Distribution and habitat
Conservation status[1]
Leaf type[3]
Flower colour
Published |
Range |
Soil |
A. acanthophyllus (Prickly Woollybush)
Tall shrub, lignotuberous
Dark red to pale pink-red
A.S.George, 1974
A. sect. Adenanthos
Shark Bay
Sand of marine origin
Scrub or heath
A. apiculatus
Prostrate subshrub, non-lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
R.Br., 1810
A. sect. Adenanthos
Stirling Range to King George Sound and Bremer Bay
Lateritic soils, sand
Scrub or heath
A. argyreus (Little Woollybush)
Small shrub, non-lignotuberous
Bright red-pink
Diels, 1905
A. sect. Adenanthos
Lake King to Wyallkatchem to Southern Cross
Lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
A. barbiger (Hairy Glandflower)
Small shrub, lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Lindl., 1839
A. sect. Eurylaema
Toodyay to Manjimup to Augusta
Lateritic gravel
Open forest
A. cacomorphus
Medium shrub, lignotuberous
Bright pink
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Fitzgerald River
Lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
Priority 2 (WA)
A. cuneatus (Coastal Jugflower)
Medium shrub, occasionally a prostrate subshrub, lignotuberous
Labill., 1805
A. sect. Adenanthos
Walpole to Twilight Cove
Scrub or heath
A. × cunninghamii (Albany Woollybush)
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
Dull crimson
Meisn., 1845
A. sect. Adenanthos
King George Sound
Sand of marine origin
Scrub or heath
Priority 4 (WA)
A. cygnorum (Common Woollybush)
Tall shrub or prostrate subshrub, non-lignotuberous
Light pink, cream, or green
Diels, 1905
A. sect. Adenanthos
Kalbarra to Arthur River
Lateritic soils, sand
A. cygnorum subsp. chamaephyton
Prostrate subshrub, non-lignotuberous
Light pink, cream, or green
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Mundaring and Chidlow
Lateritic gravel
Open forest
Priority 4 (WA)
A. cygnorum subsp. cygnorum (Common Woollybush)
Tall shrub, occasionally a tree, non-lignotuberous
Light pink, cream, or green
A. sect. Adenanthos
Kalbarra to Arthur River
Lateritic soils, sand
Open forest, scrub or heath
A. detmoldii (Scott River Jugflower)
Tall shrub, non-lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Yellow and orange/brown
F.Muell., 1874
A. sect. Eurylaema
Scott River to Whicher Range
Peat and waterlogged soils
Scrub or heath
Priority 4 (WA)
A. dobagii (Fitzgerald Woollybush)
Small shrub, non-lignotuberous
Cream or pale pink
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Fitzgerald River
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
Endangered (EPBC Act)
Rare (WA)
A. dobsonii
Small shrub, lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Red and/or cream
F.Muell., 1868
A. sect. Adenanthos
Cape Arid to Israelite Bay
Scrub or heath
A. drummondii
Small shrub, lignotuberous[4]
Scarlet apex, yellow base
Meisn., 1845
A. sect. Adenanthos
Bullsbrook to Wongan Hills to Three Springs
Lateritic soils
Scrub or heath
A. ellipticus (Oval-leaf Adenanthos)
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Orange-red and cream
A.S.George, 1974
A. sect. Adenanthos
Mount Barren Ranges
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
Vulnerable (EPBC Act)
Rare (WA)
A. eyrei (Toolinna Adenanthos)
Small shrub, non-lignotuberous
Dark crimson
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Sand of marine origin
Scrub or heath
Endangered (EPBC Act)
Rare (WA)
A. filifolius
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
Cream and black
Benth., 1870
A. sect. Adenanthos
Stirling Range to King George Sound and Bremer Bay
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
Priority 3 (WA)
A. flavidiflorus
Small shrub, lignotuberous
Bright red-pink
F.Muell., 1859
A. sect. Adenanthos
Bremer Bay to Hyden
Lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
A. forrestii
Medium shrub, lignotuberous
Pale red and cream, or cream
F.Muell., 1882
A. sect. Adenanthos
Twilight Cove, Toolinna and Israelite Plain
Sand of marine origin
Scrub or heath
A. glabrescens
Small shrub, with or without lignotuber
Entire or lobed
Pink-scarlet and cream
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Lake King to Fitzgerald River to Ravensthorpe
Skeletal soils and lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
A. glabrescens subsp. exasperatus
