Budget Kudumbam
Budget Kudumbam is a 2024 Indian Tamil-language television series directed by S.N. Shakthivel produced by Vikatan Televistas. The show stars Sushma Sunil Nair and Kurinji Nathan in lead role. The series revolves around a middle-class family of Vanmathi (Sushma Sunil Nair), Chanduru (Kurinji Nathan) and their three children.[2] It currently airs on DD Tamizh from 21 January 2024 on Monday to Friday at 20:00. This series was launched along with Thayamma Kudumbathaar and Shakthi IPS. Cast
ProductionDevelopmentOn 17 November 2023, Actress Sushma Sunil Nair confirmed through a their Instagram page, she will act new serial for DD Tamizh, to be produced by Vikatan Televistas and directed by S.N. Shakthivel.[3] The series tells the importance of middle-class family, and follows a Vanmathi's journey to keep the family. The first promo was released on 16 January 2024.[citation needed] CastingSushma Sunil Nair who commonly joined with Vikatan's projects such as Nayagi where reprising her role as first female lead.[4] Actor Kurinji Nathan was cast as the male lead as Chanduru.[5] References