List of Odonata of Kerala
The following is a list of the dragonflies and damselflies found in Kerala , a state on the southwestern, Malabar Coast of India .
Family: Lestidae (Spread-winged damselflies)
diffuse stripes on the humeral suture
Platylestes platystylus male
Platylestes platystylus young male
Platylestes platystylus female
Platylestes platystylus female
Indosticta deccanensis male
Indosticta deccanensis female
Protosticta gravelyi male
Protosticta gravelyi female
Protosticta hearseyi male
Protosticta monticola male
Protosticta ponmudiensis male
Protosticta ponmudiensis male
Protosticta rufostigma male
Protosticta rufostigma female
Protosticta sanguinostigma male
Protosticta sanguinostigma female
Neurobasis chinensis male
Neurobasis chinensis female
Neurobasis chinensis male (wing flashing)
Vestalis submontana sub-adult male
Vestalis submontana female
Calocypha laidlawi female
Heliocypha bisignata male
Heliocypha bisignata female
Heliocypha bisignata teneral male
Heliocypha bisignata mating pair
Libellago indica juvenile male
Libellago indica mating pair
Libellago indica egg-laying
Euphaea fraseri male (wing flashing)
Euphaea fraseri mating pair
Copera marginipes juvenile male
Copera vittata juvenile male
Disparoneura apicalis male
Disparoneura apicalis female
Disparoneura quadrimaculata male
Disparoneura quadrimaculata female
Onychargia atrocyana male
Phylloneura westermanni male
Phylloneura westermanni mating pair
Prodasineura verticalis male
Prodasineura verticalis female
Prodasineura verticalis egg-laying
Prodasineura verticalis female (emergence)
Aciagrion occidentale male
Aciagrion occidentale female (sub-adult)
Agriocnemis pieris female
Agriocnemis pieris female (red form)
Agriocnemis pieris mating pair (female red form)
Agriocnemis pieris mating pair (female white form)
Agriocnemis pygmaea female
Agriocnemis pygmaea female (androchrome)
Agriocnemis splendidissima male
Agriocnemis splendidissima female (red)
Agriocnemis splendidissima female (green)
Agriocnemis splendidissima sub-adult male
Agriocnemis splendidissima juvenile male
Amphiallagma parvum female
Archibasis oscillans male
Archibasis oscillans mating pair
Archibasis oscillans egg-laying
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum male
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum female
Intra-male sperm translocation
Ceriagrion cerinorubellum mating
Ceriagrion coromandelianum male
Ceriagrion coromandelianum female
Ceriagrion olivaceum male
Ceriagrion olivaceum female
Ceriagrion olivaceum auraniacum male
Ceriagrion rubiae (tandem pair)
Ischnura rubilio mating pair
Female (gynochrome, sub-adult)
Mortonagrion varralli male
Mortonagrion varralli female
Paracercion calamorum male
Paracercion calamorum female
Paracercion melanotum male
Paracercion melanotum male (dorsal view)
Pseudagrion decorum female
Pseudagrion indicum mating pair
Pseudagrion microcephalum male
Pseudagrion microcephalum female
Pseudagrion rubriceps male
Pseudagrion rubriceps female
Anaciaeschna jaspidea , male (dorsal view)
Anaciaeschna jaspidea , male (ventral view)
Anax guttatus male (in flight)
Anax immaculifrons female
Gynacantha dravida female
Gynacantha millardi female
Burmagomphus laidlawi male
Heliogomphus promelas male
Heliogomphus promelas male
Ictinogomphus rapax female
Onychogomphus acinaces female
Microgomphus souteri male
Microgomphus souteri female
Paragomphus lineatus male
Paragomphus lineatus female
Epophthalmia vittata male
Hemicordulia asiatica male
Hemicordulia asiatica male
Acisoma panorpoides female
Aethriamanta brevipennis male
Aethriamanta brevipennis female
Brachydiplax chalybea male
Brachydiplax chalybea female
Brachydiplax sobrina male
Brachydiplax sobrina female
Brachydiplax sobrina mating pair
Brachythemis contaminata male
Brachythemis contaminata female
Bradinopyga geminata male
Bradinopyga geminata female
Crocothemis servilia male
Crocothemis servilia female
Diplacodes lefebvrii male
Diplacodes lefebvrii female
Diplacodes nebulosa female
Diplacodes trivialis male
Diplacodes trivialis female
Diplacodes trivialis sub-adult male
Diplacodes trivialis mating pair
Epithemis mariae mating pair
Hydrobasileus croceus male
Hydrobasileus croceus female
Hylaeothemis apicalis male
