Metropathia haemorrhagica
Metropathia haemorrhagica, also known as metropathia haemorrhagica cystica, is a menstrual disorder which is defined as a specialized type of anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding associated with endometrial hyperplasia and intermenstrual bleeding.[1][2][3][4] The condition was defined by 1930.[5] It has been agreed that the term "metropathia haemorrhagica" should be discarded along with many other older terms for menstrual disorders.[6][4] Due to diffuse polyposis typical presentation is that of a female (40-45 yrs) With a history of Amenorrhea for 2 weeks Followed by excessive menstrual bleeding cause being anovulation Histopathology: Proliferative endometrium without atypical changes Swiss cheese appearance On USG increased endometrial thickness without atypical change References
7. Williams obs ed 26. Further reading
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