Andrew Sutherland (mathematician)
Andrew Victor Sutherland is an American mathematician and Principal Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .[ 1] His research focuses on computational aspects of number theory and arithmetic geometry .[ 1] He is known for his contributions to several projects involving large scale computations, including the Polymath project on bounded gaps between primes,[ 2] [ 3] [ 4] [ 5] [ 6] the L-functions and Modular Forms Database,[ 7] [ 8] the sums of three cubes project,[ 9] [ 10] [ 11] and the computation and classification of Sato-Tate distributions .[ 12] [ 13] [ 14] [ 15]
Education and career
Sutherland earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from MIT in 1990.[ 1] Following an entrepreneurial career in the software industry he returned to MIT and completed his doctoral degree in mathematics in 2007 under the supervision of Michael Sipser and Ronald Rivest , winning the George M. Sprowls prize for his thesis.[ 1] [ 16] He joined the MIT mathematics department as a Research Scientist in 2009, and was promoted to Principal Research Scientist in 2011.[ 1]
He is one of the principal investigators in the Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation, a large multi-university collaboration involving Boston University , Brown , Harvard , MIT, and Dartmouth College ,[ 17] and he currently serves as an Associate Editor of Mathematics of Computation , Editor in Chief of Research in Number Theory ,[ 18] Managing Editor of the L-functions and Modular Forms Database,[ 19] and President of the Number Theory Foundation .[ 20]
Sutherland has developed or improved several methods for counting points on elliptic curves and hyperelliptic curves , that have applications to elliptic curve cryptography , hyperelliptic curve cryptography , elliptic curve primality proving , and the computation of L-functions .[ 21] [ 22] [ 23] [ 24] These include improvements to the Schoof–Elkies–Atkin algorithm [ 25] [ 26] that led to new point-counting records[ 27] , and average polynomial-time algorithms for computing zeta functions of hyperelliptic curves over finite fields , developed jointly with David Harvey.[ 28] [ 29] [ 30]
Much of Sutherland's research involves the application of fast point-counting algorithms to numerically investigate generalizations of the Sato-Tate conjecture regarding the distribution of point counts for a curve (or abelian variety ) defined over the rational numbers (or a number field ) when reduced modulo prime numbers of increasing size.[ 21] [ 31] [ 32] [ 33] . It is conjectured that these distributions can be described by random matrix models using a "Sato-Tate group" associated to the curve by a construction of Serre .[ 34] [ 35] In 2012 Francesc Fite, Kiran Kedlaya , Victor Rotger and Sutherland classified the Sato-Tate groups that arise for genus 2 curves and abelian varieties of dimension 2,[ 14] and in 2019 Fite, Kedlaya, and Sutherland announced a similar classification to abelian varieties of dimension 3.[ 36]
In the process of studying these classifications, Sutherland compiled several large data sets of curves and then worked with Andrew Booker and others to compute their L-functions and incorporate them into the L-functions and Modular Forms Database.[ 12] [ 37] [ 38] More recently, Booker and Sutherland resolved Mordell's question regarding the representation of 3 as a sum of three cubes.[ 39] [ 40] [ 41]
Sutherland was named to the 2021 class of fellows of the American Mathematical Society "for contributions to number theory, both on the theoretical and computational aspects of the subject".[ 42] He was selected to deliver the Arf Lecture in 2022.[ 43] and the Beeger Lecture in 2024.[ 44]
Selected publications
^ a b c d e Andrew Sutherland , MIT, retrieved February 13, 2020
^ Klarreich, Erica (November 19, 2013), "Together and Alone, Closing the Prime Gap" , Quanta Magazine
^ Grolle, Johann (March 17, 2014), "Atome der Zahlenwelt" , Der Spiegel
^ "Notices of the American Mathematical Society (front cover)" , Notices of the AMS , 62 (6), American Mathematical Society , June 2015
^ Castryck, Wouter; Fouvry, Étienne; Harcos, Gergely; Kowalski, Emmanuel; Michel, Philippe; Nelson, Paul; Paldi, Eytan; Pintz, János ; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Tao, Terence ; Xie, Xiao-Feng (2014). "New equidistribution results of Zhang type" . Algebra and Number Theory . 8 : 2067– 2199. arXiv :1402.0811 . doi :10.2140/ant.2014.8.2067 . MR 3294387 .