Hylaeothemis apicalis female
Hylaeothemis apicalis juvenile male
Hylaeothemis apicalis mating pair
Indothemis carnatica male
Indothemis carnatica female
Lathrecista asiatica male
Lathrecista asiatica female
Lyriothemis acigastra male
Lyriothemis acigastra female
Lyriothemis acigastra juvenile male
Lyriothemis acigastra mating pair
Lyriothemis tricolor male
Lyriothemis tricolor female
Neurothemis fulvia female
Neurothemis intermedia male
Neurothemis intermedia sub-adult male
Neurothemis intermedia female
Neurothemis tullia female
Neurothemis tullia mating pair
Onychothemis testacea male
Onychothemis testacea female
Orthetrum chrysis mating pair
Orthetrum luzonicum female
Orthetrum luzonicum juvenile male
Orthetrum luzonicum mating pair
Orthetrum pruinosum female
Orthetrum pruinosum mating pair
Orthetrum sabina mating pair
Orthetrum taeniolatum male
Orthetrum taeniolatum female
Orthetrum triangulare male
Orthetrum triangulare female
Orthetrum triangulare mating pair
Palpopleura sexmaculata male
Palpopleura sexmaculata female
Palpopleura sexmaculata juvenile male
Pantala flavescens female
Rhodothemis rufa juvenile male
Rhyothemis triangularis male
Rhyothemis triangularis female
Rhyothemis variegata male
Rhyothemis variegata female
Sympetrum fonscolombii male
Sympetrum fonscolombii female
Tetrathemis platyptera male
Tetrathemis platyptera mating
Tetrathemis platyptera egg-laying
Trithemis aurora juvenile male
Trithemis pallidinervis female
Zyxomma petiolatum female
Idionyx gomantakensis male
Idionyx gomantakensis male
Idionyx gomantakensis female
Idionyx travancorensis male
Idionyx travancorensis female
Macromidia donaldi female
Johan Christian Fabricius (1793) Entomologia Systematica Emendata et Aucta. Secundum, Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus - Classis V. Odonata . Hafniae, :impensis Christ. Gottl. Proft.
Hermann Burmeister (1832-55) Handbuch der Entomologie . Besondere Entomologie. Zweite Abtheilung. Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha. (Zweite Hälfte; vulgo Neuroptera) G. Reimer; Berlin, Germany.
Jules Pierre Rambur (1842) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Névroptères . Paris. Roret. (through HathiTrust )
Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1854) Monographie des Calopterygines . Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liége 9:1-292
Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1858) Monographie des Gomphines . Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liége 11:257-713
Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1850-1883) Synopsis des Gomphines , Synopsis des Cordulines , Synopsis des Aeschnines. Première partie: Classification . Bulletin de l'Académie royale des Sciences de Belgique.
William Forsell Kirby (1890) A synonymic catalogue of Neuroptera Odonata, or Dragonflies. With an appendix of fossil species . London. Gurney & Jackson.
René Martin (1906) Collections zoologiques du baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Cordulines . Bruxelles. Hayez.
René Martin (1909) Collections zoologiques du baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Aeschnines . Bruxelles. Hayez.
Friedrich Ris (1909-1919) Libellulinen . Collections zoologiques du baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Bruxelles.
Friedrich Ris (1909) Odonata . Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands; Heft 9. Jena, G. Fischer.
Robert John Tillyard (1917) The biology of dragonflies (Odonata or Paraneuroptera) . Cambridge. University Press.
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James George Needham (1932) A Key to the Dragonflies of India Records of the Indian Museum. Zoological Survey of India. 34(2):0195-0228.
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Lieftinck, M.A. (1960) On the identity of some little known southeast Asiatic Odonata in European museums described by E. de Selys Longchamps with descriptions of new species . Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana. 38: 229–256.
Kimmins, D. E. (1966) A list of the Odonata types described by F. C. Fraser, now in the British Museum (Natural History) . Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 18. Pages: 173-227.
