Popular Tales of the West Highlands 1860s collection of fairy atles
Detail of the St Andrews Sarcophagus
Popular Tales of the West Highlands is a four-volume collection of fairy tales , collected and published by John Francis Campbell , and often translated from Gaelic. Alexander Carmichael was one of the main contributors. The collection in four volumes was first published in 1860–62 in Edinburgh. A new edition (with different pagination) appeared under the auspices of the Islay Association in 1890–93.
Campbell dedicated the work in 1860 to the son of my Chief , the Marquess of Lorne .
Volume IV, subtitled "Postscript", contained miscellany. The greater part of it was devoted to commentary on the Ossian controversy , the rest filled with descriptions of traditional costume, music, and lore on supernatural beings. More West Highland Tales (1940) was later published, provided with translations by John Gunn McKay.
Fairy tales
Volume I
Volume II
The Chest
The Inheritance
The Three Wise Men
A Puzzle
The Ridere (Knight) of Riddles
The Burgh
The Tulman
The Isle of Pabaidh
Cailliach Mhor Chlibhrich
The Smith and the Fairies
Isle of Man
Conclusion: Fairy Beliefs
The Fine
The Two Shepherds
Osean After the Feen
The Barra Widow's Son
The Tale of the Queen Who Sought a Drink From a Certain Well
The Origin of Loch Ness
Maghach Colgar
The Brollachan
Murachadh Mac Brian
The Three Widows
The Son of the Scottish Yeoman who Stole the Bishop's Horse and Daughter, and the Bishop Himself
The Widow and her Daughters
The Tale of the Soldier
The Sharp Grey Sheep
The Widow's Son
MacIain Direach
Fearachur Leigh
The Tale of Sgire Mo Chealag
The Cat and the Mouse
The Three Questions
The Fair Gruagach, Son of the King of Eirinn
The Knight of the Red Shield
The Tail
Volume III
The Rider Of Grianaig, And Iain The Soldier's Son .
Fionn's Questions.
Diarmaid And Grainne
The Lay of Diarmaid
The Story of the Lay of Diarmaid, No. 1
The Lay of Diarmaid, No. 2
The Lay of Yeearmaid. No. 3
The Lay of Diarmaid, No. 4
How the Fox Took a Turn Out of the Goat
How the Cock Took a Turn Out of the Fox
The Hen
The Keg of Butter
The Fox and the Little Bonnach
Caol Reidhinn. Why the Name was Given to it
Thomas of the Thumb.
The Bulls.
The Hoodie Catechising the Young One
The Hoodie and the Fox
The Yellow Muilearteach
The Story of the Lay of the Great Fool
The Lay of the Great Fool
Guaigean Ladhrach 'S Loirean Spagach
Conall Gulban; or Guilbeinach, or Gulbairneach
The Story of Conall Gulban
Story of the King of Spain.
The Story of Conall Gulban (Part II)
John, Son of the King of Bergen
The Master and his Man.
The Praise of Goll
Osgar, the Son of Oisein
The Lay of Osgar
How the Een was Set Up
The Reason Why the Dallag (Dog-Fish) is Called the King's Fish
The Lay of Magnus
The Song of the Smithy
Duan Na Ceardach
Volume IV
I. Ossian , Points for Argument, Statement of the Case, Current Opinions-- English ; Scotch ; Irish ; Irish Arguments Considered, Lowland Scotch
Authorities—Heroes of Ossian, References to Fenian and other Traditions, and to Ossianic Heroes and Poems in Old Writings, chronologically arranged.
Published Evidence and Books
Popular Ballads
Current Gaelic Traditions
Internal Evidence
Essay on Gaelic Poetry by H. MacNair
Letter from John Dewar
Letter from D. K. Torrie
Letter from Archibald Sinclair
Letter from Alexander Carmichael
Ossianic Proverbs and Family History
II. Traditions—British Traditions
Welsh Stories, etc., compared with Gaelic
III. Mythology—Aryan Theory
West Highland Stories
Supernatural History—Water-Bulls, and Water-Horses , Boobries , Dragons, Fairies, etc.
Icelandic Saga
IV. A Plea for Gaelic
List of Sanscrit words, Topography, Some words common to Gaelic and English, Other Languages, Saxon
V. Highland Dress
VI. Celtic Art and its probable origin
VII. Music
List of Ballads orally collected
References to Printed Ballads
List of Stories Collected
Campbell, J. F. (1860). Popular Tales of the West Highlands (NLS :EGBC) . Vol. I– IV. Edmonston and Douglas.
Campbell, J. F. (1890–1893). Popular Tales of the West Highlands . Vol. I– IV (New ed.). Alexander Gardner.
Campbell, J. F. (1940). Popular Tales of the West Highlands . Vol. I. Edmonston and Douglas. ;
Campbell, J. F.; McKay, John Gunn; Watson, William J.; Maclean, Donald; Rose, H J (1940). More West Highland Tales . Vol. 2 vols. Pub. for the Scottish Anthropological and Folklore Society by Oliver and Boyd. OCLC 2130603 .
External links