The second season aired from August 23, 2015, to October 18, 2015, with Oh Ji-ho and Jun Hyo-seong reprising their roles, and with Ha Yeon-joo playing the protagonist's new partner.[3]
Detective Yoon Cheo-yong was born with the supernatural ability to see, hear and touch ghosts. He solves mysterious, unsolved cases along with tough and passionate colleague Ha Sun-woo, and Han Na-young, the ghost of a high school girl.[4][5]
A detective who loses his family and partner in a tragic incident. He goes from elite detective in the violent crimes unit to a lowly district cop, completely disengaged from life for seven years. Born with the supernatural ability to see, hear, and touch ghosts, one day Cheo-yong starts talking back to the schoolgirl ghost who keeps haunting him and strangely enough, communicating with the undead is what brings him back to the land of the living. He starts to work mysterious cases with his partner Ha Sun-woo, with the added help of "dead signs" that the victims' souls leave behind.
A detective in the regional investigation unit who is famous for her tenacity. Her keen sense of observation makes her particularly good at spotting a suspect's weak point, which also comes in handy for her specialty — crime scene reconstructions. Sun-woo is so dogged in her pursuit of closing cases that other cops find her hard to work with.
The name "Cheo Yong" is inspired by a character in a folktale from the Silla dynasty; Cheo-yong discovers that his wife has committed infidelity with the god of smallpox, and he sings and dances until the god kneels before him in apology. Since then, people have attached an image of Cheo-yong to their gates to dispel evil spirits and invite auspicious energies.[8]