Kimmins, D. E. (1968) A list of the type-specimens of Libellulidae and Corduliidae (Odonata) in the British Museum (Natural History) . Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 22. Pages: 277-305.
Kimmins, D. E. (1969) A list of the type-specimens of Odonata in the British Museum (Natural History) Part II . Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 23. Pages: 287-314.
Kimmins, D. E. (1970) A list of the type-specimens of Odonata in the British Museum (Natural History) Part III . Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 24. Pages: 171-205.
Philip S. Corbet . 1991. A brief history of Odonatology . Advances in odonatology, vol 5 (1991) nr. 1 p. 21-44
Norman W. Moore . (1997) Dragonflies: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan . IUCN. SBN: 2-8317-0420-0
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Emiliyamma, K.G., Radhakrishnan, C. and Palot, M.J. 2005. Pictorial Handbook on Common Dragonflies and Damselflies of Kerala . p. 1-67. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
K. A., Subramanian (2005). Dragonflies and Damselflies of Peninsular India - A Field Guide . Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi.
Mitra, T.R. 2006. Handbook on - Common Indian Dragonflies (Insecta Odonata) 1-124.
Emiliyamma, K.G., Radhakrishnan, C. and Palot, M.J. 2007. Odonata (Insecta) of Kerala . Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 269, p. 1-195.
Tol J. van, Gassmann D. 2007. Zoogeography of freshwater invertebrates of Southeast Asia, with special reference to Odonata . 45-91: Springer, Dordrecht.
FL Carle, KM Kjer, ML May. 2008. Evolution of Odonata, with special reference to Coenagrionoidea (Zygoptera) . Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny. 66: 37-44.
Mitra, T.R. and Babu, R. 2010. Revision of Indian species of the families Platycnemididae and Coenagrionidae (Insecta : Odonata : Zygoptera)-Taxonomy and Zoogeography . Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 315, p. 1-103.
Subramanian. K.A., Kakkassery, F. and Nair, M.V. 2011. The status and distribution of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the Western Ghats . In: Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in the Western Ghats (Compilers: Molur, S., Smith, K.G., Daniel, B.A. and Darwall, W.R.T.), pp. 63–74. Cambridge, UK and Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, and Coimbatore, India: Zoo Outreach Organization.
Kiran, C. G.; V. Raju, David (2011). "Checklist of Odonata of Kerala with their Malayalamnames". Malabar Trogon . 9 (3): 31–35 .
Kiran, C. G.; V. Raju, David (2013). Dragonflies and Damselflies of Kerala (First Edition ed.). Kottayam, Kerala: Tropical Institute of Ecological Sciences (TIES). ISBN 978-81-920269-1-6 .
Babu, R., Subramanian, K.A. and Supriya Nandy 2013. Endemic Odonates of India . Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 347: 1-60.
Dijkstra, K-D. B., G. Bechly, S. M. Bybee, R. A. Dow, H. J. Dumont, G. Fleck, R. W. Garrison, M. Hämäläinen, V. J. Kalkman, H. Karube, M. L. May, A. G. Orr, D. R. Paulson, A. C. Rehn, G. Theischinger, J. W. H. Trueman, J. van Tol, N. von Ellenrieder, & J. Ware. 2013. The classification and diversity of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) . Zootaxa 3703(1): 36-45.
Emiliyamma, K.G. 2014. Systematic studies on Odonata (Insecta) of southern Western Ghats . Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 114(Part-1): 57-87.
Dijkstra, K-D. B., V. J. Kalkman, R. A. Dow, F. R. Stokvis & J. van Tol. 2014. Redefining the damselfly families: a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Zygoptera (Odonata) . Systematic Entomology 39(1): 68-96.
FL Carle, KM Kjer, ML May. 2015. A molecular phylogeny and classification of Anisoptera (Odonata) . Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny. 73: 281-301.
Subramanian, K.A.; Babu, R. (2017). Checklist of Odonata (Insecta) of India . Version 3.0.
K.A., Subramanian; K.G., Emiliyamma; R., Babu; C., Radhakrishnan; S.S., Talmale (2018). Atlas of Odonata (Insecta) of the Western Ghats, India . Zoological Survey of India. ISBN 9788181714954 .
