List of Hercostomus species
This is a list of 448 species in Hercostomus , a genus of long-legged flies in the family Dolichopodidae .[ 1]
Hercostomus species
Hercostomus abnormis Yang, 1996 [ 2]
Hercostomus abortivus Parent , 1935
Hercostomus absimilis Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus acutangulatus Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus acuticornutus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus acutiformis Negrobov , Kumazawa & Tago, 2016[ 6]
Hercostomus acutilobatus Liao, Zhou & Yang, 2006 [ 7]
Hercostomus acutus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus additus Parent , 1926
Hercostomus albibarbus Negrobov , 1976
Hercostomus albicoxa Pollet & Kazerani, 2017 [ 9]
Hercostomus albidipes Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus albipodus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941
Hercostomus amabilis Wei & Song, 2006
Hercostomus amissus Bickel, 2008
Hercostomus amoenus (Becker , 1922) [ 10] [ 11]
Hercostomus anae Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2007 [ 12]
Hercostomus anatoliensis Tonguc, Grootaert & Barlas, 2016 [ 13]
Hercostomus angustus (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus anomalipennis Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus apicilaris Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus apiciniger Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus apicispinus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus apiculatus Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 14]
Hercostomus apiculus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus apollo (Loew , 1869)
Hercostomus argentifacies Parent , 1933
Hercostomus argentifrons Oldenberg , 1916
Hercostomus argyraceus Negrobov & Chalaya, 1987
Hercostomus argyreus (Wei & Lu, 1996) [ 15] [ 11]
Hercostomus atypicalis Bickel, 2008
Hercostomus aurifacies Parent , 1933
Hercostomus aurifer (Thomson, 1869)
Hercostomus autumnalis Parent , 1935
Hercostomus baishanzuensis Yang & Yang, 1995
Hercostomus baishuihensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus baixionggouanus Qilemoge, Liu & Yang, 2017 [ 17]
Hercostomus bakeri Frey , 1928
Hercostomus balensis Grichanov , 2004[ 18]
Hercostomus basalis Yang, 1996 [ 19]
Hercostomus basantapuranus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
†Hercostomus bauckhorni (Meunier, 1915) [ 20]
Hercostomus beijingensis Yang, 1996
Hercostomus biancistrus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus bicolor Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus bidentatus Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2007 [ 21]
Hercostomus bigeminatus Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus binatus Yang, 1999 [ 22]
Hercostomus binotatus De Meijere , 1916
Hercostomus bisetus Tang, Zhang & Yang, 2014 [ 23]
Hercostomus bispinifer Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus blepharopus Loew , 1871
Hercostomus brandbergensis Grichanov , 2020[ 24]
Hercostomus brevicercus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus brevicornis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 26]
Hercostomus brevidigitalis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 26]
Hercostomus brevifurcatus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus brevilobatus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus brevis Yang, 1997 [ 27]
Hercostomus breviseta Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 28]
Hercostomus brevispinus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus breviventris Parent , 1941
Hercostomus brunneipygus (De Meijere , 1916)
Hercostomus cacheae Harmston & Knowlton, 1941
Hercostomus caecus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus caixiae Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2003 [ 29]
Hercostomus calcaratus Stackelberg , 1931
Hercostomus canariensis Santos Abreu, 1929 [ 30]
Hercostomus chaetilamellatus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941
Hercostomus chaeturus Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus chetifer (Walker , 1849)
Hercostomus chiaiensis Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005 [ 31]
Hercostomus chiliwanus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus clavatus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus coloradensis Harmston, 1952
Hercostomus completus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus compositus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus comsus Wei & Song, 2005
Hercostomus concavus Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus concisus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus conformis (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus convergens (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus costalis Van Duzee, 1923
Hercostomus costatus (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus crassiseta Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus crassivenus Bickel, 2008
Hercostomus cryptus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941
Hercostomus curvarmatus Yang & Saigusa, 2000 [ 32]
Hercostomus curvativus Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus curvilobatus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus curviphallus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus curviseta Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus curvispinosus Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus curvispinus Yang & Saigusa, 2000 [ 32]
