The first season of the television series Live PD began airing October 28, 2016, on A&E in the United States. The season concluded on August 19, 2017 and contained 62 episodes including one cancelled episode.
Analysts: Detective Kevin Jackson and Detective Rich Emberlin from the Dallas Police Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety: (Tpr. Andy Reed), Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mark Blackwell), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown & Sgt. Steven Tapler), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Josh Dupler, & Ofc. Brad Blackwell), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke, Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas, & Cpl. Cody McCoy), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Sgt. Bart Smith, Dep. Damon Byrd, & Sgt. Cory Webster)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey), Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mark Blackwell, Sgt. Chris Robinson, Ofc. Ashley Taylor, & Sgt. Eddie Golding), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler & Inv. Chavis Hall), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Josh Dupler, & Ofc. Brad Blackwell), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno, Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke, & Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley, Dep. Chad Biernacki, & Sgt. Bart Smith)
Analyst: James Sheppard, former chief of the Rochester Police Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mark Blackwell, Sgt. Chris Robinson, Ofc. Ashley Taylor, & Ofc. Jorge Larregui), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Cap. Michael Pritchett & Lt. Danny Brown), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Josh Dupler, & Ofc. Brad Blackwell), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno, Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas, & Cpl. Cody McCoy), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki & Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley)
Analyst: James Sheppard, former chief of the Rochester Police Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mark Blackwell, Sgt. Chris Robinson, & Sgt. Paul Scillia), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & Sgt. Steven Tapler), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Josh Dupler, & Ofc. Brad Blackwell), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno, Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas, & Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley, Dep. Tabitha Lewis, & Sgt. Cory Webster)
Analyst: James Sheppard, former chief of the Rochester Police Department
First three hour episode. All previous episodes were two hours in length.
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mark Blackwell & Sgt. Chris Robinson), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler & Dep. Kevin Lawrence), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Josh Dupler, & Ofc. Brad Blackwell), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas, & Sgt. Donavan Lucas), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley, Sgt. Cory Webster, & Dep. Alyssa Dossey)
Analyst: James Sheppard, former chief of the Rochester Police Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Kristen Wright), Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mark Blackwell, Sgt. Chris Robinson, & Ofc. Ashley Taylor), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown & Dep. Kevin Lawrence), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Josh Dupler, Ofc. Brad Blackwell, Sgt. Brian Hill, & Ofc. Danny Bean), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno & Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Bart Smith & Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley)
Analyst: James Sheppard, former chief of the Rochester Police Department
Departments and officers featured include: Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Aaron Poynter) Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mark Blackwell, Sgt. Chris Robinson, & Ofc. Ashley Taylor), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler & Dep. Kevin Lawrence), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Josh Dupler, & Ofc. Brad Blackwell), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno, Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke, and Sgt. Donavan Lucas), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley & Dep. Josh Bennett), and Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole)
Tom Morris, Jr., veteran crime reporter and former Washington DC special police officer, makes his first appearance as an analyst
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Bill Stephens, Dep. Sam Scarborough, & Dep. Andrew Stidham), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown & Dep. Kevin Lawrence), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Brad Blackwell, Ofc. Josh Dupler, Ofc. Justin Beal, & Ofc. Ryan Rogers), Utah Highway Patrol (Cpl. Cody McCoy, Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas, & Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley, & Sgt. Cory Webster), and Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Luis Pomales, Ofc. Mark Blackwell, Ofc. John Cholakian, & Ofc. John Pachera)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Kristen Wright & Tpr. James Casey), Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Sam Scarborough), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown, Dep. Kevin Lawrence & Dep. Chris Mastrianni), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Brad Blackwell, Ofc. Justin