Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist
Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist (French: Les Nouvelles Aventures d'Oliver Twist, lit. "The New Adventures of Oliver Twist", also known as Oliver Twist) is a children's animated series created by Saban Entertainment. The series first aired in the United States from 1 February 1996 to 12 February 1997 through the company's syndicated "The Saban Network for Kids!" strand,[1] totaling 52 episodes.[2] The series began airing in France on TF1 on September 1, 1997, and on Fox Kids (starting with Fox Kids Netherlands[3] and Fox Kids UK[4] feeds later expanded airs on other feeds) on internationally. Ownership of the series passed to Disney in 2001 when Disney acquired Fox Kids Worldwide, which also includes Saban Entertainment.[5][6][7] Loosely based on the 1838 novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, the series features anthropomorphic animals and occasionally humans.[8] Characters
PlotOliver escapes the orphan house and is on the run. While on the run he meets Dodger and together they go to Fagin. Fagin is the boss of a little gang and Oliver must prove himself, if he is worthy to stay; the workhouse master won't stop to bring Oliver back to the workhouse. Oliver and his friends, Dodger and Charlie, are making it a mission to find Oliver's mother and they make adventures along the way. Episodes
Home mediaAs with many other Saban Entertainment series, the only major English-language DVD release is by Czech distributor North Video, featuring both Czech and English audio and original video (with English-language text) in the original production order. The first 18 episodes were released on 6 volumes, from September 24[9] to October 29, 2010.[10] References