Hercostomus curvus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus cuspidicercus Olejníček, 2004
Hercostomus cuspidiger Yang & Saigusa, 2000
Hercostomus cylindripyga Stackelberg , 1931
Hercostomus cyprius Parent , 1937
Hercostomus dacicus Parvu, 1991
Hercostomus dactylocera (Grootaert & Meuffels, 2001)
Hercostomus dashahensis Zhang, Wei & Yang, 2009 [ 33]
Hercostomus daweishanus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 34]
Hercostomus dayaoshanensis Liao, Zhou & Yang, 2007 [ 35]
Hercostomus deltodontus Tang, Zhang & Yang, 2014 [ 23]
Hercostomus dentalis Yang, 1997 [ 36]
Hercostomus dentatus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
†Hercostomus devinctus (Meunier, 1907) [ 20]
Hercostomus dichromopyga Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus digitatus Yang, 1997
Hercostomus digitiformis Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus dilatitarsis Stackelberg , 1949
Hercostomus discriminatus Parent , 1925
Hercostomus dissectus Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus dissimilis Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus dorsiniger Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus dorsiseta Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus dui Wei, 1997
Hercostomus ebaeus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus effugius Wei & Song, 2006
Hercostomus effusus Wei & Song, 2006
Hercostomus elongatus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus emarginatus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus emeiensis Yang, 1997
Hercostomus emotoi Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus enghoffi Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus erectus Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus eugenii Stackelberg , 1949
Hercostomus exacutus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus exarticulatoides Stackelberg , 1949
Hercostomus exarticulatus (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus excertus Wei & Song, 2006
Hercostomus excipiens Becker , 1907
Hercostomus excisilamellatus Parent , 1944
Hercostomus falcilis Negrobov , Kumazawa & Tago, 2016[ 6]
Hercostomus fanjingensis Wei, 1997
Hercostomus fatuus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus fedotovae Grichanov , 2020[ 24]
Hercostomus filiformis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus fistulus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus flatus Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 14]
Hercostomus flavicans Grootaert & Meuffels, 2001
Hercostomus flavicinctus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus flavicoxus Negrobov & Logvinovskij, 1977
Hercostomus flavimaculatus Yang, 1998
Hercostomus flavimarginatus Yang, 1999 [ 22]
Hercostomus flavipalpus Negrobov , Kumazawa, Tago & Sato, 2016[ 6]
Hercostomus flavipes (von Roder, 1884)
Hercostomus flaviscapus Yang & Saigusa, 2000
Hercostomus flaviscutellum Yang, 1998 [ 38]
Hercostomus flaviventris Smirnov & Negrobov , 1979
Hercostomus flavus Tang, Zhang & Yang, 2014 [ 23]
Hercostomus flexus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus flutatus Harmston & Knowlton, 1945
Hercostomus fluvius Wei, 1997
Hercostomus fluxus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus freidbergi Grichanov , 2004[ 18]
Hercostomus frondosus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus fugax (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus fulgidipes (Becker , 1922) [ 10] [ 11]
Hercostomus fulvicaudis (Haliday in Walker , 1851)
Hercostomus fupingensis Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus furcatus Yang, 1996
Hercostomus furcutus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus fuscipennis (Meigen , 1824)
Hercostomus galonglaensis Tang, Zhang & Yang, 2014 [ 23]
Hercostomus gansuensis Yang, 1996 [ 19]
Hercostomus gaoae Yang, Grootaert & Song, 2002 [ 39]
Hercostomus gavarniae Parent , 1927
Hercostomus geniculatus Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2007 [ 12]
Hercostomus germanus (Wiedemann , 1817)
Hercostomus golanensis Grichanov , 2015[ 40]
Hercostomus gongshanensis Zhang & Yang, 2010 [ 41]
Hercostomus gracilior Negrobov , 1976
Hercostomus gracilis (Stannius , 1831)
Hercostomus grandicercus Negrobov & Nechay, 2009
Hercostomus griseifrons Becker , 1910
Hercostomus gymnopygus Frey , 1925
Hercostomus hainanensis Zhang, Wei & Yang, 2009 [ 33]
Hercostomus heinrichi Grichanov , 2004[ 18]
Hercostomus henanus Yang, 1999 [ 22]
Hercostomus himertus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus histus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus hoplitus Wei & Song, 2006
Hercostomus huaguoensis Zhang & Yang, 2007 [ 42]
Hercostomus hualienensis Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005 [ 31]
Hercostomus huanglianshanus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 34]
Hercostomus hubeiensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 43]
Hercostomus huizhouensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 28]
Hercostomus humeralis Frey , 1925
Hercostomus hunanensis Yang, 1998 [ 44]
Hercostomus hypogaeus Wei & Song, 2006
Hercostomus ibericus Naglis & Bartak, 2015 [ 45]
Hercostomus ignarus Wei & Song, 2006
Hercostomus imperfectus (Becker , 1922) [ 10] [ 11]
Hercostomus impudicus Wheeler , 1899
Hercostomus incilis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus incisus Yang & Saigusa, 2000 [ 32]
Hercostomus inclusus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus incrassatus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus indistinctus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus infirmus Parent , 1933
Hercostomus insularum Becker , 1917
Hercostomus intactus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus intercedens Grichanov , 2004[ 18]
Hercostomus interstinctus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus intraneus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 34]
†Hercostomus inumbratus (Meunier, 1907) [ 20]
Hercostomus javanensis (De Meijere , 1916)
Hercostomus jindinganus Yang & Saigusa, 2000 [ 32]
Hercostomus jingpingensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus jingxingensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus jinxiuensis Yang, 1997 [ 36]
Hercostomus jiulongensis Zhang & Yang, 2005 [ 46]
Hercostomus kedrovicus Negrobov & Logvinovskij, 1977
Hercostomus kefaensis Grichanov , 2004[ 18]
Hercostomus koshelevae Grichanov , 2020[ 24]
Hercostomus kravchenkoi Grichanov & Freidberg, 2018[ 47]
Hercostomus krivosheinae Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus labiatus (Loew , 1871)
Hercostomus lanceolatus Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 26]
Hercostomus lateralis Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus latilobatus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus latus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus laufferi (Strobl , 1909)
Hercostomus leigongshanus Wei & Yang, 2007
Hercostomus lelepanus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus libanicola Parent , 1933
Hercostomus lichtwardti Villeneuve, 1899
Hercostomus lijiangensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus limosus Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 26]
Hercostomus litargus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus longicercus Yang & Yang, 1995
Hercostomus longidigitatus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus longifolius Yang & Saigusa, 2000
Hercostomus longilamellus Harmston & Knowlton, 1940
Hercostomus longilobatus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus longipulvinatus Yang, 1998
Hercostomus longisetus Yang & Saigusa, 2000
Hercostomus longispinus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus longiventris (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus longus Yang & Saigusa, 2000 [ 32]
Hercostomus longyuwanensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 28]
Hercostomus lotus Yang & Saigusa, 2002
Hercostomus loushanguananus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus lucidiventris Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus lunulatus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus luoshanensis Yang & Saigusa, 2000
Hercostomus luteipleuratus Parent , 1944
Hercostomus luteus Parent , 1927
Hercostomus macropygus De Meijere , 1916
Hercostomus maculithorax Stackelberg , 1931
Hercostomus magnicornis (De Meijere , 1916)
Hercostomus maoershanensis Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2004 [ 48]
Hercostomus marginatus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus masunagai Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus medialis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus meieri Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 26]
Hercostomus mengyangensis Zhang & Yang, 2010 [ 41]
Hercostomus minutus Negrobov & Logvinovskij, 1977
Hercostomus modestus (De Meijere , 1916)
Hercostomus modificatus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus mostovskii Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus motuoensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 28]
Hercostomus nakanishii Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus nanjingensis Yang, 1996
Hercostomus nanlingensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 28]
Hercostomus nantouensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 28]
Hercostomus nanus (Macquart , 1827)
Hercostomus napoensis Yang, Grootaert & Song, 2002 [ 39]
Hercostomus nartshukae Negrobov & Logvinovskij, 1976
Hercostomus nectarophagus Curran , 1924
Hercostomus neglectus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus neimengensis Yang, 1997 [ 36]
Hercostomus neocryptus Harmston & Knowlton, 1941
Hercostomus nepalensis Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus ngozi Grichanov , 2004[ 18]
Hercostomus nigricollaris Negrobov , Kumazawa & Tago, 2016[ 6]
Hercostomus nigrilamellatus (Macquart , 1827)
Hercostomus nigripalpus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus nigripennis (Fallén , 1823)
Hercostomus nigriplantis (Stannius , 1831)
Hercostomus nigrohalteratus Becker , 1909
Hercostomus notatus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus nuciformis Tang, Zhang & Yang, 2014 [ 23]
Hercostomus nudiusculus Yang, 1999 [ 22]
Hercostomus nudus Yang, 1996 [ 2]
Hercostomus obesus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus obtusus Samoh & Grootaert, 2024 [ 49]
Hercostomus occidentalis Cole, 1912
Hercostomus ogloblini Stackelberg , 1949
Hercostomus orbicularis Harmston, 1952
Hercostomus ovalicosta Hollis, 1964
Hercostomus ovatus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus ozerovi Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus pachynervis Ramos & Grootaert, 2018 [ 50]
Hercostomus pailongensis Tang, Zhang & Yang, 2014 [ 23]
Hercostomus pallidus Loew , 1871
