Rajjotok was a Bengali television soap opera that premiered on April 7, 2014, and aired on Zee Bangla. It was produced by Surinder Films. It starred Anamika Chakraborty, Mishmee Das as the main female protagonist and Biswajit Ghosh as the main male protagonist.[1][2][3][4][5] Plot summaryRajjotok (meaning "perfect match") is a coming-of-age story of a cheerful filmy girl called Bonnie. She is the protagonist of the show, and a unique character. She has always been so strongly influenced by films that she equates her real life situations with a film. In her search for her hero, she ends up marrying the poor simpleton Shekhar who turns out to be completely contrary to any filmy hero that she had ever dreamt of. Her life suddenly becomes unlike any movie she has ever seen or heard. Cast
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