Small shrub, non-lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Pink-scarlet and cream
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Lake King to Halls Track
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
A. glabrescens subsp. glabrescens
Small shrub, lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Pink-scarlet and cream
A. sect. Adenanthos
Fitzgerald River to Ravensthorpe
Lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
A. gracilipes
Small shrub, lignotuberous
Cream and red-pink
A.S.George, 1974
A. sect. Adenanthos
Johnson Lakes and Frank Hann National Park
Lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
Priority 3 (WA)
A. ileticos (Club-leaf Adenanthos)
Medium shrub, lignotuberous
Pale pink-red
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Esperance to Norseman
Lateritic sand
Open forest, woodland
Priority 4 (WA)
A. labillardierei
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
Cream and claret
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Barren Ranges
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
Priority 4 (WA)
A. linearis
Small shrub, non-lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Cream with pink apex
Meisn., 1856
A. sect. Adenanthos
Stirling Range to King George Sound and Bremer Bay
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
Priority 2 (WA)
A. macropodianus (Kangaroo Island Gland Flower)
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Kangaroo Island
Lateritic soils, sand
Open forest, scrub or heath
A. meisneri (Prostrate Woollybush)
Medium shrub, lignotuberous
Red-purple or purple
Meisn., 1845
A. sect. Adenanthos
Swan River to Point D'Entrecasteaux
Open forest, scrub or heath
A. obovatus (Basket Flower)
Small shrub, lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Labill., 1805
A. sect. Eurylaema
Gingin to Augusta to Green Range, also Narrogin
Skeletal soils, lateritic sand, peaty sand and waterlogged soils
Open forest, scrub or heath
A. oreophilus (Woollybush)
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Fitzgerald River area
Lateritic gravel
Scrub or heath
A. × pamela
Medium shrub, lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Orange or light red
E.C.Nelson, 1986
A. sect. Eurylaema
Scott River
Priority 4 (WA)
A. pungens (Spiky Adenanthos)
Medium shrub or prostrate subshrub, non-lignotuberous
Pale or dark pink
Meisn., 1845
A. sect. Adenanthos
Tambellup and Hamella Hill
Skeletal soils and lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
A. pungens subsp. effusus (Sprawling Spiky Adenanthos)
Prostrate subshrub, non-lignotuberous
Pale pink
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
Lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
Endangered (EPBC Act)
Rare (WA)
A. pungens subsp. pungens (Spiky Adenanthos)
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
Dark pink
A. sect. Adenanthos
Hamella Hill
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
Vulnerable (EPBC Act)
Rare (WA)
A. sericeus (Coastal Woollybush)
Tall shrub, occasionally a tree, non-lignotuberous
Labill., 1805
A. sect. Adenanthos
King George Sound to Warriup, Cape Le Grand, Cape Arid
Skeletal soils, and sand of marine origin
Scrub or heath
A. sericeus subsp. sericeus (Coastal Woollybush)
Tall shrub, non-lignotuberous
A. sect. Adenanthos
Cape Le Grand, Cape Arid
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
A. sericeus subsp. sphalma
Tall shrub, occasionally a tree, non-lignotuberous
E.C.Nelson, 1978
A. sect. Adenanthos
King George Sound to Warriup
Sand of marine origin
Scrub or heath
A. stictus
Tall shrub, non-lignotuberous
A.S.George, 1974
A. sect. Adenanthos
Watheroo to Coorow
Lateritic sand
Scrub or heath
A. terminalis (Yellow Gland Flower)
Medium shrub, non-lignotuberous
R.Br., 1810
A. sect. Adenanthos
Eyre Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, Adelaide to Little Desert
Lateritic soils, sand
Scrub or heath
A. velutinus (Velvet Woollybush)
Tall shrub, non-lignotuberous[5]
Red-purple or purple
Meisn., 1856
A. sect. Adenanthos
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath
Endangered (EPBC Act)
Rare (WA)
A. venosus
Medium shrub, lignotuberous
Entire or lobed
Dull crimson and cream
Meisn., 1856
A. sect. Adenanthos
Fitzgerald River
Skeletal soils
Scrub or heath