A British Blue Ensign defaced with the state badge on a white disc in the fly
The state flag of Queensland is a British Blue Ensign with the state badge on a white disc added in the fly. The badge is a light blue Maltese Cross with a Saint Edward's Crown in the centre of the cross. The flag dates from 1876, with minor variations, and the badge was designed by William Hemmant, the Colonial Secretary and Treasurer of Queensland in 1876.[1]
Queensland Separation Flag (St George's Cross with white border; different shade of blue) (1859)[4]
1870 proposed flag
In 1865, the British admiralty stated that colonial vessels should fly the British Blue Ensign defaced with the state badge. As Queensland did not have a badge at this time, one depicting Queen Victoria on a blue disc surrounded by the name "Queensland" was suggested. However, this proved to be too difficult to reproduce, leading to new design being considered.[1][5]
Proposed badge of Queensland (1870–1876)
Proposed flag of Queensland (1870–1876)
As the previous design was found to be unworkable, a new design was submitted to the Admiralty for approval:[1][6]
Referring to the Circular Despatch of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated 23 August last, upon the subject of distinctive badges proposed for the Flags of several Colonies, I have the honour to advise Your Excellency that the difficulty of producing upon bunting a fair representation of the head or bust of Her Majesty has proved so great, and the effect, when produced, so unsatisfactory, as to render it necessary to abandon the idea of using that device for the Queensland Ensign, and I beg therefore to recommend that the
accompanying design, within a wreath of laurel, be adopted for the Flags of the Colony in lieu of that formerly advised.
The Maltese Cross impaled with the Crown was chosen out of four proposed designs to replace Victoria's head.[7]
Flag of Queensland (1876–1963)
Badge of Queensland (1876–1963)
First example of a proposed badge for the flag of Queensland
Second example of a proposed badge for the flag of Queensland
Third example of a proposed badge for the flag of Queensland
1963 to present
Following Queen Elizabeth II decision to use the Crown of St Edward as her royal cypher, in 1963 the State Emblem and the State flag was once again updated with the design of the crown following the preference of the monarch.[8]
However, it is unknown whether this tradition will continue into the future, as despite King Charles III choice to use the Tudor Crown on his royal cypher, the Queensland government stated on 4 May 2023, that they have no plans to update the State Emblem or flag.[9]
Flag of Queensland (1963 to present)
Government distribution
The Queensland Government offers free state flags to eligible organisations including: