman Teddy
March 18, 1984
June 17, 1984
Ondamah vs the Yorkles
June 24, 1984
August 19, 1984
Princess Blivette goes on a diet
August 26, 1984
December 2, 1984
The land of giants
December 9, 1984
December 30, 1984
Alley's launcher ruins the picnic
January 6, 1985
April 7, 1985
Loo Loo's daycare center
April 14, 1985
May 26, 1985
The Wizer's youth potion
June 2, 1985
September 8, 1985
Tildy the sorceress
September 15, 1985
November 3, 1985
Carla and her parents
November 10, 1985
February 16, 1986
Mini-Dinny vs Guz
February 23, 1986
June 1, 1986
Mighty Alley and the firegod
June 8, 1986
June 15, 1986
Cheering up Umpa and Ooola
June 22, 1986
October 5, 1986
The diatrymas
October 12, 1986
November 9, 1986
Alley stuck in a hole
November 16, 1986
January 11, 1987
Moovian acrobatics
January 18, 1987
June 28, 1987
Little Leta and Feelipe
July 5, 1987
August 15, 1987
Hunting with Farky
August 23, 1987
golf gag
August 30, 1987
September 13, 1987
The old folks' cave
September 20, 1987
November 8, 1987
Oop's headcoverings
November 15, 1987
December 20, 1987
Fishing with Fabulous Feeny
December 27, 1987
February 7, 1988
Cooking with Ferdy
February 7, 1988
March 13, 1988
Dino troubles
March 20, 1988
May 8, 1988
Prisoners of the Little Big Feet
May 15, 1988
July 3, 1988
Alley has spot rot
July 10, 1988
July 17, 1988
Alley's artwork
July 24, 1988
July 31, 1988
August 28, 1988
Guz's Great Ant
September 4, 1988
September 25, 1988
the Wizer's dinosaur attractor
October 2, 1988
October 9, 1988
The faux fountain of youth
October 16, 1988
October 23, 1988
Hunting and fishing
October 30, 1988
November 20, 1988
Gazooley the rainmaker
November 27, 1988
January 8, 1989
Oop the giant
January 15, 1989
March 5, 1989
Won Ton the trader
March 12, 1989
Sunday-advertising gag
March 19, 1989
April 16, 1989
Oop's dinosaur whistle
April 23, 1989
May 7, 1989
Guz's dinner
May 14, 1989
June 4, 1989
Oop's hairy tongue
June 11, 1989
July 9, 1989
Ferdy and the frog
July 16, 1989
August 20, 1989
Ailments and medicine
August 27, 1989
October 8, 1989
Oop's lucky stone
October 15, 1989
November 26, 1989
Dubby's bait cakes
December 3, 1989
January 28, 1990
Oop's cave mural
Start Date
End Date
February 4, 1990
March 25, 1990
Guz seeks enlightenment
April 1, 1990
April 22, 1990
Guz as Grand Wizer
April 29, 1990
June 10, 1990
The ghost of good government
June 17, 1990
July 15, 1990
The rockpile map scam
July 22, 1990
August 12, 1990
Bird calling
August 19, 1990
September 2, 1990
Moovian fitness center
September 9, 1990
December 2, 1990
Big Mama and the mini-Oops
December 9, 1990
March 31, 1991
Garzak the changeling (February 10 strip adapted in Alley Oop Adventures #3, 1998)
April 7, 1991
May 5, 1991
Alley clowns around
May 12, 1991
June 9, 1991
Guz and Oop go fishing
June 16, 1991
July 14, 1991
Bug-stomping business
July 21, 1991
September 1, 1991
Alley Oop's lending bank
September 8, 1991
October 27, 1991
Oop's jailbreak
November 3, 1991
January 12, 1992
Alley meets High Note (November 3 strip adapted in Alley Oop Adventures #3, 2000)
January 19, 1992
February 2, 1992
Replacing Big Ida's pet
February 9, 1992
February 23, 1992
Headstands and dizzy spins
March 1, 1992
April 19, 1992
Guz's surprises for Umpa
April 26, 1992
June 28, 1992
The abdominal snowman
July 12, 1992
September 6, 1992
Alley's Uncle Axel
September 13, 1992
November 15, 1992
The land of women
November 22, 1992
January 3, 1993
Cave gnomes
January 10, 1993
March 28, 1993
Guz and Alley get dinofoot (January 17 strip, minus one panel, reprinted in Alley Oop Adventures #1, 1999)
April 4, 1993
April 18, 1993
The Wizer's father and girlfriend
April 25, 1993
July 25, 1993
Digger the mind-reading bird (adapted in Alley Oop Adventures #1, 1998)
Dinny lives the good life (Carole and Jack Bender take over from Dave Graue starting with this story)
September 16, 2001
October 28, 2001
Medicine for little Danno (adapted from Alley Oop Adventures #2, 1999)
November 4, 2001
