An heirloom variety of cannabis originally grown in the mountains of western Mexico. [See cannabis strains.]
adult use
Any use of cannabis by adults, whether for medicine, pleasure, religious purposes, or otherwise. Incorporated in some legislation such as the California Adult Use of Marijuana Act.
A person who, out of their own sense of duty or employed by the police, commits or provokes others to commit illegal or inappropriate activity, or falsely implicates them in a criminal act. [See informant.]
Laws in some jurisdictions banning the production or sales of beverage alcohol in an attempt to prevent its use. These bans have been criticized because they create a black market, leading to corruption and violence. Nationwide, constitutional prohibition in the United States, established by the 18th Amendment in 1920, ended in 1933, repealed by the 21st Amendment.
Material prepared by governments, organizations, or the media, that is not objective or uses loaded language to demonize cannabis or cannabis consumers. Early anti-cannabis propaganda includes the 1936 drug exploitation filmReefer Madness. The 1980s media public service announcement This Is Your Brain on Drugs is an example of anti-marijuana propaganda.
1937 American anti-marijuana propaganda film that depicts cannabis use leading to tragedies, and obscene, all-night parties. The film's title is from a 1937 article by U.S. "drug czar" Harry J. Anslinger. [See prohibition.]
Underground economy of illegal cannabis trade created by prohibition. The world illicit cannabis economy is estimated to be $141 billion annually, but the estimate might be low due to the clandestine nature of the trade.[5]
A sativa-dominant, hybrid variety of cannabis also called Blueberry Haze because it is a cross between Blueberry and Haze varieties, with Afghani, Mexican, and Thai ancestry. [See cannabis strains.]
Action of smoking cannabis to reach euphoric/hazy feeling.[2]
Result of smoking cannabis with high THC level.[2]
In California, before medical marijuana was legalized by voters in 1996, Mary Jane "Brownie Mary" Rathbun (1922–1999) who was arrested three times for baking cannabis brownies using her Social Security to buy ingredients and cannabis that was donated, giving them away free to AIDS and cancer patients, was able to successfully defend herself in court, arguing that medical necessity outweighed the reprehensibleness of her actions.[6]
The part of a cannabis plant that is consumed for its psychoactive properties.[7]
A class of chemical compounds, with various effects, isolated from cannabis. At least 113 different natural cannabinoids have been identified, including:[11]
Latin, or scientific name for the entire plant hemp, legally named marijuana, marihuana, ganja or Indian hemp in some jurisdictions. There are many other names for cannabis,[12] including commonly used terms grass, weed, and ganja.[2] Three recognized sub-species[13] include:
Monthly Canadian online cannabis rights magazine originally called The Marijuana & Hemp Newsletter founded by Marc Emery, published in print from 1994 to 2009.
Annual cannabis festival originally held in Amsterdam, now held in several cities, including awards for the year's best new cannabis strains in a variety of categories, and the Counterculture Hall of Fame and High Times Freedom Fighter of the Year awards for activism or leadership in the field of marijuana law reform.
A therapeutic product with little or no psychoactive properties extracted from cannabis leaves and flowers. [See cannabis industrial and home products.]
Latin, or scientific name for the plant species Cannabis indica, distinguished by its broad leaves and relatively short, densely branched stalk. [See cannabis.]
Organizations working to end prohibition by involvement in elections. These groups often sprout in areas that do not allow popular initiatives. Active cannabis parties include:
Laws in some jurisdictions banning the cultivation or sales of cannabis in an attempt to prevent its use. These bans are criticized because they create a black market and because enforcement is disproportionate in communities of color.[15][16]
A term, primarily used in the United States and Canada, referring to people who have moved from one location to another due to cannabis prohibition laws, motivated by a desire to have legal access to cannabis to treat medical conditions for themselves or their family, or to legally consume cannabis for any other reason.[17][18]
Rights of people who consume cannabis, including the right to be free from employment discrimination and housing discrimination, and in some jurisdictions, the right to religious freedom and the right to own guns.
Latin, or scientific name for the plant species Cannabis ruderalis, which is sparsely branched with narrow leaves, typically shorter, and autoflowering. [See cannabis.]
Cannabis has more than 1,200 slang names, including weed, a commonly used cannabis slang name. Additionally, there are many slang terms for consumption of cannabis, and describing the state of being under the influence of cannabis. [See cannabis culture.]
