The main article describes all European Soling Championships from one the first held in 1968 to the announced Championships in the near future. This article states the detailed results, where relevant the controversies, and the progression of the Championship during the series race by race of the European Soling Championships in the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. This is based on the major sources: World Sailing, the world governing body for the sport of sailing recognized by the IOC and the IPC, and the publications of the International Soling Association.
Legend: DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;OCS – On the course side of the starting line; Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.
Legend: DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DSQ – Disqualified; Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.
2011 Progress
2012 Final results
The Championship rules of the Soling class specifies that continental championships shall be open to all Countries.[8] The Europeans know two major trophies:
The Swedish Soling Association's Perpetual Prize
The deed's of gift of both trophies[9][10] specifies that the prize will be handed to the annual winner of the European Champion. In the history of the European Championship there were earlier NON-European winners since the Open character of the event. In each case the trophies were handed out the winners of those Championships conform the deed's of gift.
Unfortunately the race committee made in 2012 the mistake to hand out the "Swedish Soling Association’s Perpetual Prize", as result of the fact that the deed of gift was lost, to the first European team. As result the names of Karl Haist, Martin Zeileis and Patrick Wichmann were engraved on the trophy.
Later after scanning of the paper archive of former secretary Dinny Read the deed of gift emerged.
After this incident a new trophy was introduced in case there is a NON-European, European Champion. This perpetual "Best European Team Trophy" will be handed out to the first ranked team where all team members have a European nationality based on the geological definition of Europe. Their names will be engraved on the backplane of this new trophy. Sofar (16 February 2022) this trophy is not used.
Legend: DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNE – Non excludable disqualification;DNF – Did not finish;DSQ – Disqualified;OCS – On the course side of the starting line; Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.
Legend: DNC – Did not come to the starting area;DNF – Did not finish;DNS – Did not start;DSQ – Disqualified;RDG – Redress given; Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.