Hercostomus pallipilosus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus pandellei Parent , 1926
Hercostomus papunanus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus patellitarsis (Parent , 1934)
Hercostomus peronus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus perspicillatus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus perturbus Curran , 1924
Hercostomus phaedrus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus philpotti Parent , 1933
Hercostomus phoebus Parent , 1927
Hercostomus phollae Hollis, 1964
Hercostomus pilicercus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus pilifacies Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus pingwuensis Qilemoge, Liu & Yang, 2017 [ 17]
Hercostomus placidus (Loew , 1873)
Hercostomus plagiatus (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus plumatus Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 26]
Hercostomus plumiger Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus pokivajlovi Maslova & Negrobov , 2011 [ 51]
Hercostomus pokornyi Mik , 1889
Hercostomus polleti Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus pollinifrons Parent , 1933
Hercostomus porrectus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus praetentans Lamb, 1924
Hercostomus proboscideus Becker , 1907
Hercostomus productus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus projectus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus prolongatus Yang, 1996
Hercostomus promotus Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus qingchenganus Yang, 1998
Hercostomus qinlingensis Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus quadratus Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus quadriseta Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
†Hercostomus quievreuxi Parent & Quievreux, 1935
Hercostomus radialis Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus regularis Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus riparius Negrobov & Grichanov , 1982
Hercostomus rivulorum Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus rogenhoferi (Mik , 1878)
Hercostomus rostellatus (Loew , 1871)
Hercostomus rothi (Zetterstedt , 1859) [ 52]
Hercostomus rubroviridis Parent , 1927
Hercostomus rubroviridissimus Negrobov , 1977
Hercostomus ruficauda (Zetterstedt , 1859)
Hercostomus rusticus (Meigen , 1824)
Hercostomus saetiger Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus sahlbergi (Zetterstedt , 1838)
Hercostomus saigusai Olejnichek, 2004
Hercostomus sanipass Grichanov , 2020[ 24]
Hercostomus sanjiangyuanus Liao, Zhou & Yang, 2009 [ 53]
Hercostomus santosi Parent , 1929
Hercostomus saranganicus Stackelberg , 1931
Hercostomus sartus Stackelberg , 1927
Hercostomus scotti Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus selikhovkini Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus separatus d'Assis Fonseca, 1976
Hercostomus sequens Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus serratus Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus serriformis Liao, Zhou & Yang, 2006 [ 7]
Hercostomus setitibia Kazerani & Pollet, 2017 [ 9]
Hercostomus setosus (Van Duzee, 1913)
Hercostomus shelkovnikovi Stackelberg , 1926
Hercostomus shennongjiensis Yang, 1997
Hercostomus shimai Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus sichuanensis Yang, 1997
Hercostomus singaporensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 26]
Hercostomus sinicus Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus siveci Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005 [ 54]
Hercostomus sodalis Becker , 1922[ 10]
Hercostomus solutus Wei, 1997
Hercostomus songshanensis Zhang & Yang, 2011
Hercostomus spathulatus Negrobov , Kumazawa, Tago & Sato, 2016[ 6]
Hercostomus spatiosus Yang, 1996
Hercostomus spiniger Yang, 1997
Hercostomus spinitarsis Yang & Saigusa, 2000 [ 32]
Hercostomus spinitibialis Negrobov , Kumazawa & Tago, 2016[ 6]
Hercostomus squamatus Samoh & Grootaert, 2024 [ 49]
Hercostomus stigmatifer Parent , 1944
Hercostomus stroblianus Becker , 1917
Hercostomus subapicispinus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus subdentatus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus subdigitatus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus sublongus Yang & Saigusa, 2000 [ 32]
Hercostomus subnovus Yang & Yang, 1995
Hercostomus subrusticus Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2008 [ 28]
Hercostomus subtruncatus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus sviridovae Negrobov & Chalaya, 1987
Hercostomus synolcus Steyskal, 1966
Hercostomus tadzhikorum Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus taipeiensis Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005 [ 54]
Hercostomus taitungensis Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005 [ 31]
Hercostomus taiwanensis Zhang, Yang & Masunaga, 2005 [ 55]
Hercostomus takagii Smirnov & Negrobov , 1979
Hercostomus tankanus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus tenebricosus Vaillant, 1973
Hercostomus thraciensis Kechev & Negrobov , 2015 [ 56]
Hercostomus thudamanus Yang, Saigusa & Masunaga, 2002 [ 5]
Hercostomus tianeensis Zhang & Yang, 2003
Hercostomus tianlinensis Zhang & Yang, 2003
Hercostomus tibialis (Van Duzee, 1913)
Hercostomus tiomanensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2007 [ 21]
Hercostomus tjibodas (De Meijere , 1916)