A high-CBD, low-THC, relatively non-psychoactive medical cannabis extract, developed in Colorado, named after Dravet syndrome patient Charlotte Figi. The name Charlotte's Web is banned in Oregon for its association with a children's book of that title.[20] [See cannabis strains.]
After Robert Randall became the first person to successfully use a medical necessity defense when he was charged with illegal possession of cannabis to treat his glaucoma, he filed a federal lawsuit, Randall v. United States, in 1976, resulting in the federal Compassionate Investigational New Drug program being established, under President Jimmy Carter, in 1978. At the program's peak, fifteen patients received cannabis. 43 people were approved for the program, however 28 of the patients whose doctors completed the necessary paperwork never received any cannabis and, under the Bush administration, the program stopped accepting new patients in 1992.
Conversion of cannabidiol (CBD) to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can occur through a ring-closing reaction. This cyclization can be acid-catalyzed or brought about by heating.
US and UK government anti-freedom indoctrination program aimed at elementary school fourth through sixth-graders, instituted by LAPD chief Daryl Gates in 1983. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education program is costly, and is criticized for pushing out science-based health education. Other criticisms of the program include its ineffectiveness, and its training of children to be police informants. [See anti-cannabis organizations.]
U.S. federal agency formed in 1970 by the establishment of President Richard Nixon's Controlled Substances Act. The organization is criticized for being unaccountable to any authority, and for self-serving acts including blocking the removal of cannabis from Schedule I. [See prohibition.]
Synthetically manufactured tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), sold under the brand names Marinol and Syndros, produced by Insys Therapeutics and Solvay Pharmaceuticals, marketed legally in the United States under Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act, though natural THC is banned under Schedule I.
Laws in some jurisdictions banning the cultivation or sales of plants including cannabis, opium poppy, and psilocybin mushrooms in an attempt to prevent their use. These bans are criticized because they create a black market and because enforcement is disproportionate in communities of color.[15][16]
Consumption of cannabis has various psychological and physiological effects that can include euphoria and anxiety. Other effects of cannabis include munchies.
1985 book by cannabis rights pioneer Jack Herer, The Emperor Wears No Clothes: Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy, that argues cannabis is a renewable source of fuel, food, fiber, construction material, and medicine, and that it can be grown virtually anywhere, citing data and historical records.
Deceptive and unethical law enforcement activity by an officer planning an offense and inducing a person to commit a crime through fraud or persuasion, commonly practiced in the United States and banned in Sweden. [See informant.]
Wild-growing cannabis generally descended from hemp plants previously cultivated for fiber. Referred to as ditch weed, with little or no psychoactive properties, cannabis is exceptionally hardy, found widely across Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma.
1. Cannabis pride demonstration held annually in Boston since 1989. [See Boston Freedom Rally.]
2. 1971 rally and music festival in Michigan protesting the arrest for marijuana possession, and imprisonment of poet John Sinclair. [See John Sinclair Freedom Rally.]
1971 Vancouver, British Columbia, incident also known as "The Battle of Maple Tree Square", described by a commission of inquiry as a police riot, during which police attacked a peaceful Yippie smoke-in protesting a series of special operation marijuana arrests. Police used horse-back charges on crowds of onlookers and tourists, and were accused of tactics including indiscriminate beatings with riot batons. The event is commemorated in a two-story-high 2009 photo mural by Stan Douglas.
The original Yippie smoke-in, first held in 1971 to protest the arrest of Dana Beal on marijuana charges, now the longest running annual cannabis rights "protestival", Marijuana Harvestfest, or Madison Hempfest, as it is also known, was organized by Ben Masel until his death in 2011. The multi-day event has an estimated attendance of 4,000 people each year.
The head of the U.S. Bureau of Prohibition when alcohol prohibition was repealed in 1933, Harry J. Anslinger (1892–1975) was the founding commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics which is credited for the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act criminalizing cannabis. The Marihuana Tax Act was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1969, but was replaced with the Controlled Substances Act. [See prohibition.]
Held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, annually since 1972, following the John Sinclair Freedom Rally held a few months earlier there, in 1971, the Hash Bash cannabis pride protest-festival is one of the original Yippie smoke-ins. The event has an estimated attendance of more than 5,000 people each year.