Beal, Ofc. Stephen Blaylock, Ofc. Brent Barnhart, & Ofc. Ryan Rogers), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Joe Espericueta, Ofc. John Oliva, & Ofc. Randy Davila), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley), and Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno & Cpl. Cody McCoy)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Wes Jenkins, Dep. Aaron Poynter, & Dep. Sam Scarborough), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Dep. Chris Mastrianni, & M/D Mark Laureano), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Brad Blackwell, & Ofc. Justin Beal), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Joe Espericueta), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Cory Webster, Dep. Chad Biernacki, & Dep. Oscar D'Lassalas)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole, Tpr. James Casey, & Tpr. Kristen Wright), Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Wes Jenkins & Dep. Sam Scarborough), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Dep. Chris Mastrianni, Lt. Danny Brown, & M/D Mark Laureano), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Brad Blackwell, Ofc. Stephen Blaylock, Ofc. Brent Barnhart, & Ofc. Justin Beal), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Casey O'Donnell), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Bart Smith, Dep. Heather Berbert, & Sgt. Cory Webster), and Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Wes Jenkins, Dep. Shane Montgomery, & Sgt. William Stephens), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & Lt. Danny Brown), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin, Ofc. Brad Blackwell, Ofc. Stephen Blaylock, & Ofc. Brent Barnhart), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado & Ofc. Joe Espericueta), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley, & Sgt. Cory Webster), and Utah Highway Patrol (Cpl. Cody McCoy & Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. James Casey), Edmonson County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Sheriff Shane A. Doyle), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown, Sgt. Steven Tapler, & Dep. Chris Mastrianni), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Tim Mohler, Dfc. JD Denton, & Cpl. Tony Moschetto), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado & Ofc. John Oliva), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Johnny Whitaker, Dep. Khaliqa Wheatley, Dep. Blaze Miller, Dep. Chad Biernacki, Dep. David Renna, & Sgt. Justin Stevens), and Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Ofc. Justin Beal, Ofc. Stephen Blaylock, Ofc. Brent Barnhart, & Ofc. Josh Dupler)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs & Tpr. James Casey), Edmonson County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Sheriff Shane A. Doyle & Det. Wally Ritter), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Dep. Chris Mastrianni, & Cpl. Gavin Walmsley), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton, Cpl. Tony Moschetto, & Dep. Dean Naughton), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Cassandra Nunez & Dep. Andrew Shephard), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Ofc. Brent Barnhart & Ofc. Ryan Rogers), Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Andrew Stidham & Dep. Shane Montgomery), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Blaze Miller)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Logan County (KY) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Clint Wright), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Dep. Chris Mastrianni, & M/D Marcus Kim), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office, Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Awbrey & Dep. Cassandra Nunez), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Ofc. Brent Barnhart & Ofc. Stephen Blaylock), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Oscar D'Lassalas)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. Steven Jacobs, Tpr. Kayla Fee, & Tpr. Todd Poole), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado & Ofc. John Oliva), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler, Lt. Curtis Wilson, Lt. Danny Brown, & Dep. Chris Mastrianni), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Jason Walden & Dep. Ricky Steinert), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Kristin Pond with K9 Kayne, Dep. Frank Guillory & Sgt. Allen Pullings), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Awbrey & Dep. Cassandra Nunez), Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Sgt. Sean Larkin), and Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Eric Bull)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole, Tpr. James Casey, & Tpr. Steven Jacobs), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva & Ofc. Juan Mercado), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Dep. Chris Mastrianni, Lt. Curtis Wilson, Sgt. Steven Tapler, & Lt. Danny Brown), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Troy Holt, Dfc. JD Denton, & Cpl. Tony Moschetto), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Trinity Graves & Dep. Jason Walden), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Casey O'Donnell), Edmonton County Sheriff's Office (Det. Wally Ritter), and Bridgeport (CT) Police Department (Ofc. Mike Paoleti)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. James Casey), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Chris Mastrianni & Dep. Kevin Lawrence), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dfc. JD Denton), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ricky