December 9, 2001
Oop gets Foozy's rhyming curse
December 16, 2001
December 23, 2001
Wootietoot's home for Christmas
December 30, 2001
Competing New Year's parties
January 6, 2002
January 20, 2002
How to find food in the jungle (reprinted from Alley Oop Adventures #1, 1999)
January 27, 2002
Mount Umpa (adapted from Alley Oop Adventures #2, 1999)
February 3, 2002
Alley's cave painting (Jack Bender tryout strip, also published in Alley Oop Adventures #1, 1999)
February 10, 2002
February 24, 2002
Oop's noisy neighbors
March 3, 2002
March 31, 2002
March Madness basketball
April 7, 2002
gag strip (red dino)
April 14, 2002
May 26, 2002
Roblio and Joliette
June 2, 2002
June 23, 2002
Guz and Oop's flying wings
June 30, 2002
gag strip (rain)
July 7, 2002
August 4, 2002
Summer vacation cruise
August 11, 2002
gag strip (dumb animals)
August 18, 2002
September 1, 2002
Lila meets Rocko
September 8, 2002
September 22, 2002
Dinny and the dinky dino (adapted from Alley Oop Adventures #3, 1998)
September 29, 2002
October 6, 2002
Oop gets a cold
October 13, 2002
November 3, 2002
Wizer's evil twin Wizzer
November 10, 2002
November 24, 2002
School-days memories
December 1, 2002
December 29, 2002
Earlie Oop arrives
January 5, 2003
January 19, 2003
gag strips
January 26, 2003
February 23, 2003
Oop's cart race
March 2, 2003
April 6, 2003
Foozy's alone time
April 13, 2003
May 11, 2003
Men and women swap jobs
May 18, 2003
July 13, 2003
Guz invents baseball
July 20, 2003
August 17, 2003
gag strips
August 24, 2003
September 14, 2003
Guz tries to get a new dino (August 24 and 31 redraw January 27, 1980, and February 3, 1980; September 7 retells January 13, 1980)
September 21, 2003
October 19, 2003
Oop's lucky clover
October 26, 2003
November 2, 2003
Umpa's spa concept
November 9, 2003
November 23, 2003
Thanksgiving with Moo and Lem
November 30, 2003
December 21, 2003
Moo's new orphans
December 28, 2003
January 18, 2004
January 25, 2004
February 15, 2004
Guz and Alley's fish alarm
February 22, 2004
March 21, 2004
The Moovian reservoir (this story reprints the daily strips from August 22 to 26, 1995, with new panels added)
March 28, 2004
April 25, 2004
The circus comes to Moo
May 2, 2004
May 16, 2004
The mysterious monolith
May 23, 2004
June 6, 2004
Alley's dinosaur whistle
June 13, 2004
July 25, 2004
King Oop
August 1, 2004
August 22, 2004
Alley and Guz go fishing
August 29, 2004
October 10, 2004
The Wizer's chickenosaurus soup
October 17, 2004
November 7, 2004
Stew Invaders extended edition (October 17 strip reprints the second half of the March 25, 2001, strip)
November 14, 2004
December 26, 2004
Guz gets Scrooged
January 2, 2005
Happy New Year
January 9, 2005
February 27, 2005
Foozy as Guz's bodyguard
March 6, 2005
gag strip
March 13, 2005
April 3, 2005
Wizer's emergency clinic
April 10, 2005
gag strip
April 17, 2005
May 8, 2005
Dinny's solo outing
May 15, 2005
retells Oop and Ooola's uneventful day from October 24, 1999
May 22, 2005
June 12, 2005
retells Dubby's bait cakes (from October 15 to November 26, 1989)
June 19, 2005
July 17, 2005
The giant-feather bird
July 24, 2005
September 4, 2005
Mountain, strongest man in Moo (this sequence starts by reprinting daily strips from July 19 – September 2, 2005, but then ends the story on September 4 with new art while the daily story continues separately)
September 11, 2005
gag strip
September 18, 2005
October 9, 2005
Pterodactyls make bad pets
October 16, 2005
Happy autumn
October 23, 2005
November 13, 2005
November 20, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
November 27, 2005
gag strip
December 4, 2005
December 25, 2005
One of our reindeer is missing
Daily storylines
The following is a list of storylines featured in the daily comic strips. Actual story titles were not provided in the strips; the dates and story descriptions given here are, therefore, not official or definitive delineations but may serve as a rough index to the history of the strip.
