Emperor Stephen Dušan asked Buća for advice in every major question, as he was his most reliable advisor,[6] and Buća remained in the service of the Emperor until his death.[7]
Nikola was part of the Buća noble family of Kotor, in the Serbian Kingdom (modern Montenegro). The first known Buća was Tripe Mihov (Trifun Buća, Трифун Бућа).[8] Kotoran families held high offices in the Serbian court, and the most notable was the Buča family,[8] while the most notable individual was Nikola Buća.[6] His brother was Mihajlo Buća, also a diplomat of Stephen Dušan, and his nephew was Trifun Mihajlov Buća.[9] Nikola and Toma Pavlov, another notable Kotoran,[6] traded in salt.[10]
On 15 July 1326, King Stephen Uroš III confirmed that Andrija Peštić, Nikola Buća and Grubeta had paid their bills for some royal markets which they had leased.[13] Buća had paid several people to gain control of business in Kotor; On 1 December 1326, he entrusted Ilija, the nephew of Bratoslav Dusinj of Ragusa, with 700 perpers, and then he personally invested in goods of Kotor which he sold in Serbia.[14]
In January 1336, Nikola and his brother Mihajlo became Ragusan citizens, and received the notable right of counselor (većnik).[9] Their sons also received Ragusan citizenship.[9] The granting of citizenship was a result of Buća's involvement in the sale.[15] The most notable nobles of King Stephen Dušan (the velikaši, "great ones") received up to 1000 ducats, and Nikola Buća was given a plot of land in Ragusa itself, and a part of Ston.[16] The city of Ragusa (modern Dubrovnik) had highly enriched itself during the rule of Emperor Stephen Dušan, who had constantly granted it gifts and delegations.[15]
There are sources saying that the Kotoran nobles received fame during the reign of King Stephen Uroš III, when they, under the command of Nikola Buća, captured the Bulgarian flag and cross during the Battle of Velbužd (1330).[6] He probably had supported Dušan's overthrow of his father, King Uroš III, in 1331.
In 1344, he asked permission to build the Dominican Monastery of St. Nicholas in Kotor.[17]
Buća held the title komornik (In latin documents "comes camerarius"), prior to the crowning of Stephen Dušan as Emperor, at which time the Serbian nobility and clergy were elevated in titles - Buća was elevated to protovestijar.[18] The protovestijar was the chief financial official.[a] Buća had a number of associates and business partners in his near relatives.[19] The power of the protovestijar is best testified by the proverb: "Car da – al Buća ne da" (The Emperor gives, but Buća does not).[6][9][3]
Buća accompanied Emperor Dušan on his visits to Dubrovnik and Kotor, in 1350.[6] He died in 1354.[3]
His nephew Trifun Mihajlov Buća (fl. 1357), one of the most known and important persons in his time, served Emperor Dušan's successor Uroš V as protovestijar.[20]
^ abcAs Fine states in The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest: "The chief financial official responsible for the state treasury and its income was the protovestijar. This position was regularly held by a merchant from Kotor who understood financial management and bookkeeping. Both protovestijars and logothetes were used as diplomats, the protovestijars in particular being sent west, for as citizens of Kotor they knew Italian and Latin."[5]
^The title comes camerarius is also rendered as veliki kaznac (Great kaznac).[2]
^His name in Serbo-Croatian is Nikola Buća (Никола Бућа) - his full name was Nikola Petrov Buća.[3] In Italian Niccolò Bucchia. For other spellings of his surname, see Buća noble family.
^Blagojević-Medaković-Ljušić-Popov 2000, p. 221: "Први познати протовестијар цара Душана, који је испуњавао све наведене услове, био је которски племић и трговац Никола Бућа. Уживао је велико царево поверење и остао је у његовој служби све до своје смрти."
^Univerzitet u Beogradu 1971, p. 209: "Стефан Дечански је нпр. потврдио 15. јула 1326. да су Андрија Пештић, Никола Бучић и Грубета изравнали рачуне за краљеве тргове које су држали у закуп."
^Bešić 1970, p. 38: "Очигледно је да би Никола Бућа од 700 перпера које је 1. децембра 1326. повјерио Илији Челнику, синовцу Братослава Дусиње из Дубровника (да наведемо само један од многобројних примјера), добио сву зараду да је сам инвестирао у робу у..."
^Ćorović 1999, p. 253: "Да се то постигне имали су добити извесни краљеви великаши до 1000 дуката, а Никола Бућа земљиште у самом Дубровнику и један део у Стону."
^Srejović-Gavrilović-Ćirković 1892, p. 536: "За време цара Душана, истакнуту улогу у воћењу државних финансија и послова имао је његов дугогодишњи протовестијар Никола Бућа, угледан которски властелин и искусан послован човек. Он је имао неколико помоћника и сарадника који су..."
Vizantološki institut (Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti) (2004). Zbornik radova, Volume 41–42 (in Serbian). Belgrade. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
Miloš Blagojević, Dejan Medaković, Radoš Ljušić, Čedomir Popov (2000), Istorija srpske državnosti, Book 2 (in Serbian), Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Mauro Orbini, Franjo Barišić, Radovan Samardžić (1968), Kraljevstvo Slovena (in Serbian), Srpska književna zadruga{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)