Bošnjaci zajedno!
Bošnjaci zajedno – Nacionalna koordinacija Bošnjaka u Hrvatskoj! (English: Bosniaks Together – National Coordination of Bosniaks in Croatia!) is a big-tent[1] political party in Croatia that was made to support the candidacy of Armin Hodžić in the 2024 Croatian Parliamentary election.[2] Rather than competing as separate parties in the election, nearly all Bosniak groups collaborated in the effort to elect a member of Parliament.[2] The party is currently led by President of the Bosniak National Council and Member-elect of the Croatian-Parliament, Armin Hodžić.[3] Meanwhile, the party's president is Bermin Meškić.[1] ActivitiesThe party nominated Armin Hodžić for the 12th Minority District in which members of the Albanian, Bosniak, Montenegrin, Macedonian and Slovenian national minorities elect a common representative for the 2024 Croatian Parliamentary election.[4] Hodžić defeated Ermina Lekaj Prljaskaj of the Union of Albanians by a margin of 47–32. Independent candidate Šoip Šoipi received nearly 20% of the vote.[5] References