^ Polymath, D.H.J. (2014). "Variants of the Selberg sieve" . Research in the Mathematical Sciences . 1 (12). arXiv :1407.4897 . doi :10.1186/s40687-014-0012-7 .
^ "International team launches vast atlas of mathematical objects" , MIT News , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , May 10, 2016
^ Grolle, Johann (May 14, 2016), "Befreundete Kurven" , Der Spiegel
^ Miller, Sandi (September 10, 2019), "The answer to life, the universe, and everything: Mathematics researcher Drew Sutherland helps solve decades-old sum-of-three-cubes puzzle, with help from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." " , MIT News , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
^ Lu, Donna (September 6, 2019), "Mathematicians crack elusive puzzle involving the number 42" , New Scientist
^ Linkletter, Dave (December 27, 2019), "The 10 Biggest Math Breakthroughs of 2019" , Popular Mechanics
^ a b Barrett, Alex (April 20, 2017), "220,000 cores and counting: Mathematician breaks record for largest ever Compute Engine job" , Google Cloud Platform
^ Sutherland, Andrew V. (2019). "Sato-Tate distributions". Analytic methods in arithmetic geometry . Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 740. American Mathematical Society . pp. 197– 258. arXiv :1604.01256 . doi :10.1090/conm/740/14904 . MR 4033732 .
^ a b Fité, Francesc; Kedlaya, Kiran ; Sutherland, Andrew V; Rotger, Victor (2012). "Sato-Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2" . Compositio Mathematica . 149 (5): 1390– 1442. arXiv :1110.6638 . doi :10.1112/S0010437X12000279 . MR 2982436 .
^ Sutherland, Andrew V., Sato-Tate distributions in genus 2 , MIT , retrieved February 13, 2020
^ Andrew Victor Sutherland , Mathematics Genealogy Project , retrieved February 13, 2020
^ "Principal Investigators" , Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation , Brown University, retrieved February 14, 2020
^ Research in Number Theory Editors , Springer , retrieved February 13, 2020
^ LMFDB Editorial Board , The L-functions and Modular Forms Database, retrieved February 13, 2020
^ Number Theory Foundation home page , Number Theory Foundation , retrieved February 13, 2020
^ a b Kedlaya, Kiran S. ; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2008). "Computing L-series of hyperelliptic curves". Algorithmic Number Theory 8th International Symposium (ANTS VIII) . Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Vol. 5011. Springer . pp. 312– 326. arXiv :0801.2778 . doi :10.1007/978-3-540-79456-1_21 .
^ Sutherland, Andrew V. (2011). "Structure computation and discrete logarithms in finite abelian p-groups" . Mathematics of Computation . 80 (273): 477– 500. arXiv :0809.3413 . doi :10.1090/S0025-5718-10-02356-2 .
^ Sutherland, Andrew V. (2011). "Computing Hilbert class polynomials with the Chinese remainder theorem" . Mathematics of Computation . 80 (273): 501– 538. arXiv :0903.2785 . doi :10.1090/S0025-5718-2010-02373-7 .
^ Sutherland, Andrew V. (2012). "Accelerating the CM method" . LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics . 15 : 317– 325. arXiv :1009.1082 . doi :10.1112/S1461157012001015 .
^ Bröker, Reinier; Lauter, Kristin ; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2012). "Modular polynomials via isogeny volcanoes" . Mathematics of Computation . 81 (278): 1201– 1231. arXiv :1001.0402 . doi :10.1090/S0025-5718-2011-02508-1 .
