"Pie-O-My" is the 44th episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the fifth of the show's fourth season. Written by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, and directed by Henry J. Bronchtein, it originally aired on October 13, 2002. Starring
* = credit only Guest starringAlso guest starring
SynopsisAdriana realizes that her club is not entirely hers, as the back rooms are freely used by Tony and his crew for business. Her FBI handlers, including her new contact Robyn Sanseverino, are pressing her for information. They tell her that Christopher is associating with dangerous criminals, and she can help him; they also cause her to doubt that Richie and Pussy are in witness protection. She gives away a little information about Patsy. At home, she relieves stress with heroin. Janice is insinuating herself into Bobby's family life: she freezes out Mikey Palmice's widow JoJo, and serves the family Carmela's delicious lasagna, claiming it as her own. She urges Bobby to get over his grief as he might lose Junior's support. Bobby pulls himself together and completes a neglected task for Junior: meeting with a union shop steward to intimidate him into changing his vote in an upcoming election. Tony and Carmela are still bitterly divided about their investments. He refuses to sign the life insurance trust she proposes, having been advised it is too much in her favor. She receives a stock tip, but when he comes up with the money, it is too late. Ralphie's racehorse, Pie-O-My, wins and he happily shares the winnings with Tony, who demands a bigger share for the next race, to Ralphie's chagrin. Veterinarian's fees pile up, and one night when Pie-O-My is very sick, the vet refuses further treatment unless he is paid. Ralphie refuses and passes along Tony's number, and he rushes to the stables and pays. He then goes into the stall and sits with Pie-O-My, gently petting and reassuring her. First appearances
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