130 km/h (81 mph) maximum, 56 km/h (35 mph) average including halts.
Route map
The 20819 / 20820 Puri–Okha Dwarka Express is a superfast train belonging to Indian Railways that runs between Puri and Okha in India. It is currently operated with 20819/20820 train numbers on a weekly basis.[1][2]
Coach composition
The train has standard LHB coaches with maximum speed of 110 km/h. The train consists of 22 coaches :
1 AC II Tier
5 AC III Tier
8 Sleeper coaches
5 General Unreserved
2 Seating cum Luggage Rake
1 Pantry Car
18401/Puri–Okha Dwarka Express covers the distance of 2,778 km (1,726 mi) in 48 hours 30 mins (53 km/h).
18402/Okha–Puri Dwarka Express covers the distance of 2,778 km (1,726 mi) in 47 hours 35 mins (56 km/h).
As the average speed of the train is more than 55 km/h (34 mph), as per railway rules, its fare includes a Superfast surcharge.