Night Hood
Night Hood is an animated series inspired by Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin novels, produced by CINAR Films and France Animation for television audiences in both English and French-speaking nations. It was set in the 1930s. The series aired in Canada in 1996 on YTV and in 1998 on Teletoon[1] under the English-language title Night Hood, and in francophone markets as Les Exploits d'Arsène Lupin. CharactersLupin's allies (whom he sometimes has to rescue) are his aide Grognard, veteran reporter of the New York Enquirer Kelly Kincaid, and cub reporter Max Leblanc. The police, usually represented by Inspector Ganimard and Sergeant Folenfant, try to capture Lupin at every chance. Billionaire industrialist and arms manufacturer H. R. Karst is Lupin's archenemy. Karst's assistants are a tough man named Steel, a crafty woman called Countess May Hem, a pair of slightly incompetent but cunning thugs called Joe Gila and Diesel. Cast
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