List of saints by pope
This article is a list of saints by the pope who canonized them. Although popes have been canonizing saints since at least 993 and have claimed sole authority to do so since the late 12th century, it has been rare historically for any pope to canonize more than a handful of saints. 9th CenturyPope Nicholas IPope Nicholas I canonized one saint.
Pope Adrian IIPope Adrian II canonized one saint.
Pope John VIIIPope John VIII did not canonize any saints. Pope Marinus IPope Marinus I did not canonize any saints. Pope Adrian IIIPope Adrian III did not canonize any saints. Pope Stephen VPope Stephen V did not canonize any saints. Pope FormosusPope Formosus did not canonize any saints. Pope Boniface VIPope Boniface VI did not canonize any saints. Pope Stephen VIPope Stephen VI did not canonize any saints. Pope RomanusPope Romanus did not canonize any saints. Pope Theodore IIPope Theodore II did not canonize any saints. Pope John IXPope John IX did not canonize any saints. 10th CenturyPope Benedict IVPope Benedict IV did not canonize any saints. Pope Leo VPope Leo V did not canonize any saints. Pope Sergius IIIPope Sergius III did not canonize any saints. Pope Anastasius IIIPope Anastasius III did not canonize any saints. Pope LandoPope Lando did not canonize any saints. Pope John XPope John X did not canonize any saints. Pope Leo VIPope Leo VI did not canonize any saints. Pope Stephen VIIPope Stephen VII did not canonize any saints. Pope John XIPope John XI did not canonize any saints. Pope Leo VIIPope Leo VII canonized one saint.
Pope Stephen VIIIPope Stephen VIII did not canonize any saints. Pope Marinus IIPope Marinus II did not canonize any saints. Pope Agapetus IIPope Agapetus II did not canonize any saints. Pope John XIIPope John XII did not canonize any saints. Pope Benedict VPope Benedict V did not canonize any saints. Pope Leo VIIIPope Leo VIII did not canonize any saints. Pope John XIIIPope John XIII canonized one saints.
Pope Benedict VIIPope Benedict VII canonized one saint.
Pope John XIVPope John XIV did not canonize any saints. Pope John XVPope John XV canonized one saint.
Pope Gregory VPope Gregory V did not canonize any saints. Pope Sylvester IIPope Sylvester II canonized one saint.
11th CenturyPope John XVIIPope John XVII did not canonize any saints. Pope John XVIIIPope John XVIII did not canonize any saints. Pope Sergius IVPope Sergius IV did not canonize any saints. Pope Benedict VIIIPope Benedict VIII canonized one saint.
Pope John XIXPope John XIX canonized three saints.
Pope Sylvester IIIPope Sylvester III did not canonize any saints. Pope Benedict IXPope Benedict IX canonized two saints
Pope Clement IIPope Clement II canonized one saint.
Pope Damasus IIPope Damasus II did not canonize any saints. Pope Leo IXPope Leo IX canonized nine saints
Pope Victor IIPope Victor II did not canonize any saints. Pope Stephen IXPope Stephen IX did not canonize any saints. Pope Nicholas IIPope Nicholas II did not canonize any saints. Pope Alexander IIPope Alexander II canonized four saints.
Pope Gregory VIIPope Gregory VII canonized nine saints
Pope Victor IIIPope Victor III did not canonize any saints. Pope Urban IIPope Urban II canonized six saints.
12th CenturyPope Paschal IIPope Paschal II canonized four saints.
Pope Gelasius IIPope Gelasius II did not canonize any saints Pope Callixtus IIPope Callixtus II canonized five saints
Pope Honorius IIPope Honorius II did not canonize any saints Pope Innocent IIPope Innocent II canonized three saints.
Pope Celestine IIPope Celestine II did not canonize any saints. Pope Lucius IIPope Lucius II did not canonize any saints. Pope Eugene IIIPope Eugene III canonized two saints.
Pope Anastasius IVPope Anastasius IV did not canonize any saints. Pope Adrian IVPope Adrian IV canonized three saints.
Pope Alexander IIIPope Alexander III canonized seven saints.
Pope Lucius IIIPope Lucius III canonized four saints.
Pope Urban IIIPope Urban III did not canonize any saints. Pope Gregory VIIIPope Gregory VIII did not canonize any saints. Pope Clement IIIPope Clement III canonized four saints.
Pope Celestine IIIPope Celestine III canonized nine saints
13th CenturyInnocent IIIPope Innocent III canonized nine saints.
Honorious IIIPope Honorious III canonized nine saints.
Gregory IXPope Gregory IX canonized five saints.
Celestine IVPope Celestine IV did not canonize any saints. Innocent IVPope Innocent IV canonized six saints.
Alexander IVPope Alexander IV canonized three saints.
Urban IVPope Urban IV canonized two saints.
Clement IVPope Clement IV canonized one saint.
Gregory XPope Gregory X did canonized one saint.
