Log5 is a method of estimating the probability that team A will win a game against team B, based on the odds ratio between the estimated winning probability of Team A and Team B against a larger set of teams.
Let and be the average winning probabilities of team A and B and let be the probability of team A winning over team B, then we have the following odds ratio equation
If , Log5 will give each team a 50% chance of victory.
If , Log5 will give A a probability of victory.
If , Log5 will give A a chance of victory.
Additional applications
In addition to head-to-head winning probability, a general formula can be applied to calculate head-to-head probability of outcomes such as batting average in baseball.[3]
Sticking with our batting average example, let be the batter's batting average (probability of getting a hit), and let be the pitcher's batting average against (probability of allowing a hit). Let be the league-wide batting average (probability of anyone getting a hit) and let be the probability of batter B getting a hit against pitcher P.