Let X be a vector space and let Y be a vector subspace of the algebraic dual of X that separates points on X.
If 𝜏 is any other locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space topology on X, then we say that 𝜏 is compatible with duality between X and Y if when X is equipped with 𝜏, then it has Y as its continuous dual space.
If we give X the weak topology 𝜎(X, Y) then X𝜎(X, Y) is a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space (TVS) and 𝜎(X, Y) is compatible with duality between X and Y (i.e. ).
We can now ask the question: what are all of the locally convex Hausdorff TVS topologies that we can place on X that are compatible with duality between X and Y?
The answer to this question is called the Mackey–Arens theorem.
Mackey–Arens theorem
Mackey–Arens theorem[2] — Let X be a vector space and let 𝒯 be a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space topology on X. Let X' denote the continuous dual space of X and let denote X with the topology 𝒯. Then the following are equivalent:
𝒯 is identical to a -topology on X, where is a covering of <X' consisting of convex, balanced, σ(X', X)-compact sets with the properties that
If then there exists a such that , and
If and is a scalar then there exists a such that .
The continuous dual of is identical to X'.
And furthermore,
the topology 𝒯 is identical to the ε(X, X') topology, that is, to the topology of uniform on convergence on the equicontinuous subsets of X'.
the Mackey topology τ(X, X') is the finest locally convex Hausdorff TVS topology on X that is compatible with duality between X and , and
the weak topology σ(X, X') is the coarsest locally convex Hausdorff TVS topology on X that is compatible with duality between X and .