Blue color that represents the sapphire gem
The 423-carat (85 g) blue Logan Sapphire
Sapphire is a saturated shade of blue , referring to the gemstone of the same name . Sapphire gems most commonly occur in a range of blue shades , although they can come in many different colors. Other names for variations of the color sapphire are blue sapphire or sapphire blue , shown below.
Sapphire as a quinary color on the RYB color wheel
Sapphire Hex triplet #0F52BA sRGB B (r , g , b )(15, 82, 186) HSV (h , s , v )(216°, 92%, 73%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(37, 88, 258°) Source Maerz and Paul[ 1] ISCC–NBS descriptor Vivid blue B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Displayed at right is the color sapphire .
The first recorded use of sapphire as a color name in English was in 1430.[ 2]
Sapphire blue
Sapphire Blue Hex triplet #0067A5 sRGB B (r , g , b )(0, 103, 165) HSV (h , s , v )(203°, 100%, 65%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(42, 64, 246°) Source ISCC-NBS [ 3] ISCC–NBS descriptor Strong blue B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
At right is displayed the color sapphire blue .
Medium sapphire
Medium Sapphire Hex triplet #2D5DA1 sRGB B (r , g , b )(45, 93, 161) HSV (h , s , v )(215°, 72%, 63%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(40, 63, 253°) Source Crayola ISCC–NBS descriptor Strong blue B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Medium sapphire is the color called sapphire in Crayola Gem Tones, a specialty set of Crayola crayons introduced in 1994.
B'dazzled blue
B'dazzled Blue Hex triplet #2E5894 sRGB B (r , g , b )(46, 88, 148) HSV (h , s , v )(215°, 69%, 58%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(37, 56, 253°) Source Crayola ISCC–NBS descriptor Moderate blue B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
B'dazzled blue is a color in Crayola Metallic FX, a specialty set of Crayola crayons introduced in 2001.
Blue sapphire
Blue Sapphire Hex triplet #126180 sRGB B (r , g , b )(18, 97, 128) HSV (h , s , v )(197°, 86%, 50%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(38, 40, 232°) Source Pantone TPX [ 4] [ 5] ISCC–NBS descriptor Dark greenish blue B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Displayed as right is the color blue sapphire .
The source of this color is the Pantone Textile Paper Extended (TPX) color list color #18-4231 "Blue Sapphire".
King blue
King Blue Hex triplet #375184 sRGB B (r , g , b )(55, 81, 132) HSV (h , s , v )(220°, 58%, 52%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(35, 46, 255°) Source My Perfect Color[ 6] B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Displayed as right is the color king blue , a variant of sapphire with a violet tone.
Dark sapphire
Dark Sapphire Hex triplet #082567 sRGB B (r , g , b )(8, 37, 103) HSV (h , s , v )(222°, 92%, 40%) CIELChuv (L , C , h )(17, 45, 260°) Source [Unsourced ] ISCC–NBS descriptor Deep blue B : Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
Dark sapphire is a dark tone of sapphire.
In culture
A bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin
Alcoholic beverages
Given names
The color 'Pearl Sapphire Blue' is the official color of the popular K-pop band Super Junior .
See also
^ The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called sapphire in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color sapphire is displayed on page 97, Plate 37, Color Sample L8.
^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 204; Color Sample of Sapphire: Page 97 Plate 37 Color Sample L8
^ Pantone TPX
^ Type the word "Blue Sapphire" into the indicated window on the Pantone Color Finder and the color will appear.
^ "Match of Oracal™ Series 951 Premium Cast 049 King Blue *" . My Perfect Color . Retrieved 27 December 2022 .
^ Ezekiel 1:26