Elements that occur in nature as minerals in uncombined form
Native element minerals are those elements that occur in nature in uncombined form with a distinct mineral structure. The elemental class includes metals, intermetallic compounds, alloys, metalloids, and nonmetals. The Nickel–Strunz classification system also includes the naturally occurring phosphides, silicides, nitrides, carbides, and arsenides.
The following elements occur as native element minerals or alloys:[1]
Nickel–Strunz Classification -01- Native elements
This list uses the Classification of Nickel–Strunz (mindat.org, 10 ed, pending publication).
- Abbreviations
- "*" – discredited (IMA/CNMNC status).
- "?" – questionable/doubtful (IMA/CNMNC status).
- "REE" – Rare-earth element (Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu)
- "PGE" – Platinum-group element (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt)
- 03.C Aluminofluorides, 06 Borates, 08 Vanadates (04.H V[5,6] Vanadates), 09 Silicates:
- Neso: insular (from Greek νησος nēsos, island)
- Soro: grouping (from Greek σωροῦ sōros, heap, mound (especially of corn))
- Cyclo: ring
- Ino: chain (from Greek ις [genitive: ινος inos], fibre)
- Phyllo: sheet (from Greek φύλλον phyllon, leaf)
- Tecto: three-dimensional framework
- Nickel–Strunz code scheme
- NN.XY.##x:
- NN: Nickel–Strunz mineral class number
- X: Nickel–Strunz mineral division letter
- Y: Nickel–Strunz mineral family letter
- ##x: Nickel–Strunz mineral/group number, x add-on letter
Class: native elements
- 01.A Metals and intermetallic alloys
- 01.AA Copper-cupalite family: 05 native copper, 05 lead, 05 native gold, 05 native silver, 05 nickel, 05 aluminium; 10a auricupride, 10b tetra-auricupride; 15 novodneprite, 15 khatyrkite, 15 anyuiite; 20 cupalite, 25 hunchunite
- 01.AB Zinc-brass family (Cu-Zn alloys): 05 cadmium, 05 zinc, 05 titanium*, 05 rhenium*; 10a brass*, 10a zhanghengite, 10b danbaite, 10b tongxinite*
- 01.AC Indium-tin family: 05 indium, 10 tin; 15 yuanjiangite, 15 sorosite
- 01.AD Mercury-amalgam family: 00 amalgam*, 05 mercury; 10 belendorffite, 10 kolymite; 15a paraschachnerite, 15a schachnerite, 15b luanheite, 15c eugenite, 15d moschellandsbergite; 20a weishanite, 20b goldamalgam*; 25 potarite, 30 leadamalgam
- 01.AE Iron-chromium family: 05 kamacite? (iron var.), 05 iron, 05 chromium; 10 antitaenite*, 10 taenite, 10 tetrataenite; 15 chromferide, 15 wairauite, 15 ferchromide; 20 awaruite, 25 jedwabite
- 01.AF Platinum-group elements: 05 osmium, 05 rutheniridosmine, 05 ruthenium; 10 palladium, 10 iridium, 10 rhodium, 10 platinum
- 01.AG PGE-metal alloys: 05 garutiite, 05 hexaferrum; 10 atokite, 10 zvyagintsevite, 10 rustenburgite; 15 taimyrite, 15 tatyanaite; 20 paolovite; 25 plumbopalladinite, 25 stannopalladinite; 30 cabriite; 35 chengdeite, 35 isoferroplatinum; 40 ferronickelplatinum, 40 tetraferroplatinum, 40 tulameenite; 45 hongshiite*, 45 skaergaardite; 50 yixunite, 55 damiaoite, 60 niggliite, 65 bortnikovite, 70 nielsenite
- 01.B Metallic carbides, silicides, nitrides and phosphides
- 01.BA Carbides: 05 cohenite; 10 isovite, 10 haxonite; 15 tongbaite; 20 khamrabaevite, 20 niobocarbide, 20 tantalcarbide; 25 qusongite, 30 yarlongite
- 01.BB Silicides: zangboite; 05 mavlyanovite, 05 suessite; 10 perryite, 15 fersilicite*, 20 ferdisilicite*, 25 luobusaite, 30 gupeiite, 35 hapkeite, 40 xifengite
- 01.BC Nitrides: 05 roaldite, 10 siderazot, 15 carlsbergite, 15 osbornite
- 01.BD Phosphides: 05 schreibersite, 05 nickelphosphide; 10 barringerite, 10 monipite; 15 allabogdanite, 15 florenskyite, 15 andreyivanovite; 20 melliniite
- 01.C Metalloids and nonmetals
- 01.CA Arsenic group elements: 05 bismuth, 05 native antimony, 05 arsenic, 05 stibarsen; 10 arsenolamprite, 10 pararsenolamprite; 15 paradocrasite
- 01.CB Carbon-silicon family: 05a graphite, 05b chaoite, 05c fullerite; 10a diamond, 10b lonsdaleite, 15 silicon
- 01.CC Sulfur-selenium-iodine: 05 sulfur, 05 rosickyite; 10 tellurium, 10 selenium
- 01.D Nonmetallic carbides and nitrides
- 01.X Unclassified Strunz elements (metals and intermetallic alloys; metalloids and nonmetals; carbides, silicides, nitrides, phosphides)
See also
"Special cases" ("native elements and organic minerals") | |
"Sulfides and oxides" |
- Sulfides (IDs 2.A–F)
- Sulfosalts; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites (IDs 2.G)
- Sulfosalts; sulfarsenates, sulfantimonates (IDs 2.K)
- Other sulfosalts (IDs 2.H–J and 2.L–M)
- Tellurium oxysalts
- Vanadium oxides (IDs 4.H)
"Evaporites and similars" | |
"Mineral structures with tetrahedral units" (sulfate anion, phosphate anion, silicon, etc.) |
- Monomeric minerals (similar to nesosilicates)
- Sulfates(VI) (IDs 7.A–E)
- Thiosulphates (IDs 7.J)
- Silicate frameworks, tectosilicates
- Other tectosilicates (IDs 9.FA. and 9.FB.15, e.g. feldspars)
- Other silicate frameworks
- Ribbon or multiple chain inosilicates (IDs 9.D, e.g. amphiboles)
- Other non monomeric minerals
- Unclassified silicates (IDs 9.H)