^ Sutherland, Andrew V. (2013). "On the evaluation of modular polynomials". Algorithmic Number Theory 10th International Symposium (ANTS X) . Open Book Series. Vol. 1. Mathematical Sciences Publishers . pp. 312– 326. arXiv :1202.3985 . doi :10.2140/obs.2013.1.531 .
^ Sutherland, Andrew V., Genus 1 point counting records over prime fields , retrieved February 14, 2020
^ Harvey, David; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2014). "Computing Hasse-Witt matrices of hyperelliptic curves in average polynomial time" . LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics . 17 : 257– 273. arXiv :1402.3246 . doi :10.1112/S1461157014000187 .
^ Harvey, David; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2016). "Computing Hasse-Witt matrices of hyperelliptic curves in average polynomial time, II". Frobenius distributions: Lang-Trotter and Sato-Tate conjectures . Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 663. pp. 127– 148. arXiv :1410.5222 . doi :10.1090/conm/663/13352 .
^ Harvey, David; Massierer, Maike; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2016). "Computing L-series of geometrically hyperelliptic curves of genus three" . LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics . 19 : 220– 234. arXiv :1605.04708 . doi :10.1112/S1461157016000383 .
^ Kedlaya, Kiran S. ; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2009). "Hyperelliptic curves, L-polynomials, and random matrices". Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory . Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 487. American Mathematical Society . pp. 119– 162. doi :10.1090/conm/487/09529 .
^ Fité, Francesc; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2014). "Sato-Tate distributions of twists of
{\displaystyle y^{2}=x^{5}-x}
{\displaystyle y^{2}=x^{6}+1}
" . Algebra and Number Theory . 8 : 543– 585. arXiv :1203.1476 . doi :10.2140/ant.2014.8.543 .
^ Fité, Francesc; Lorenzo Garcia, Elisa; Sutherland, Andrew V. (2018). "Sato-Tate distributions of twists of the Fermat and the Klein quartics" . Research in the Mathematical Sciences . 5 (41). arXiv :1712.07105 . doi :10.1007/s40687-018-0162-0 .
^ Katz, Nicholas M. ; Sarnak, Peter (1999). Random matrices, Frobenius eigenvalues, and monodromy . American Mathematical Society.
^ Serre, Jean-Pierre (2012). Lectures on
{\displaystyle N_{X}(p)}
. Research Notes in Mathematics. CRC Press .
^ Fité, Francesc; Kedlaya, Kiran S. ; Sutherand, Andrew V. (2021). "Sato–Tate groups of abelian threefolds: A preview of the classification". Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory . Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 770. pp. 103– 129. arXiv :1911.02071 . doi :10.1090/conm/770/15432 . ISBN 978-1-4704-6426-4 . S2CID 207772885 .
^ Booker, Andrew R ; Sisjling, Jeroen; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Voight, John; Yasaki, Dan (2016). "A database of genus 2 curves over the rational numbers" . LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics . 19 : 235– 254. arXiv :1602.03715 . doi :10.1112/S146115701600019X .
^ Sutherland, Andrew V. (2019). "A database of nonhyperelliptic genus-3 curves over
{\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} }
". Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS XIII) . Open Book Series. Vol. 2. Mathematical Sciences Publishers . arXiv :1806.06289 . doi :10.2140/obs.2019.2.443 .
^ Honner, Patrick (November 5, 2019), "Why the Sum of Three Cubes Is a Hard Math Problem" , Quanta Magazine
^ Dunne, Edward (18 September 2019), "3" , AMS Blogs , American Mathematical Society
^ Lu, Donna (September 18, 2019), "Mathematicians find a completely new way to write the number 3" , New Scientist
^ 2021 Class of Fellows of the AMS , American Mathematical Society, retrieved 2020-11-02
^ Arf Lectures , Middle East Technical University, retrieved 2020-11-17
^ Beeger Lecture , Nederlands Mathematische Congres, retrieved 2024-04-03
External links
Information related to Andrew Sutherland (mathematician)