A graph G has t edge-disjoint spanning trees iff for every partition where there are at least t(k − 1) crossing edges.
The theorem was proved independently by Tutte[1] and Nash-Williams,[2] both in 1961. In 2012, Kaiser[3] gave a short elementary proof.
For this article, we say that such a graph has arboricity t or is t-arboric. (The actual definition of arboricity is slightly different and applies to forests rather than trees.)
Related tree-packing properties
A k-arboric graph is necessarily k-edge connected. The converse is not true.
As a corollary of the Nash-Williams theorem, every 2k-edge connected graph is k-arboric.
Both Nash-Williams' theorem and Menger's theorem characterize when a graph has k edge-disjoint paths between two vertices.
Nash-Williams theorem for forests
In 1964, Nash-Williams[4] generalized the above result to forests:
A graph can be partitioned into edge-disjoint forests iff for every , the induced subgraph has at most edges.
This is how people usually define what it means for a graph to be t-aboric.
In other words, for every subgraph , we have . It is tight in that there is a subgraph that saturates the inequality (or else we can choose a smaller ). This leads to the following formula
also referred to as the Nash-Williams formula.
The general problem is to ask when a graph can be covered by edge-disjoint subgraphs.
^Tutte, W. T. (1961). "On the problem of decomposing a graph into connected factors". Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 36 (1): 221–230. doi:10.1112/jlms/s1-36.1.221.
^Nash-Williams, Crispin St. John Alvah (1961). "Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees of Finite Graphs". Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 36 (1): 445–450. doi:10.1112/jlms/s1-36.1.445.
^Nash-Williams, Crispin St. John Alvah (1964). "Decomposition of Finite Graphs Into Forests". Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 39 (1): 12. doi:10.1112/jlms/s1-39.1.12.
^Chen, Boliong; Matsumoto, Makoto; Wang, Jianfang; Zhang, Zhongfu; Zhang, Jianxun (1994-03-01). "A short proof of Nash-Williams' theorem for the arboricity of a graph". Graphs and Combinatorics. 10 (1): 27–28. doi:10.1007/BF01202467. ISSN1435-5914. S2CID206791653.