Steinert, Sgt. Jason Prieto & Det. Bill Johnson), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott & Ofc. Wes Harper), and Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Andrew Shepard, Dep. John Reese, & Dep. Cassandra Nunez)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado, Ofc. Rey Garza, & Ofc. John Oliva), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Dep. Chris Mastrianni, Cpl. Gavin Walmsley with K9 Rico, & Sgt. Steven Tapler), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton & Cpl. Tony Moschetto), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ricky Steinert & Sgt. Trinity Graves), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Sgt. Cory Webster, Sgt. Johnny Whitaker, & Dep. Kristin Pond with K9 Kayne)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. Steven Jacobs, & Tpr. Todd Poole), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott & Lt. Mark Meyer), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Keenan Johnson, Sgt. Steven Tapler, & Lt. Danny Brown), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Troy Holt, Cpl. Tony Moschetto, & Dfc. JD Denton), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ricky Steinert & Sgt. Trinity Graves), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki & Dep. Oscar D'Lassalas), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Robert Strahan), and Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. Todd Poole, & Tpr. Dave Callister), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva & Ofc. Juan Mercado), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & Dep. Chris Mastrianni), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Tim Mohler, Dfc. JD Denton, & Dfc. Troy Holt), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Trinity Graves & Sgt. Jeremy Church), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Johnny Whitaker & Dep. Kristin Pond with K9 Kayne), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Lt. Mark Meyer & Ofc. Charlie Scott)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs & Tpr. James Casey), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Mercado & Ofc. John Oliva), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (M/D Phillip Darnell & Cpl. James Abraham), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton & Dfc. Tim Mohler), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Trinity Graves, Sgt. Jeremy Church, & Dep. Justin Guy), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott & Ofc. Barrett Cook), and Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki & Sgt. Cory Webster), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & Dep. Keenan Johnson), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto, Dfc. JD Denton & Dfc. Tim Mohler), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Justin Guy, Sgt. Trinity Graves, Sgt. David Maki, & Dep. Bryce Morse), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Lt. Mark Meyer, Ofc. Charles Scott, Cpl. Erik Elliott & Ofc. Wes Harper)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs, Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Johnny Whitaker, Dep. Kristin Pond with K9 Kayne & Dep. Chad Biernacki), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Chris Mastrianni & M/D Mark Laureano), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dfc. Troy Holt), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John oliva, Ofc Rey Garza, Ofc. Juan Mercado, & Ofc. Joe Espericueta), and Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott & Lt. Mark Meyer)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. James Casey), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Bobby Neal & Dep. John Reese), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & S/D Chris Mastrianni), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto, Dfc. Tim Mohler, & Dfc. Dean Naughton), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ricky Steinert & Sgt. Jeremy Church), and Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole, Tpr. James Casey, & Tpr. Steven Jacobs), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Elias Munoz, Ofc. John Oliva, & Ofc. Juan Mercado), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Johnny Whitaker, Dep. Kristin Pond with K9 Kayne, Dep. Blaze Miler, Sgt. Bart Smith, & Dep. Savannah Bush), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dfc. Tim Mohler), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Justin Guy, Dep. Matthew Nelson, & Dep. Oscar Pacheco), and Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott & Lt. Mark Meyer)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown, Sgt. Steven Tapler, Lt. Curtis Wilson, & M/D Robert Hook) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Tim Mohler, Dfc. JD Denton, & Dep. Kirk Williamson), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Bobby Neal), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Sgt. Bart Smith, & Sgt. Cory Webster), and Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott & Ofc. Wes Harper)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. James Casey), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Ofc. Wes Harper & Cpl. Erik Elliott), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & S/D Chris Mastrianni) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto, Dfc. Tim Mohler, Dfc. JD Denton, & Dfc. Dean Naughton), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Bobby Neal, Dep. Chet Thatcher, & Dep. Robert Strahan), Santa Rosa County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Roman Jackson, Dep. Chris Mann with K9 