Laura Malosetti Costa (born 30 March 1956) is a Uruguayan-born Argentine social and cultural anthropologist, researcher, art historian, and essayist. She is also a curator of art exhibitions and the author of several books on Latin American art. She was recognized with the Konex Award in 2006 and 2016.[1][2]
Los primeros modernos. Arte y sociedad en Buenos Aires a fines del siglo XIX [The First Moderns. Art and Society in Buenos Aires at the End of the 19th Century] (1st ed.). Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2001. ISBN978-950-557-425-4.
Buenos Aires, ciudad y país [Buenos Aires, City and Country] (1st ed.). Asociación de Amigos del Museo Histórico Sarmiento. 2006. ISBN978-987-97693-1-7. Collective work.
Educar la mirada – Políticas y pedagogías de la imagen [Educating the View – Policies and Pedagogies of the Image] (1st ed.). Manantial. 2006. ISBN978-987-500-099-5. Collective work.
Cuadros de viaje - Artistas argentinos en Europa y Estados Unidos 1880–1910 [Travel Paintings – Argentine Artists in Europe and the United States 1880–1910] (1st ed.). Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2008. ISBN978-950-557-779-8. Compiler.
Impresiones porteñas – Imagen y palabra en la historia cultural de Buenos Aires [Impressions of Buenos Aires – Image and Word in the Cultural History of Buenos Aires] (1st ed.). Edhasa. 2009. ISBN978-987-628-049-5. Compiled in collaboration with Marcela Gene.
Atrapados por la imagen – Arte y política en la cultura impresa argentina [Caught By the Image – Art and Politics in Argentina's Printed Culture] (1st ed.). Edhasa. 2013. ISBN978-987-628-214-7. Co-author with Marcela Gene.
Doscientos años de pintura argentina [Two Hundred Years of Argentine Painting] (1st ed.). Banco Hipotecario. 2013. ISBN978-987-29989-1-2.
Entresiglos – El impulso cosmopolita en Rosario [Between Centuries – The Cosmopolitan Impulse in Rosario] (1st ed.). Ediciones Castagnino/Macro. 2013. ISBN978-987-29180-3-3. Co-author with María de la Paz López Carvajal and Pablo Montini.
Yo, nosotros, el arte [I, We, Art] (1st ed.). Fundación OSDE. 2014. ISBN978-987-9358-82-5. Co-author with María Isabel Baldasarre.
La seducción fatal – Imaginarios eróticos del siglo XIX [Fatal Seduction – 19th Century Erotic Notions] (1st ed.). Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. 2014. ISBN978-987-1428-25-0.
El Riachuelo de Benito Quinquela Martín [The Stream of Benito Quinquela] (1st ed.). ACUMAR. 2015. ISBN978-987-46101-0-2. Collective work.
Ernesto de la Cárcova (1st ed.). Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. 2016. ISBN978-987-1428-33-5.
Genealogías críticas de la colonialidad en América Latina, África, Oriente [Critical Genealogies of Coloniality in Latin America, Africa, Orient] (1st ed.). CLACSO. 2016. ISBN978-987-722-157-2. Collective work.
Retratos de revolución y guerra – Gil de Castro en el Museo Histórico Nacional de Argentina [Portraits of Revolution and War – Gil de Castro in the National Historical Museum of Argentina] (1st ed.). UNSAMedita. 2017. ISBN978-987-4027-58-0. Collective work.
Los de abajo [Those Below] (1st ed.). UNR Editora. 2018. ISBN978-987-702-274-2. Collective work.
Awards and recognitions
FIAAR Award from Telefónica for art history research, 1998[6]
Honorable Mention of the Latin American Association of Art, 2003[6]
Best Book of the Year from the Argentine Association of Art Critics, 2006[6]
Konex Award Diploma of Merit for Aesthetics, Theory, and Art History, 2006[1]
Curator's Prize for Exhibition, Argentine Association of Art Critics, 2007[6]