After specialist training in London, Cooke was based at the Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, Mtubatuba (now AHRI) before moving to Imperial College.[5] His work has focussed on HIV, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis.[1] In 2016 he led publication of global estimates of viral hepatitis disease burden and has had a prominent role in efforts to raise the profile of viral hepatitis globally, leading the commission on viral hepatitis elimination in 2019.[1] He has run randomised trials in the UK and Vietnam contributing insights into host-virus interactions and treatment outcomes.[6]
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cooke was an investigator on the REACT (Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission) programme, the largest study of consented individuals during the pandemic.[7][8] The programme made important contributions to government policy and informed decisions on relaxation of national restrictions and vaccine delivery.[9]
With Chris Toumazou, he led the development of the COVIDnudge diagnostic,[10] implemented in the NHS in 2020.[11]
Other roles
He has advocated for access to affordable medicines.[12] He became a member of the WHO committee for Selection and Use of Essential Medicines in 2015 and chairman in 2019.[1][13] In 2021, he was appointed non-executive director and Deputy Chair of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Board (MHRA).[14]