Hercostomus tobiasi Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus tomkovichi Grichanov, 2024 [ 57]
Hercostomus tonguci Naglis & Negrobov , 2017 [ 58]
Hercostomus transsylvanicus Parvu, 1987
Hercostomus triseta Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus truncatus Harmston & Knowlton, 1940
Hercostomus tugajorum Stackelberg , 1949
Hercostomus tuomunanus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus turanicola Stackelberg , 1949
Hercostomus udeorum Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus udovenkovae Negrobov & Logvinovskij, 1977
Hercostomus ulleriensis Hollis, 1964
Hercostomus ulrichi Yang, 1996 [ 19]
Hercostomus unicolor (Loew , 1864)
Hercostomus uniformis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus utahensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1940
Hercostomus uzbekorum Stackelberg , 1933
Hercostomus vanduzeei (Curran , 1930) [ 59]
Hercostomus ventralis Yang & Saigusa, 1999 [ 4]
Hercostomus verbekei Pollet, 1993
Hercostomus vikhrevi Grichanov , 2020[ 24]
Hercostomus vivax (Loew , 1857)
Hercostomus vockerothi d'Assis Fonseca, 1976
Hercostomus vodjanovi Negrobov , Maslova & Selivanova, 2016[ 60]
Hercostomus wangi Tang, Pan & Yang, 2016 [ 61]
Hercostomus wasatchensis Harmston & Knowlton, 1943
Hercostomus wittei Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus wudangshanus Yang, 1997
Hercostomus wuhongi Yang, 1997 [ 27]
Hercostomus wui Yang, 1997
Hercostomus xanthocerus Parent , 1926
Hercostomus xanthodes Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus xiaolongmensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 43]
Hercostomus xigouensis Yang & Saigusa, 2005
Hercostomus xinjianganus Yang, 1996 [ 19]
Hercostomus xishuangbannensis Yang & Grootaert, 1999 [ 3]
Hercostomus xishuiensis Wei & Song, 2005
Hercostomus xixianus Yang, 1999 [ 22]
Hercostomus xizangensis Yang, 1996
Hercostomus yadonganus Yang, 1997
Hercostomus yakovlevi Grichanov , 1999[ 37]
Hercostomus yangi Olejníček, 2003
Hercostomus yefremovae Grichanov & Freidberg, 2018[ 47]
Hercostomus yinshanus Liao, Zhou & Yang, 2009 [ 53]
Hercostomus yiyanganus Zhang & Yang, 2008
Hercostomus yongpingensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus yunlongensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 16]
Hercostomus yunnanensis Wei, 1997
Hercostomus zhangae Tang, Pan & Yang, 2016 [ 61]
Hercostomus zhenzhuristi Smirnov & Negrobov , 1979 [ 6]
Hercostomus zieheni Parent , 1929
Hercostomus zunyianus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 [ 25]
Hercostomus zuoshuiensis Yang & Saigusa, 2002 [ 8]
Hercostomus zygolipes (Grootaert & Meuffels, 2001)
Nomina dubia :[ 62]
Hercostomus petulans Parent , 1939 (type lost)
Species transferred to Paraclius :[ 62]
Hercostomus panamensis Van Duzee, 1931
Hercostomus plumitarsis Parent, 1931
Hercostomus problematicus Parent , 1930
Species transferred to Tachytrechus :[ 62]
Hercostomus flavimanus Van Duzee in Curran , 1934
Species moved to other genera:[ 63] [ 64]
Hercostomus appendiculatus (Loew , 1859) : moved to Poecilobothrus [ 65]
Hercostomus bitinctus Becker , 1922 :[ 10] moved to Gymnopternus [ 57]
Hercostomus brevipilosus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 :[ 8] moved to Poecilobothrus , synonym of Poecilobothrus pterostichoides (Stackelberg , 1934)
Hercostomus brunus Wei, 1997 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus cucullus Wei, 1997 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus cyaneculus Wei, 1997 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus daubichensis Stackelberg , 1933 : moved to Gymnopternus
Hercostomus flaveolus Negrobov & Chalaya, 1987 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus geminatus Becker , 1922 :[ 10] moved to Pseudohercostomus [ 57]
Hercostomus gregalis Becker , 1922 :[ 10] moved to Gymnopternus [ 57]
Hercostomus lii Yang, 1996 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus longipilosus Yang & Saigusa, 2001 :[ 25] moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus luchunensis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 :[ 16] moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus mentougouensis Zhang, Yang & Grootaert, 2003 :[ 29] moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus morenae (Strobl , 1899) : moved to Ortochile
Hercostomus nemorum Smirnov & Negrobov , 1977 : moved to Gymnopternus
Hercostomus palustris Wei, 2006 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus parvilamellatus (Macquart , 1827) : moved to Sybistroma
Hercostomus parvulus Parent , 1927 : moved to Sybistroma
Hercostomus potanini Stackelberg , 1933 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus pterostichoides Stackelberg , 1934 : moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus rohdendorfi Stackelberg , 1933 : moved to Gymnopternus [ 66]
Hercostomus saetosus Yang & Saigusa, 2002 :[ 8] moved to Poecilobothrus
Hercostomus singularis Yang & Saigusa, 2001 :[ 16] moved to Poecilobothrus
Phalacrosoma hubeiense Yang, 1998 : moved to Aphalacrosoma [ 67]
Phalacrosoma postiseta Yang & Saigusa, 2001 : moved to Aphalacrosoma [ 67]
Phalacrosoma zhejiangense Yang, 1997 :[ 27] moved to Poecilobothrus
^ Grichanov, Igor Ya. (2017). "Alphabetic list of generic and specific names of predatory flies of the epifamily Dolichopodoidae (Diptera). 2nd ed" (PDF) . Plant Protection News, Supplements (23). St.Petersburg : All-Union Research Institute of Plant Protection (VISR). doi :10.5281/zenodo.884863 .