Kosterin, O. (2019). "Amendments and updates to F.C. Fraser's key to Indian Lestes spp. (Odonata: Lestidae) to resolve confusion of L. patricia Fraser, 1924 and L. nigriceps Fraser, 1924, with notes on L. nodalis Selys 1891 and L. garoensis Lahiri, 1987" . Zootaxa . 4671 (2): 297– 300. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.4671.2.12 . PMID 31716063 . S2CID 203881580 . Retrieved 1 July 2020 .
Kalkman, V. J.; Babu, R.; Bedjanič, M.; Conniff, K.; Gyeltshenf, T.; Khan, M. K.; Subramanian, K. A.; Zia, A.; Orr, A. G. (2020). "Checklist of the dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka" . Zootaxa . 4849 (1). Magnolia Press, Auckland, New Zealand: 001– 084. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.4849.1.1 . hdl :10072/398768 . ISBN 978-1-77688-047-8 . ISSN 1175-5334 . PMID 33056748 . S2CID 222819662 .
Joshi, Shantanu; Subramanian, K. A.; Babu, R.; Sawant, Dattaprasad; Kunte, Krushnamegh (2020). "Three new species of Protosticta Selys, 1885 (Odonata: Zygoptera: Platystictidae) from the Western Ghats, India, with taxonomic notes on P. mortoni Fraser, 1922 and rediscovery of P. rufostigma Kimmins, 1958" . Zootaxa . 4858 (2). Magnolia Press, Auckland, New Zealand: 151– 185. doi :10.11646/zootaxa.4858.2.1 . PMID 33056228 . S2CID 222837723 .
Jose, Jeevan; Chandran, Vivek; A. (2020). Introduction to Odonata with Identification Keys for Dragonflies & Damselflies Found in Kerala . Society for Odonate Studies, Kottayam.
Bybee, S. M., Kalkman, V. J., Erickson, R. J., Frandsen, P. B., Breinholt, J. W., Suvorov, A., Dijkstra, K.-D., Cordero-Rivera, A., Skevington, J.H., Abbott, J.C., Sanchez Herrera, M., Lemmon, A.R., Moriarty Lemmon, E. and Ware, J.L. 2021. Phylogeny and classification of Odonata using targeted genomics . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: 160: 107115,
Gopalan, Sujith V.; Sherif, Muhamed; Chandran, A. Vivek (2022). "A checklist of dragonflies & damselflies (Insecta: Odonata) of Kerala, India" . Journal of Threatened Taxa . 14 (2): 20654– 20665. doi :10.11609/jott.7504.14.2.20654-20665 . S2CID 247148535 .
External links
John W. H. Trueman; Richard J. Rowe. Tree of Life - Odonata: Dragonflies and damselflies
Odonata of India . National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India.
India Biodiversity Portal
Paulson, D.; Schorr, M.; Abbott, J.; Bota-Sierra, C.; Deliry, C.; Dijkstra, K.-D.; Lozano, F. (2024). "World Odonata List" . OdonataCentral, University of Alabama .
Bridges, C. A. 1993. Catalogue of the family-group, genus-group and species-group names of the Odonata of the world (Second Edition) . C. A. Bridges, Urbana, Illinois.
Davies, D.A.L., & P. Tobin. 1984. The dragonflies of the world: A systematic list of the extant species of Odonata. Vol. 1. Zygoptera, Anisozygoptera . Societas Internationalis Odonatologica Rapid Comm. (Suppl.) No. 3, Utrecht.
Davies, D.A.L., & P. Tobin. 1985. The dragonflies of the world: a systematic list of extant species of Odonata. Vol. 2. Anisoptera . Soc. Int. Odonatol. Rapid Comm. (Suppl.) No. 5., Utrecht.
Garrison, R. W. 1991. A synonymic list of the New World Odonata . Argia 3(2): 1-30.
Tsuda, S. 1991. A distributional list of World Odonata. Published by author, Osaka.
Steinmann, Henrik. 1997. World Catalogue of Odonata, Vol. I. Zygoptera. – Das Tierreich. The Animal Kingdom, Part 110. – Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York.
Steinmann, Henrik. 1997. World Catalogue of Odonota, Vol. II. Anisoptera. – Das Tierreich. The Animal Kingdom, Part 111. – Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York.
Matti Hämäläinen. 2016. Calopterygoidea of the World: A synonymic list of extant damselfly species of the superfamily Calopterygoidea (sensu lato) (Odonata: Zygoptera)
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