Zeus, Dep. Danny Miller, & Dep. Mason Doggette), and Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva & Ofc. Juan Mercado)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs, Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. John Begley, & Tpr. Todd Poole), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva, Ofc. Elias Munoz, Ofc. Alex Leal, & Ofc. Juan Mercado), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (M/D Mark Laureano & Sgt. Steven Tapler) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton & Dfc. Tim Mohler), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Alex Poag & Dep. Matt Broad), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Johnny Whitaker & Dep. Blaze Miller), and Santa Rosa County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chris Mann with K9 Zeus & Dep. Danny Miller)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Logan County (KY) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kyler Harvey), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & S/D Chris Mastrianni) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton, Cpl. Tony Moschetto, Dep. Kirk Williamson, & Dfc. Dean Naughton), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Sam Thompson & Dep. Ryan Humburg), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Johnny Whitaker & Dep. Kristin Pond with K9 Kayne), and Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Ofc. Chris "B-Real" Beyerl, Ofc. Shawn "Beavis" Hickey, Ofc. Justin Beal, & Ofc. Stephen Blaylock)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Logan County (KY) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Clint Wright & Dep. Kyler Harvey), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva & Ofc. Rey Garza), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (M/D Mark Laureano & Sgt. Steven Tapler) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & 'DFC. JD Denton), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Humburg), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki), St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office (Dep. Oscar Pacheco), and Tulsa (OK) Police Department (Ofc. Justin Beal, Ofc. Kevin Warne, Ofc. Shane Pryce, & Ofc. Danny Bean)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. James Casey), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva & Ofc. Juan Mercado), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown & S/D Chris Mastrianni) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Troy Holt), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matt Broad, M/D Jonathan Parris & Dep. Alex Poag), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott & Lt. Mark Meyer), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Leith Hill), Santa Rosa County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chris Mann with K9 Zeus & Sgt. Roman Jackson), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki, Sgt. Bart Smith, & Dep. David Renna)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. Steven Jacobs), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva & Ofc. Santiago Silva), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown & Dep. Kevin Lawrence) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (M/D Jonathan Parris), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Lt. Mark Meyer & Cpl. Erik Elliott), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Cory Webster, Dep. Blaze Miller, & Dep. Chad Biernacki), and Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Alma Acosta)
Guest analyst: Deputy Kevin Lawrence of the Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno, Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke, & Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (S/D David Farr, S/D Chris Mastrianni, Cpl. James Abraham, & Sgt. Steven Tapler) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (M/D Chad Ayers & Dep. Jimmy Pregel), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Javier Lara), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Alma Acosta), and Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Cory Webster, Dep. Blaze Miller, & Dep. Chad Biernacki)
Guest analyst: Deputy Kevin Lawrence of the Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs & Tpr. James Casey), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas & Sgt. Donavan Lucas), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Miguel Godinez & Ofc. Joe Espericueta) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Tim Mohler, Cpl. Tony Moschetto, & Dfc. Troy Holt), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (M/D Chad Ayers & Dep. Jimmy Pregel), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Drew Lydon & Ofc. Susan Woodard), and Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs, Tpr. Todd Poole, & Tpr. Kevin Watt), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (S/D Chris Mastrianni & Dep. Kevin Lawrence) Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Erik Elliott, Ofc. Wes Harper, Lt. Mark Meyer, Ofc. Charles Scott, & Ofc. AJ Vissing), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Alex Edwards, Dep. Ryan Gibson, Dep. Mason Hubber, Dep. Matt Broad, & M/D Jonathan Parris), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Joe Esperacueta), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Chad Biernacki), and Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Timothy Roberts & Dep. Cassandra Nunez)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas & Sgt. Steve Salas with K9 Duke), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, S/D David Farr, & Dep. Jason Cuzzupe) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dfc. Tim Mohler), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matt Broad, Dep. Ryan Gibson, M/D Kevin Azzara & M/D Jonathan Parris), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Javier Lara, Ofc. John Oliva, & Ofc. Juan Mercado), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Jane Aranda)
