The X-Men are a team of superheroes appearing in American comic books published by the Marvel Comics. The X-Men first appeared in the self-titled X-Men comic, cover dated September 1963. Due to the X-Men's immense popularity, Marvel has launched dozens of spin-off series, called "X-Legs" throughout the years.
Like Uncanny X-Men, most X-books feature mutants, humans born with extraordinary powers due to a genetic mutation. Some X-Books feature mutant superhero teams while others feature solo adventures of characters who became popular in Uncanny X-Men or another X-Book. Occasionally, X-Books use mutants as a metaphor for racial, religious and other minorities oppressed by society.
For the purpose of this list, "X-Men Comics" will be defined by the following criteria:
The series featured mostly characters associated with and/or concepts originating in Uncanny X-Men or another X-Book, thus The Defenders and The Champions, which featured both X-Men-related and non-X-Men related characters will not be counted and neither will series which occasionally featured the X-Men characters, such as Marvel Comics Presents, Marvel Team-Up and What If?.
Excalibur comic series spans multiple volumes. Volume 1 (1988–1998) includes issues #1–125, along with two annuals (#1–2) and a special issue #-1. Volume 3 (2004–2005) consists of 14 issues (#1–14). Lastly, Volume 4 (2019–2021) runs for 26 issues (#1–26).
Exiles comic series spans three volumes. Volume 1 (2001–2008) includes issues #1–100 and one annual (#1). Volume 2 (2009) runs for six issues (#1–6), while Volume 3 (2018–2019) consists of 12 issues (#1–12).
Gambit comic series is divided into several volumes. Volume 3 (1999–2001) includes issues #1–25, a special issue #½, and two annuals from 1999 and 2000. Volume 4 (2004–2005) consists of 12 issues (#1–12), while Volume 5 (2012–2013) contains 17 issues (#1–17).
Generation X comic series spans two volumes. Volume 1 (1994–2001) includes issues #1–75, special issues #-1 and #½, and annuals for 1995, 1996, 1997, the Generation X/Dracula Annual in 1998, and an annual for 1999. Volume 2 (2017–2018) consists of nine issues (#1–9), as well as issues #85–87.
Marauders comic series is split into two volumes. Volume 1 (2019–2022) includes issues #1–27 and an annual (#1). Volume 2 (2022–2023) runs for 12 issues (#1–12).
New Mutants series spans multiple volumes. Volume 1 (1983–1991) includes issues #1–100 and seven annuals (#1–7). Volume 2 (2003–2004) runs for 13 issues (#1–13). Volume 3 (2009–2012) consists of 50 issues (#1–50), while Volume 4 (2019–2023) contains 33 issues (#1–33).
New X-Men vol. 1 (2001–2004), #114–156, Annual #1, previously titled X-Men vol. 2 becomes X-Men from issue #157, then X-Men: Legacy vol. 1 from issue #208
New X-Men vol. 2 (2004–2008), #1–46, previously titled The New Mutants vol. 2 relaunches as Young X-Men
Nightcrawler comic series spans two volumes. Volume 3 (2004–2005) consists of 12 issues (#1–12), and Volume 4 (2014–2015) also contains 12 issues (#1–12).
Wolverine series includes multiple volumes. Volume 2 (1988–2003) features issues #1–189, including #102.5, #-1, and #½, along with annuals from 1995 to 1997, 1999, 2000, and 2001. Volume 3 (2003–2010) runs from #1–74 and includes two annuals (#1–2). It was re-titled Dark Wolverine from 2009 to 2010, starting with issue #75. Volume 4 (2010–2012) contains issues #1–20, #5.1, #300–317, #900, #1000, and an annual (#1). Volume 5 (2013–2014) includes 13 issues (#1–13). Volume 6 (2014) runs for 12 issues (#1–12) and has an annual (#1). Volume 7 (2020–2024) includes 50 issues (#1–50).Wolverine: First Class (2008–2009), #1–21