Northern Rescue
Northern Rescue is a Canadian drama television series produced by Don Carmody Television (DCTV), distributed by CBC Television in Canada and internationally on Netflix. The first season of 10 episodes debuted on March 1, 2019. It stars William Baldwin as a search and rescue commander who, after the death of his wife, relocates from Boston, Massachusetts with his three children to live with his sister-in-law in the fictional small town of Turtle Island Bay, Ontario, Canada, where he grew up. PremiseAfter his wife dies, search and rescue commander John West uproots his family, moving with his three children from Boston, Massachusetts to his rural hometown of Turtle Island Bay in Ontario, Canada. In this family drama, John and his kids each cope with their losses and grief in their own ways. Cast
ProductionThe show is produced in Ontario by Don Carmody Television (DCTV). It is streamed in Canada on CBC Television's CBC Gem service[1] and distributed internationally on Netflix.[2][3] The first season of 10 episodes debuted on both services on March 1, 2019.[4] Northern Rescue was filmed in Parry Sound, a town in Ontario, and in Toronto, Canada.[5] ReceptionThe series received limited critic reviews in the United States, and reactions of both critics and audience members was mixed. As of the end of 2023, there has been no word about the show's demise or return of the series since the hiatus because of the Covid pandemic. References
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