14-minute 1942 U.S. Department of Agriculture film encouraging farmers to grow hemp for the WWII war effort because other industrial fibers were in short supply and often had to be imported from overseas.
An American monthly cannabis rights magazine founded in 1974 for the Yippie Underground Press Syndicate by Tom Forçade, now with a circulation of 236,000 monthly subscribers.[34]
British and Indian government 3,281-page 1894 study of cannabis use in India that found there are no ill effects from moderate cannabis usage, and it may be beneficial medically. However the report concluded that excessive consumption is an indication of moral weakness or depravity.
Process of inculcating a person with ideas, attitudes, or cognitive strategies, distinguished from education on the basis that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned. [See anti-cannabis propaganda.]
Citizens' initiatives are a method, allowed in some jurisdictions, to put a law up for popular vote by getting petitions signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters. Popular initiatives are allowed in twenty-one U.S. states.
1971 Ann Arbor, Michigan, rally and music festival protesting the 1969 arrest and imprisonment of poet John Sinclair. Among others, John Lennon, Bob Seger, and Stevie Wonder performed for the event. Sentenced to ten years in jail for two joints, Sinclair had been imprisoned for two years when he was released, three days after the rally.
The power of a trial jury to reach a not guilty verdict, regardless of evidence and judge's instructions, because of a disagreement with the law, including the belief that a law is unconstitutional or inhumane, or disapproval of the punishment.
A subset of indica varieties of cannabis bred from descendants of strains originating in the Hindu Kush mountain range of Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. [See cannabis strains.]
1944 New York Academy of Medicine report prepared for Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia's commission, appointed in 1939 to study the effects of marihuana use in the US, that concluded the publicity concerning the catastrophic effects of marihuana smoking is unfounded, marihuana is not the determining factor in the commission of major crimes, marihuana smoking is not widespread among school children, and the gateway drug theory is without foundation. The report was condemned by "drug czar" Harry Anslinger.
Law Enforcement Action Partnership, formerly called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, is an organization of retired police officers and law enforcement officials, formed in 2002, now with more than 180 speakers, representing 5,000 law enforcement members, and more than 100,000 supporters worldwide. [See cannabis rights organizations.]
Song by Peter Tosh from an album of the same title, originally recorded in 1975, that was banned in Jamaica when it was released, and has since then become a cannabis culture anthem.
A measured quantity of cannabis, usually 1 to 1+1⁄2 ounces (28 to 43 g), an amount that would fill a shoe box lid.[3]
live resin
Extracted fresh cannabis that is kept at freezing temperatures through the entire process, rather than dried.[8][39] [See cannabis edibles and extracts.]
Any of 186 species of psilocybin fungi, or psychedelic mushrooms, banned in the United States under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. Used since prehistoric times as an entheogen for spiritual experiences, some cultures have used psilocybin mushrooms in their religious rites and ceremonies. [See cannabis culture.]
1937 U.S. law that prohibited cannabis for the first time, and was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1969 and replaced with President Nixon's Controlled Substances Act. [See prohibition.]
Laws in some jurisdictions banning the cultivation or sales of cannabis in an attempt to prevent its use. These bans are criticized because they create a black market and because enforcement is disproportionate in communities of color.[15][16]
Term referring to people who have moved from one location to another due to cannabis prohibition laws, motivated by a desire to have legal access to cannabis to treat medical conditions for themselves or their family, or to legally consume cannabis for any other reason.
The rights of people who consume cannabis include freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and the right to be free from employment and housing discrimination.
Laborer caught by authorities in 1937 with one-quarter ounce (7 g) of cannabis, one of the first people convicted under the federal Marihuana Tax Act. United States "drug czar" Harry J. Anslinger visited Colorado in order to be present at Baca's sentencing.[41] [See prohibition.]
A 2010 book by civil rights advocate Professor Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, that argues the War on Drugs has a devastating impact on inner city African American communities, on a scale entirely out of proportion to the actual dimensions of criminal activity taking place within these communities.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, an American non-profit cannabis rights organization founded in 1970 by Keith Stroup with a grant from the Playboy Foundation.
Slang name for a bud of high-quality cannabis.[10]
Code-name for a 2003 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration investigation targeting businesses selling cannabis pipes and bongs. Hundreds of businesses and homes were raided during the operation. Fifty-five people were charged with trafficking of illegal drug paraphernalia, including actor Tommy Chong, who was sentenced to 9 months in federal prison for financing and promoting a glass shop. Operation Pipe Dreams was estimated to have cost more than $12 million. [See prohibition.]