^ a b Yang, D. (1996). "Six new species of Dolichopodinae from China (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 66 : 85– 89.
^ a b c d e f g h i j Yang, D.; Grootaert, P. (1999). "Dolichopodidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from Xishuangbanna (China, Yunnan province): the Dolichopodinae and the genus Chaetogonopteron (I)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 69 : 251– 277.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (1999). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VI): Diptera from Emei Mountain (1)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 69 : 233– 250.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Yang, D.; Saigusa, T.; Masunaga, K (2002). "A review of the genus Hercostomus from Nepal (Diptera: Empidoidea: Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 72 : 221– 243.
^ a b c d e f g Negrobov, O.P.; Kumazawa, T.; Tago, T.; Sato, M. (2016). "New species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857 (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Japan". Zootaxa . 4158 (1): 65– 80. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.4158.1.3 . PMID 27615870 .
^ a b Liao, Y.; Zhou, S.; Yang, D. (2006). "Two new species of the Hercostomus hamatus group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 76 : 49– 53.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2002). "The species of Hercostomus from the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi, China (Diptera, Empidoidea, Dolichopodidae)". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 49 (1): 61– 88. doi :10.1002/mmnd.20020490106 .
^ a b
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Becker, T. (1922). "Dipterologische Studien: Dolichopodidae der Indo-Australischen Region" . Capita Zoologica . 1 (4): 1– 247.
^ a b c d Brooks, Scott E. (2005). "Systematics and phylogeny of Dolichopodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Zootaxa . 857 : 1– 158. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.857.1.1 .
^ a b Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Masunaga, K. (2007). "The Hercostomus ulrichi group from Palaearctic China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Entomologica Fennica . 18 : 32– 35.
^ Tonguç, A.; Grootaert, P.; Barlas, M. (2016). "A new species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Turkey". Zoology in the Middle East . 62 (4): 363– 366. doi :10.1080/09397140.2016.1250711 .
^ a b Yang, D.; Grootaert, P. (1999). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (V)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 69 : 215– 232.
^ a b Wei, Lianmeng; Liu, Guobin (1996). "Two new Species of Phalacrosoma Becker from China (Diptera:Dolichopodidae)". Journal of Guizhou Agricultural College . 15 (1): 36– 28.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2001). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (X): The species of Hercostomus from Yunnan" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 71 : 189– 236.
^ a b Qilemoge; Liu, X.; Yang, D. (2017). "A Review of the Hercostomus ulrichi Group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China, with Descriptions of Two New Species". Transactions of the American Entomological Society . 143 (3): 701– 711. doi :10.3157/061.143.0301 .
^ a b c d e f Grichanov, Igor Ya. (2004). "Review of Afrotropical Dolichopodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Plant Protection News, Supplements . St.Petersburg : All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection RAAS: 1– 244. ISSN 1815-3682 .
^ a b c d Yang, D. (2002). "New Species of Hercostomus and Ludovicius from North China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 43 (2): 235– 244. doi :10.1002/mmnd.19960430207 .
^ a b c Evenhuis, N.L. (2 Apr 2014). "Family Dolichopodidae" . Catalog of the fossil flies of the world (Insecta: Diptera) website . 2.0.
^ a b Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Grootaert, P. (2007). "New Dolichopodidae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Pulau Tioman, Malaysia, with description of four new species" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 77 : 243– 249.
^ a b c d e Yang, D.; Grootaert, P. (1999). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (V)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 69 : 215– 232.
^ a b c d e f Tang, C.; Zhang, L.; Yang, D. (2014). "New species of Hercostomus baishanzuensis group from Tibet (Diptera: Dolichopodidae, Dolichopodinae)" (PDF) . Zootaxa . 3881 (6): 549– 562. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.3881.6.4 .
