Group meetings are held each week to discuss the Bible in universities.[8] These groups are Evangelical, but not attached to any particular confession.[9]
Representatives of all the member movements gather once every four years at the "World Assembly", where the General Committee meets to conduct official business of the fellowship.[10] IFES's General Secretaries have included:[11]
Christian literature distribution is also a feature of this ministry. InterVarsity Press (USA), Inter-Varsity Press (UK), Presses Bibliques Africaines (Francophone Africa), Harmat (Hungary), Andamio (Spain), and Ediciones Certeza (Latin America) are examples of regional publishing houses.
Tyndale is a Christian publishing house, publishing Christian fiction, nonfiction, children’s books amongst others.[14] Tyndale has supported IFES since 1967, through Tyndale House Foundation and helps establish IFES-affiliated publishing programs in other countries including Pakistan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Brazil, Uganda, India and the United States. These programs enable students to write and publish their own brochures, books and curriculums, and to serve their local campuses.[15]
Douglas Johnson, A Brief History of the International Fellowship Of Evangelical Students, Lausanne, Switzerland, IFES, 1964.
Pete Lowman, The Day of His Power, Leicester, Inter-Varsity, 1988. ISBN0-85110-794-X
Alice Poynor, From the Campus to the World: Stories from the First Fifty Years of Student Foreign Missions Fellowship, InterVarsity Press, 1986. ISBN0-87784-947-1
David M. Howard, Student Power in World Missions, InterVarsity Press, 1979. ISBN0-87784-493-3 (Brief history of North American students in mission beginning with the Haystack Movement through the SVM to the SFMF.)
C. Stacey Woods, The Growth of a Work of God, InterVarsity Press, 1978. ISBN0-87784-741-X (Early history of InterVarsity/USA)
Keith & Gladys Hunt, For Christ and the University: The Story of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the U.S.A./ 1940-1990, InterVarsity Press, 1991. ISBN0-8308-4996-3
Lindsay Brown, Shining Like Stars - the Power of the Gospel in the World’s Universities, Inter-Varsity Press, 2006. ISBN1-84474-167-2 (Spanish translation: Brillando Como Estrellas, Andamio. ISBN84-96551-28-8, ISBN978-84-96551-28-2