Herbicide that has been linked to the development of Parkinson's disease, banned in the European Union since 2007, used as part of North American and Central American anti-marijuana eradication programs during the mid-1970s.
Name given to cannabis discovered in US cities containing traces of paraquat following a 1975 US government assisted marijuana eradication operation in Mexico during harvest season.
personal cannabis use
Consumption of cannabis for any medical, nonmedical, recreational, religious, responsible, social, spiritual, therapeutic, or other reason.[44][45]
Cactus found in Mexico and southwestern Texas used worldwide as an entheogen and supplement to transcendence. Native North Americans have used peyote for spiritual purposes for more than 5,500 years. Mescaline, the primary psychoactive compound isolated from peyote, is a controlled substance in Canada, while possession and use of peyote plants is legal. Peyote is a Schedule I controlled substance in the US, banned except for members of the Native American Church under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act.
Cannabis, possibly derived from Spanish potiguaya, itself possibly derived from potacion de guaya.[35][38]
Laws in some jurisdictions banning the cultivation or sales of cannabis in an attempt to prevent its use. These bans are criticized because they create a black market and because enforcement is disproportionate in communities of color.[15][16]
A legal philosophy and political theory which holds that citizens will abstain from behaviors if the actions are prohibited and enforced by law. This philosophy has been most notably the basis for acts of statutory law throughout history when a large group of a given population disapproves of, or feels threatened by, an activity in which a smaller group of that population engages, criminalizing the behavior of the feared minority group.[49]
Information that is not objective and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information. Propaganda can be material prepared by governments, organizations, or the media.
California law enacted by voters in 1996, called the Compassionate Use Act, the first state law allowing medical use of cannabis in the United States.[50]
Any of 186 species of psilocybin fungi, often called psychedelic, or "magic" mushrooms, banned in the United States under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
1936 American anti-cannabis propaganda film, produced under the title Tell Your Children, that depicts marijuana use leading to hallucinations, murder, psychosis, rape, and suicide. The film, now a cult classic, colorized by 20th Century Fox in 2004, was parodied by a 1992 stage adaptation, and by a musical that was broadcast as a television film in 2005. [See prohibition.]
An individual who feels uncomfortable around people who consume cannabis. Someone who is reeferphobic, or has an irrational fear of cannabis law reform, or someone who exhibits reeferphobia.[52][53]
Aversion to, dislike of, or prejudice against marijuana consumers.[52][53]
Author of Marijuana Rx: The Patients Fight for Medical Pot, Robert Randall (1948–2001), who founded the Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics, was the first person to successfully use a medical necessity defense when he was charged with illegal possession of cannabis to treat his glaucoma. Randall v. United States led to the establishment of the federal Compassionate Investigational New Drug program which ran from 1978 until 1992.
A former alcohol peddler during prohibition, Samuel Caldwell (1880–1941) was one of the first people convicted in 1937 under the federal marihuana prohibition law. U.S. "drug czar" Harry Anslinger visited Colorado in order to be present at Caldwell's sentencing.[41] [See prohibition.]
Seven demonstrators—Angela Atkins, Jody Dodd, Daniel Rodrigues Scales, Bill O'Rourke, Joe Gaddy, Jeffrey Stefanoff, and Joe Ptak—convicted of misdemeanor possession of cannabis following a series of smoke-in protests at the San Marcos, Texas, police station in March 1991. While incarcerated, Gaddy and Stefanoff went on hunger strikes. A tent city supporting the San Marcos 7 grew outside the Hays County Law Enforcement Center while Stefanoff was jailed.
When Harry Anslinger's 1937 Marihuana Tax Act was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, it was replaced by Richard Nixon's 1970 Controlled Substances Act that created a list of Schedules, with cannabis in the most restrictive classification. Schedule I substances are defined by law as having high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use, and cannot be used safely under medical supervision. [See prohibition.]
Annual cannabis pride protest-festival, or "protestival", organized by Vivian McPeak, held since 1991, originally called the Washington Hemp Expo. The 3-day Seattle Hempfest is the world's largest annual cannabis rights gathering, with more than 100,000 people attending each year.