Although the Bonnet–Brown strips appeared in daily comics sections, their distribution was erratic, so that the strips' handwritten dates did not always match their actual publication dates. Consequently, after February 6, 1933, the strips were not dated but were instead given a sequential number (from 55 through 120), presumably so that editors could run them whenever they were received. The dates given here may, therefore, not be precisely accurate for every newspaper in which the strip appeared.
Start Date
End Date
December 6, 1932
December 12, 1932
Oop gets breakfast
December 13, 1932
January 14, 1933
Oop befriends Dinny
January 16, 1933
February 17, 1933
Introducing Dinny to the Moovians
February 19, 1933
April 29, 1933
Rescuing Ooola from the Cardiff Giant
May 1, 1933
May 6, 1933
A hero's welcome
Newspaper Enterprise Association
Start Date
End Date
August 7, 1933
September 2, 1933
Oop befriends Dinny
September 4, 1933
September 28, 1933
Introducing Dinny to the Moovians
September 29, 1933
October 21, 1933
Rescuing Ooola from the Cardiff Giant
October 23, 1933
November 4, 1933
A hero's welcome
November 6, 1933
November 17, 1933
Oop vs Cardiff Giant, round two
November 18, 1933
January 11, 1934
Umpa wants a baby dino
January 12, 1934
January 27, 1934
Foozy pretends to be Umpa's pet
January 29, 1934
March 12, 1934
Oop's rebellion
March 13, 1934
March 24, 1934
Tunk steals Dinny
March 26, 1934
April 27, 1934
Guz and Alley settle their differences
April 28, 1934
May 19, 1934
Oop is promised to Wootietoot
May 21, 1934
June 23, 1934
Rescuing Dinny from Lem
June 25, 1934
July 23, 1934
Alley and Ooola can't stop the wedding
July 24, 1934
August 1, 1934
Dinny is treed
August 2, 1934
September 3, 1934
Alley and Foozy are swept away
September 4, 1934
September 18, 1934
Alley and Foozy thrash Dootsy's gang
September 19, 1934
October 30, 1934
Wedding preparations
October 31, 1934
December 8, 1934
Dootsy kidnaps Ooola and Wootietoot
December 10, 1934
December 29, 1934
Lem conquers Moo
December 31, 1934
April 13, 1935
Moo drives out the invaders
April 15, 1935
May 6, 1935
Oop nominated for king
May 7, 1935
June 6, 1935
Oop and Guz prepare to duel but disappear underground
^Peirce, Charles S. (1998). Charles S. Pierce The Essential Writings. Prometheus Books. p. 37. ISBN9781573922562. Furthermore, he explores the continuum utilizing a time machine invented by Dr. Wonmug-and as any astute student of German knows, "won-mug" is a translation of "Einstein," which in English means "one mug" of beer
^Vincent T. Hamlin (May 1996). "The Man Who Walked with Dinosaurs". Inks Cartoon and Comic Art Studies. Ohio State University Press: 26. Dr. Elbert Wonmug was my choice. Does that ring any bells? Maybe not, so let me explain that Elbert was as close to Albert as I could get, and the Wonmug (one mug) is a liberal transposition of Einstein. Pretty awful, eh? Well, no matter.
^Graue, Dave (2022). Alley Oop and the Thorn King of Nerr. Los Angeles: Acoustic Learning. ISBN9781936412099.
^ abBender, Carole (2024). Alley Oop and the Beast of the Woods. Los Angeles: Acoustic Learning.
^"Girl's art featured in 'Alley Oop' comic today". Daily Star. Hammond, Louisiana. January 17, 2009. pp. 1, 3B. (The strip with the drawing appears on page 3B of the Daily Star for January 17, 2009).
^Van Hooydonck, Peter, Willy Vandersteen: De Bruegel van het Beeldverhaal, Standaard Uitgeverij, Antwerpen, 1994 [ISBN missing]
^Bender, Jack (2003). ""A Tribute to Alley Oop's Dave Graue"". Alley Oop Magazine #16. Spec Productions.
^Holtz, Allan (2012). American Newspaper Comics: An encyclopedic reference guide. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press. pp. 126, 159, 161, 292, 320, 343, 367. ISBN9780472117567.