His research focuses more generally on distributed discrete event modeling,[1]ERP, BPMN and workflow.
He recently co-authored "Model-based Approaches to the Interoperability of Next Generation Enterprise Information Systems: State of the Art and Future Challenges"[2]
In the field of methodologies and health technologies, in 2018 he co-wrote with Bernard P. Zeigler, Mamadou K. Traoré and Raphaël Duboz the book "Value-based learning systems: integrative modeling and simulation".[3]
He was program chair of the Springsim 2017 at Pasadena, general chair of SpringSim 2018 in Baltimore. He is a member of the editorial board of Sage Simulation Journal, JSimE and SNE journals.
He led for IMS Lab the DIAMANTR project "Research on Advanced Technologies and Industries" (2015-2019) for IMS,[4] the French National FUI SIMID project "Integrated and Distributed Information System for Maintenance, Repair and Operation" (MRO) "(2010-2014) and the RAPID project DGA SICOMORES "Constructive modeling and simulation of the effects of influence operations on social networks" (2013-2016).
His most cited publications are:
Agostinho C, Ducq Y, Zacharewicz G, Sarraipa J, Lampathaki F, Poler R, Jardim-Goncalves R. Towards a sustainable interoperability in networked enterprise information systems: trends of knowledge and model-driven technology. Computers in industry. 2016 Jun 1;79:64-76. According to Google Scholar, this article has been cited 93 times[5]
Zacharewicz G, Frydman C, Giambiasi N. G-DEVS/HLA environment for distributed simulations of workflows. Simulation. 2008 May;84(5):197-213. According to Google Scholar, this article has been cited 72 times[5]