A sebsi or sibsi (Berber: ⵙⴻⴱⵙⵉ) is a traditional Moroccancannabis pipe with a narrow bowl and a fine metal screen. To this a long stem (up to 46 cm/18 in) is attached through which smoke is inhaled
Black market or underground economy created by prohibition of entheogenic plants including cannabis. The illegal cannabis trade is estimated to be worth $141 billion per year worldwide. However the size and extent of the underground market is likely to be underestimated due to its illicit status.[5]
When the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, it was replaced with Nixon's Controlled Substances Act. Congress temporarily placed cannabis in Schedule I, the most restrictive classification, and the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse or Shafer Commission was appointed to make a recommendation for its permanent placement. The commission recommended decriminalization of cannabis in 1972, but the recommendation was opposed by a 1974 congressional subcommittee. [See prohibition.]
A type of extracted cannabis concentrate that is brittle, usually transparent, and breaks like glass.[2][8] [See cannabis edibles and extracts.]
An Arabic word for hookah, a traditional water pipe for smoking cannabis. [See drug paraphernalia.]
American monthly cannabis technical journal published in the 1980s by Tom Alexander, targeted in 1989 by the Drug Enforcement Administration investigation Operation Green Merchant.[54]
A slang word meaning heavy cannabis smoker, the word is derogatory except within the cannabis culture.[10]
stoner bashing
Verbal or physical abuse directed against a person who is perceived by the aggressor to be someone who is a consumer of cannabis, including unprovoked threats, intimidation, and offensive jokes made at the expense of a cannabis consumer by an attacker who is in a position of power over the victim.[57][58]
Civil and human rights of people who consume cannabis, including freedom of religion, and the right to be free from employment discrimination and housing discrimination.
Varieties of cannabis bred for medical or industrial applications. Traditional heirloom strains of cannabis and contemporary hybrid varieties vary broadly because terpenes in the essential oils of the flowers, which give the buds their fragrance, and the ratio of cannabinoids, the more than 100 different therapeutically-active compounds, are infinitely variable.
An extracted cannabis concentrate product that is doughy or flexible.[8] [See cannabis edibles and extracts.]
tax and regulate
A system for U.S. states like Washington and Colorado to legalize cannabis and gain tax revenue from it, versus states like Vermont, and the District of Columbia, which legalized without setting up any regulatory system.[59][60][61]
1980s-era United States anti-cannabis TV public service announcement that compared drug use to frying an egg, ending with "Any questions?" The ad has been widely parodied. Criticism includes an April 20, 2017, rebuttal advertisement blaming drug prohibition for contributing to mass incarceration, poverty, and structural racism.
U.S. three-strikes laws, requiring persons convicted of three felony-level offenses to serve mandatory life sentences, were first implemented in the 1990s as part of President Bush's War on Drugs. In some jurisdictions, the resulting harsh sentences have become the subject of controversy.
Black market or shadow economy created by cannabis prohibition. The illicit cannabis market is estimated to be worth $141 billion per year worldwide. However the size and extent of the illegal black market cannot be fully gauged due to its clandestine nature.[5][66]
An American term, popularized by the media after President Richard Nixon, in 1969, formally declared a "war on drugs" including eradication, interdiction, and incarceration.[68] [See prohibition.]
1968 UK committee that recommended cannabis decriminalisation, finding imprisonment to no longer be an appropriate punishment for possession of a small amount. When the report was published in 1969, some members of Parliament criticized the committee, however the report's recommendations were implemented during the 1970s.
The Yippie political party, formed in 1967, often ran candidates for public office to advance the counterculture of the 1960s, engaged in street theater or "pranking the system", and organized the first North American smoke-ins. The Yippie flag is a five-pointed star superimposed with a cannabis leaf.
Policy of imposing strict punishment for cannabis law violations, which has been criticized because it forbids discretion regarding individual culpability, history, and extenuating circumstances. Zero tolerance policies in schools are said to contribute to a school-to-prison pipeline in the United States. [See prohibition.]
^ abC Canty, A Sutton. Strategies for community-based drug law enforcement: From prohibition to harm reduction; in T Stockwell, PJ Gruenewald, JW Toumbourou, WLoxley W, eds. Preventing Harmful Substance Use: The Evidence Base for Policy and Practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2005. pp. 225–236.