^ a b c d e Grichanov, I. Ya. (2020). "New species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857 from Afrotropics (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) and key to Afrotropical fauna" . European Journal of Taxonomy . 722 (1): 16– 36. doi :10.5852/ejt.2020.722.1131 .
^ a b c d e f g h i j Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2001). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (XI)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 71 : 237– 256.
^ a b c d e f g Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Grootaert, P. (2008). "Mangrove Hercostomus sensu lato (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) of Singapore" (PDF) . The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology . 56 (1): 17– 28.
^ a b c Yang, D. (1997). "Five New Species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Longwang Mountain, Zhejiang, Southeastern China". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 44 (2): 147– 153. doi :10.1002/mmnd.19970440206 .
^ a b c d e f g Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Grootaert, P. (2008). "New species of Hercostomus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 78 : 259– 274.
^ a b Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Grootaert, P. (2003). "New species of Chrysotimus and Hercostomus from Beijing (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 73 : 189– 194.
^ a b Grichanov, I.Ya.; Nourti, M.; Kettani, K. (2020). "The Hercostomus exarticulatus species group in the Palaearctic Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" . Caucasian Entomological Bulletin . 16 (1): 27– 34. doi :10.23885/181433262020161-2734 .
^ a b c Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Masunaga, K. (2005). "New species of Hercostomus from Taiwan (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" . Entomological News . 115 (4): 219– 225.
^ a b c d e f g Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2000). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (VII): Diptera from Emei Mountain (2)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 70 : 219– 242.
^ a b c d Zhang, L.; Wei, L.; Yang, D. (2009). "Two new species of Hercostomus from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), with some new synonyms" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 79 : 133– 141.
^ a b c Yang, D.; Saigusa, T. (2001). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (IX)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 71 : 165– 188.
^ Liao, Y.; Zhou, S.; Yang, D. (2007). "Species of the Hercostomus fatuus-group from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)". Transactions of the American Entomological Society . 133 (3– 4): 335– 339. doi :10.3157/0002-8320-133.3.335 .
^ a b c Yang, D. (1997). "New species of Amplypsilopus and Hercostomus from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 67 : 131– 140.
^ a b c d e f g h i Grichanov, Igor Ya. (1999). "Afrotropical species of the genus Hercostomus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" . International Journal of Dipterological Research . 10 (1): 7– 44.
^ Yang, D. (1998). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (III)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 68 : 177– 183.
^ a b Yang, D.; Grootaert, P.; Song, H. (2002). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (XII)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 72 : 213– 220.
^ Grichanov, Igor Ya. (2015). "Palaearctic species of the Hercostomus plagiatus group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of a new species from the Middle East" (PDF) . Zootaxa . 3918 (3): 424– 432. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.3918.3.6 . PMID 25781102 .
^ a b Zhang, L.; Yang, D. (2010). "New Species of Hercostomus absimilis Group from Yunnan, China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)". Annales Zoologici . 60 (4): 559– 564. doi :10.3161/000345410X550418 .
^ Zhang, L.; Yang, D. (2007). "Species of Hercostomus crassivena-group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)". Transactions of the American Entomological Society . 133 (1– 2): 155– 159. doi :10.3157/0002-8320(2007)133[155:SOHCDD]2.0.CO;2 . JSTOR 25078956 .
^ a b Yang, D.; Saigusa, T (2001). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China (VIII)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 71 : 155– 164.
^ Yang, D. (1998). "New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (I)" (PDF) . Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Entomologie . 68 : 151– 164.
^ Naglis, S.; Barták, M. (2015). "Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the Iberian Peninsula, with description of three new species" (PDF) . Zootaxa . 3964 (1): 125– 137. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.3964.1.9 . PMID 26249426 .
^ Zhang, L.; Yang, D. (2005). "Contribution to the species of the Hercostomus (Hercostomus) absimilis group from China (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)". Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift . 52 (2): 241– 244. doi :10.1002/mmnd.200310016 .
^ a b Grichanov, I. Ya.; Freidberg, A. (2018). "New species and new records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Israel" (PDF) . Russian Entomological Journal . 27 (3): 299– 306.
^ Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Masunaga, K. (2004). "Two new species of Hercostomus from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)" . Entomological News . 115 (1): 35– 43.
^ a b Samoh, A.; Grootaert, P. (2024). "New species and records of the genus Hercostomus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Thailand mangroves, with notes on the Hercostomus fauna of Singapore mangroves". Zootaxa . 5446 (2): 179– 204. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.5446.2.2 .