Guest analysts: Col. Frank Milstead and Trooper James Casey of the Arizona Department of Public Safety
Departments and officers featured include: Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Alyssa Wright), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, Lt. Danny Brown, & S/D David Farr) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (M/D Ivan Rodriguez, Dep. Kyle Alexander, Dep. Tim Fuller, & Dep. Jessie Miller), Arizona Department of Public Safety (Det. Brandon Kinser & Tpr. Todd Poole), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Ofc. Wes Harper & Cpl. Erik Elliott), and Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Alma Acosta & Dep. John Reese)
Cancelled due to Power Outage
This episode was scheduled to air on May 13, 2017, but was cancelled after a transformer blew at the Midtown, NY studios, which resulted in a power failure. A&E aired a rerun of Live PD that night, with a crawl message regarding the power failure.[40]
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office, Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, & Cpl. Gavin Walmsley) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dfc. Tim Mohler), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Gibson, Dep. Alex Edwards, & Dep. Kyle Alexander), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex & Ofc. Tom O'Neil), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Mary Kaye Morris Lucas), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sup. John Dalton), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Santiago Silva & Ofc. David Gonzalez) and Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Ofc. Charles Scott)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs & Tpr. Todd Poole), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Andrew Shephard & Sheriff Gary Painter), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (S/D David Farr, M/D Mark Laureano, & M/D John Hawkes) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Nick Buckler & Dep. Joseph Ward), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Gibson, Dep. Alex Edwards, Dep. Matt Broad & M/D Jonathan Parris), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Elias Munoz), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Lt. Mark Meyer), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. Steve Salas), and Warren County (KY) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Wes Jenkins)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. Steven Jacobs), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. John Reese & Dep. Bobby Neal), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (S/D Chris Mastrianni & Cpl. James Abraham with K9 Denzel) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Tim Mohler), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Kyle Alexander & Dep. Samuel Thompson), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo & Ofc. Susan Woodard), Clark County (IN) Sheriff's Office (Ofc. AJ Vissing), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno & Cpl. Cody McCoy)
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole & Tpr. Fred Harvey), Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Cassandra Nunez, Cpl. Edward Reyes, & Dep. Robert Strahan), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Sgt. Steven Tapler, S/D Chris Mastrianni, & M/D Mark Laureano) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Steve Moran with K9 Kano & Dfc. Brian Pounsberry), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Kyle Alexander, Dep. Sam Thompson, & Dep. Michael Giovanni), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Chris Campbell, Ofc. Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo, & Ofc. Drew Lydon), Utah Highway Patrol (Sgt. David Moreno & Sgt. Rob Nixon)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Todd Poole), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Avila), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (M/D Mark Laureano, Cpl. Gavin Walmsley, & Dep. Dave Kopenhaver) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Steve Moran), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matt Broad, M/D Jonathan Parris, Dep. Aaron Skinner), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Tom O'Neil, Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex, Ofc. Drew Lydon, & Ofc. Chris Campbell), Walton County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Cory Webster) Midland County (TX) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Cassandra Nunez)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Steve Jacobs), Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Hedges & Dep. Brandon Sheffield), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (M/D Mark Laureano, Cpl. Gavin Walmsley with K9 Rico, & Sgt. Steven Tapler) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dep. Nick Buckler), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matt Broad & M/D Jonathan Parris), and Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Kasey Cunningham, Ofc. Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo, & Ofc. Susan Woodard)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. John McQuitty & Dep. Veronica Van Patten), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, Dep. Josh Newsom with K9 Bali, Lt. Curtis Wilson, & Lt. Danny Brown) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton, Dfc. Troy Holt, & Dfc. Tim Mohler), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Samuel Thompson, Dep. Ryan Humburg, & Sgt. Ben Cannon), and Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Tom O'Neil, Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex, & Ofc. Alyssa Wright)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs & Tpr. Todd Poole), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Avila & Ofc. Elian Munoz), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, & M/D Mark Laureano) Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Scott Delbeato & Dep. Ashton Lesane), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Samuel Thompson & Dep. Ryan Humburg), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Brandon McGhee & Ofc. Susan Woodard with K9 Blitz), and Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Tim Mohler)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Veronica Van Patten & Dep. John McQuitty), Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. Juan Avila & Ofc. John Oliva), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, Lt. Danny Brown, Dep. Dave Kopenhaver, & Dep. Robert Beary) Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton, Dfc. Tim Mohler, Dfc. Tony Moschetto), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Eric Mackey, Dep. Ryan Humburg, & Dep. Sam Thompson), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Tom O'Neil, Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex, & Ofc. Susan Woodard), and Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. Todd Poole, & Tpr. Thomas La)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steve Jacobs & Tpr. Fred Harvey), Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Hedges & Dep. Brandon Sheffield), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, S/D Katelyn Jasak, & M/D Mark Laureano), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Travis West & Dep. Veronica Van Patten), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Humburg, Dep. Eric Mackey, Dep. Kyle Alexander, & Dep. Sam Thompson), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Drew Lydon, Ofc. Chris Campbell, & Ofc. Ashley Humphreys), and Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Joe Ward)
Guest analysts: Dep. Kevin Lawrence and S/D Chris Mastrianni of the Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Veronica Van Patten & Dep. Nathan Booth), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler & M/D Mark Laureano), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dfc. Brian Pounsberry), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (M/D Jonathan Parris, Dep. Alex Poag, & Dep. Kyle Alexander), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Alyssa Wright, Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex, & Ofc. Tom O'Neil), and Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Gibby Gibson)
Guest analysts: Dep. Kevin Lawrence and S/D Chris Mastrianni of the Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Rebecca Loeb & Dep. John Hird), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (M/D Mark Laureano & Dep. Robert Beary), Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Hedges, Dep. Brandon Sheffield, & Dep. Gibby Gibson), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matt Broad & M/D Jonathan Parris), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Chris Campbell, Ofc. Susan Woodard with K9 Blitz, Ofc. Kasey Cunningham, & Ofc. Drew Lydon), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Tim Mohler), and Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Nathan Booth)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Veronica Van Patten, Dep. John McQuitty, Dep. Travis West, Dep. Tyler Kullman), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler & Dep. Robert Beary), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Steve Moran & Cpl. Tony Moschetto), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ivan Rodriguez, Dep. Madeline Hester, & Dep. Kyle Alexander), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Chris Campbell, Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex, & Ofc. Tom O'Neil), and Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Sgt. Scott Delbeato)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steve Jacobs & Tpr. Todd Poole), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Sam Turner & Dep. John McQuitty), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Sgt. Steven Tapler, Dep. Robert Beary, Cpl. David Fairbanks, & Dep. Kevin Lawrence), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Det. Eric Carstensen, Det. Michael Nudi, & Dep. Rebecca Loeb), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Gibson & Dep. Alex Edwards), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Tom O'Neil & Ofc Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo), and Mission (TX) Police Department (Ofc. John Oliva)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Steven Tapler of the Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. John McQuitty, Dep. Michael Keys, & Dep. Sam Turner), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown, Dep. Josh Newsom with K9 Bali, & Cpl. David Fairbanks), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Det. Eric Carstensen, Det. Michael Nudi, & Dep. Rebecca Loeb), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Gibson & Dep. Alex Edwards), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Tom O'Neil & Ofc. Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo), and Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Andrea Sessor)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Steven Tapler of the Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steve Jacobs & Tpr. James Casey), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. John McQuitty, Dep. Jason Hunt with K9 Gunner, & Dep. Michael Keys), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown, Dep. Josh Newsom with K9 Bali, & S/D Katelyn Jasak), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Tony Moschetto & Dfc. Tim Mohler), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Gibson & Dep. Alex Edwards), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Chris Campbell & Ofc. Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. John Hird), and Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Hedges & Dep. Brandon Sheffield)
Guest analyst: Dfc. Tim Mohler of the Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey & Tpr. Todd Poole), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. John McQuitty, Dep. Jason Hunt with K9 Gunner, Dep. Veronica Van Patten, & Dep. Travis West), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, & Dep. Dave Kopenhaver), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Steve Moran with K9 Kano, Cpl. Tony Moschetto, Dfc. Yuri Bortchevsky, & Dep. Joe Ward), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Kyle Alexander & Dep. Ivan Rodriguez), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Brandon McGhee & Ofc. Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo), Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Hedges & Dep. Brandon Sheffield), and Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Timothy Fish)
Guest analyst: Dfc. Tim Mohler of the Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steve Jacobs & Tpr. Todd Poole), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Travis West, Dep. Jason Hunt with K9 Gunner, Dep. Randy Watts, & Dep. Veronica Van Patten), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown & Dep. Robert Beary), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. JD Denton, Dfc. Steve Moran with K9 Kano, Dep. Joe Ward & Cpl. Richard Wilson), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Rebecca Loeb, Dep. Al Frank, & Dep. Stephen Semasko ), and Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Brandon McGhee & Ofc. Alyssa Wright with K9 Cairo)
Guest analyst: Ofc. Alyssa Wright of the Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. Todd Poole, & Tpr. Steven Jacobs), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Nathan Booth, Dep. Amber Tyler, & Dep. Veronica Van Patten), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Lt. Danny Brown, Sgt. Steven Tapler, & Dep. Josh Newsom with K9 Bali), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Det. Eric Carstensen, Det. Patricia List, Det. Matt Harmon, & Dep. John Hird), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Gibson, Dep. Alex Edwards, Dep. Kyle Alexander, & Dep. Aaron Skinner), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Brandon McGhee & Ofc. Susan Woodard with K9 Blitz), and Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Cpl. Richard Wilson)
Guest analyst: Ofc. Alyssa Wright of the Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. Steven Jacobs & Tpr. James Casey), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Nathan Booth, Dep. Jason Hunt with K9 Gunner, & Dep. Thomas Wakem), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (M/D Mark Laureano & Dep. Robert Beary), Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Gibby Gibson, Sgt. Scott Delbeato, Dep. Matthew Hedges & Dep. Brandon Sheffield), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Ryan Gibson, Dep. Alex Edwards, Dep. Aaron Skinner, & Dep. Kyle Alexander), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Brandon McGhee & Ofc. Chris Campbell), and Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Steve Moran)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. Todd Poole, & Tpr. Steven Jacobs), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. John McQuitty, Dep. Jason Hunt with K9 Gunner, & Dep. Michael Keys), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence, S/D Chris Mastrianni, & Lt. Danny Brown), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Det. Eric Carstensen, Det. Matt Harmon, & Dep. Chris DeWitt), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (M/D Ivan Rodriguez, Dep. Bre Kowaleski, & Dep. Ryan Humburg), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Tom O'Neil & Sgt. Denver Leverett with K9 Flex), and Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Steve Moran)
Guest analyst: Sgt. Sean "Sticks" Larkin of the Tulsa (OK) Police Department Gang Unit
Departments and officers featured include: Arizona Department of Public Safety (Tpr. James Casey, Tpr. Todd Poole, & Tpr. Hugh Grant), Spokane County (WA) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Veronica Van Patten & Dep. Nathan Booth), Richland County (SC) Sheriff's Department (Dep. Kevin Lawrence & S/D Chris Mastrianni), Wakulla County (FL) Sheriff's Office (Dep. Matthew Hedges, Dep. Brandon Sheffield, Sgt. Scott Delbeato, Dep. Kenneth Miller, & Dep. Gibby Gibson), Greenville County (SC) Sheriff's Office (M/D Ivan Rodriguez, Dep. Bre Kowaleski, & Dep. Ryan Gibson), Jeffersonville (IN) Police Department (Ofc. Kasey Cunningham & Ofc. Susan Woodard with K9 Blitz), Calvert County (MD) Sheriff's Office (Dfc. Yuri Bortchevsky), Lake County (IL) Sheriff's Office (Det. Matt Harmon & Det. Eric Kaechele)