Set in a post-apocalyptic future where an event known as "The Quiet Rapture" caused all known stars and habitable planets in the universe to disappear, a convict is sent to search an ocean of blood discovered on a desolate moon, using a poorly-constructed midget submarine nicknamed the "Iron Lung".[1]
On February 16, 2023, David Szymanski jokingly announced on Twitter that Mark Fischbach and Seán McLoughlin (known by their online usernames Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, respectively) would be starring in a film adaptation of the game Iron Lung which Fischbach and McLoughlin both played, with a soundtrack by Andrew Hulshult, slated for a summer release.[2][3] In an interview with Variety on March 8, 2023, Fischbach confirmed he was directing, writing, and acting for a film, but did not state what it was.[4] On May 7, 2023, McLoughlin confirmed on Twitter that he would be in the film.[5]
Szymanski has assisted with the script and pre-production of the film, and is also set to have a cameo in the film.[3] Andrew Hulshult was also confirmed to be scoring the film.[6]Iron Lung is the first film soundtrack that Hulshult worked on.[7]
Filming and post-production
On April 21, 2023, Fischbach officially announced a film adaptation of Iron Lung with the release of a teaser trailer.[1][8][9] Additionally, Deadline Hollywood reported that Fischbach was also self-financing the film, co-starring with Caroline Rose Kaplan, and producing with Will Hyde and Jeff Guerrero; filming had already commenced in Austin, Texas.[10] Szymanski confirmed the film is intended for a theatrical release,[11] marking the film as Fischbach's first theatrical film; he previously directed and wrote the YouTube Originalinteractive filmsA Heist with Markiplier (2019) and In Space with Markiplier (2022).[10] During production, Fischbach confirmed that Iron Lung will contain the most fake blood of any horror film, beating 2013 film Evil Dead's 50,000 US gallons (190,000 L);[12][13] during filming, he went to the hospital due to getting too much fake blood in his eyes.[14] On April 29, Fischbach announced on his YouTube channel that filming had been completed, marking the beginning of the editing and post-production process.[15]
In July 2023, Fischbach revealed that he is a member of SAG-AFTRA, and that the production of Iron Lung would be delayed due to the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike.[16][17]
On October 14, 2023, Fischbach published the official trailer of the movie on his YouTube channel.[18][19] On October 16, in a livestream on his YouTube channel, he stated that he had turned down a role in Five Nights at Freddy's in order to produce Iron Lung, due to the two films having conflicting production schedules.[20] In June 2024, Fischbach announced that the film was "officially done", and that he was in the process of negotiating the film's release.[21]
Iron Lung is planned for a theatrical release.[11][22]