^ Ramos, K. P.; Grootaert, P. (2018). "Description of a New Mangrove Hercostomus Loew (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Dolichopodinae) from Bohol, Philippines" (PDF) . Tropical Natural History . 18 (1): 24– 31.
^ Maslova, O.O.; Negrobov, O.P. (2011). "A new species of the genus Hercostomus Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tajikistan" . Caucasian Entomological Bulletin (in Russian). 7 (1): 101– 102. doi :10.23885/1814-3326-2011-7-1-101-102 .
^ Drake, Martin C.; Crossley, Roy; Smith, Michael H.; Pollet, Marc (2013). "Hercostomus rothi (Zetterstedt) (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) stat. nov., new to Britain". Dipterists Digest . Second series. 20 (2). Dipterists Forum : 121– 130.
^ a b Liao, Y.; Zhou, S.; Yang, D. (2008). "Two New Species of Hercostomus from Oriental China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)". Transactions of the American Entomological Society . 135 (1– 2): 185– 188. doi :10.3157/061.135.0205 . JSTOR 25548109 .
^ a b Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Masunaga, K. (2005). "Two new species of the genus Hercostomus from Taiwan, China (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Zootaxa . 811 : 1– 8. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.811.1.1 .
^ Zhang, L.; Yang, D.; Masunaga, K. (2005). "Review of the Hercostomus (Hercostomus) Incisus-Group from the Oriental Realm (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)". Transactions of the American Entomological Society . 131 (3– 4): 419– 424. JSTOR 25078901 .
^ Kechev, M.; Negrobov, O. (2015). "A New Species of the Genus Hercostomus Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Bulgaria" (PDF) . Acta Zoologica Bulgarica . 67 (2): 199– 202.
^ a b c d Grichanov, I.Y. (2023). "A New Species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from India with Some Nomenclatural Notes". Entomological Review . 103 (6) (published 15 February 2024): 684– 691. doi :10.1134/S001387382306009X .
^ Naglis, S.; Negrobov, O. P. (2017). "West Palaearctic species of the Hercostomus species-group III (Diptera, Dolichopodidae), with description of a new species from Turkey" (PDF) . Alpine Entomology . 1 (1): 33– 38. doi :10.3897/alpento.1.20463 .
^ Curran, C. H. (1930). "A NEW GYMNOPTERNUS FROM OREGON. (DOLICHOPIDAE, DIPTERA)". The Canadian Entomologist . 62 (12): 287. doi :10.4039/Ent62287a-12 .
^ Negrobov, O.P.; Maslova, O.O.; Selivanova, O.V. (2016). "New species of Hercostomus Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Tajikistan" . Caucasian Entomological Bulletin . 12 (1): 175– 177. doi :10.23885/1814-3326-2016-12-1-175-177 .
^ a b Tang, C.; Pan, Z.; Yang, D. (2016). "New Species of the Hercostomus nanlingensis Group from Tibet (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)". Entomological News . 125 (5): 305– 314. doi :10.3157/021.125.0501 .
^ a b c Soares, M.M.M.; Capellari, R.S.; Ale-Rocha, R. (2023). "New or little-known Neotropical Dolichopodidae (Diptera) (II): genus Hercostomus Loew excluded from the Neotropics". Zootaxa . 5254 (2): 181– 208. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.5254.2.2 .
^ Grichanov, I.Ya. (2020). "New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Russian Primorye and notes on some Chinese species" (PDF) . Russian Entomological Journal . 29 (4): 432– 438. doi :10.15298/rusentj.29.4.12 .
^ Grichanov, I.Ya.; Nourti, M. (2021). "Notes on taxonomy and distribution of some Ortochile Latreille, 1809, Sybistroma Meigen, 1824 and Teuchophorus Loew, 1857 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) species from Mediterranean Region" (PDF) . Russian Entomological Journal . 30 (2): 189– 195. doi :10.15298/rusentj.30.2.14 .
^ Nourti, M.; Grichanov, I.Ya.; Kettani, K. (2019). "New records of long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Morocco" . Acta Biologica Sibirica . 5 (3): 118– 130. doi :10.14258/abs.v5.i3.6514 .
^ Grichanov, I.Ya. (2022). "New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Primorsky Territory, Russia" . Amurian Zoological Journal . 14 (1): 48– 60. doi :10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-1-48-60 .
^ a b Zhang, L.-L; Yang, D. (2005). "A study on the phylogeny of Dolichopodinae from the Palaearctic and Oriental realms, with descriptions of three new genera (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)" (PDF) . Acta Zootaxomica Sinica . 30 : 180– 190.
Information related to List of Hercostomus species