Søren Espersen (born 20 July 1953) is a Danish politician, journalist, and author, who is a member of the Folketing for the Denmark Democrats. Espersen was originally elected for the Danish People's Party in 2005, and was the party's foreign affairs spokesperson.[1][2][3] He is a former chairman of Udenrigspolitisk Nævn. In 2022, he switched affiliation to the Denmark Democrats and was re-elected to the Folketing.
In an interview with a Danish television station in 2017, Søren Espersen expressed that he would consider a connection between southern Schleswig and Denmark to be desirable, with the Danish-German border being relocated to the Eider.[7]
His daughter Susie Jessen is also a member of the Folketing.[8]
Israels selvstændighedskrig – og de danske frivillige (2007)
Valdemar Rørdam ‒ Nationalskjald og Landsforræder (2003)
Danmarks fremtid – dit land, dit valg… (2001, co-author)