Innocent VPope Innocent V did not canonize any saints. Adrian VPope Adrian V did not canonize any saints. John XXIPope John XXI did not canonize any saints. Nicholas IIIPope Nicholas III did not canonize any saints. Martin IVPope Martin IV canonized one saint.
Honorius IVPope Honorius IV did not canonize any saints. Nicholas IVPope Nicholas IV did not canonize any saints. Celestine VPope Celestine V did not canonize any saints. Boniface VIIIPope Boniface VIII canonized three saints.
14th CenturyBenedict XIPope Benedict XI did not canonize any saints. Clement VPope Clement V canonized one saint.
John XXIIPope John XXII canonized three saints.
Benedict XIIPope Benedict XII did not canonize any saints. Clement VIPope Clement VI canonized one saint.
Innocent VIPope Innocent VI did not canonize any saints. Urban VPope Urban V canonized two saints.
Gregory XIPope Gregory XI did not canonize any saints. Urban VIPope Urban VI canonized one saint.
Boniface IXPope Boniface IX canonized two saints.
15th CenturyInnocent VIIPope Innocent VII did not canonize any saints. Gregory XIIPope Gregory XII did not canonize any saints. Martin VPope Martin V canonized one saint.
Eugene IVPope Eugene IV canonized three saints.
Nicholas VPope Nicholas V canonized two saints.
Callixtus IIIPope Callixtus III canonized five saints.
Pius IIPope Pius II canonized one saint.
Paul IIPope Paul II did not canonize any saints. Sixtus IVPope Sixtus IV canonized six saints.
Innocent VIIIPope Innocent VIII canonized two saint.
Alexander VIAlexander VI canonized one saint.
Pius IIIPope Pius III did not canonize any saints. 16th CenturyJulius IIPope Julius II canonized six saints.
Leo XPope Leo X canonized eleven saints.
Adrian VIPope Adrian VI canonized one saint.
Clement VIIPope Clement VII canonized one saint.
Paul IIIPope Paul III canonized two saints.
Julius IIIPope Julius III did not canonize any saints. Marcellus IIPope Marcellus II did not canonize any saints. Paul IVPope Paul IV did not canonize any saints. Pius IVPope Pius IV did not canonize any saints. Pius VPope Pius V canonized one saint.
Gregory XIIIPope Gregory XIII canonized one saint.
Sixtus VPope Sixtus V canonized one saint.
Urban VIIPope Urban VII did not canonize any saints. Gregory XIVPope Gregory XIV did not canonize any saints. Innocent IXPope Innocent IX did not canonize any saints. Clement VIIIPope Clement VIII canonized five saints.
17th CenturyLeo XIPope Leo XI did not canonize any saints Paul VPope Paul V canonized five saints.
Gregory XVPope Gregory XV canonized six saints.
Urban VIIIPope Urban VIII canonized seven saints.
Innocent XPope Innocent X did not canonize any saints. Alexander VIIPope Alexander VII canonized four saints.
Clement IXPope Clement IX canonized three saints.
Clement XPope Clement X canonized eight saints.
Innocent XIPope Innocent XI canonized three saints.
Alexander VIIIPope Alexander VIII canonized five saints.
Innocent XIIPope Innocent XII canonized two saints.
18th CenturyClement XIPope Clement XI canonized eight saints.
Innocent XIIIPope Innocent XIII did not canonize any saints. Benedict XIIIPope Benedict XIII canonized seventeen saints.
Clement XIIPope Clement XII canonized five saints.
Benedict XIVPope Benedict XIV canonized ten saints.
Clement XIIIPope Clement XIII canonized six saints.
Clement XIVPope Clement XIV did not canonize any saints. Pius VIPope Pius VI did not canonize any saints. 19th centuryPius VIIPope Pius VII canonized five saints.
Leo XIIPope Leo XII canonized two saints.
Pius VIIIPope Pius VIII did not canonize any saints. Gregory XVIPope Gregory XVI canonized six saints.
Pius IXPope Pius IX canonized 54 saints in 11 causes.
Leo XIIIPope Leo XIII canonized 19 saints in 12 causes. 20th centuryPius XPope Pius X canonized eleven saints.
Benedict XVPope Benedict XV canonized four saints.
Pius XIPope Pius XI canonized 34 saints in 27 causes. Pius XIIPope Pius XII canonized 36 saints. None were group causes. John XXIIIPope John XXIII canonized 10 saints. None were group causes. Paul VIPope Paul VI canonized 85 saints in 21 causes. John Paul IPope John Paul I did not canonize any saints. John Paul IIPope John Paul II canonized 482 saints in 110 causes. 21st centuryBenedict XVIPope Benedict XVI canonized 45 saints. None were group causes. FrancisPope Francis has canonized 911 saints in 68 causes, which includes the 813 Martyrs of Otranto as a group. See alsoInformation related to List of saints by pope |