Speed Racer: The Next Generation
Speed Racer: The Next Generation is an American animated television series based on the classic Japanese Speed Racer franchise, in which the internal events take place decades after those in the 1967 Japanese series. It is the fourth television adaptation of the franchise, and is executive produced by Lions Gate Entertainment, Larry Schwarz, and Ken Katsumoto. Animation Collective produced the series, while the Flash character animation was handled by the now-defunct Collideascope Studios as their last project.[1] It aired on Nicktoons from May 2, 2008 to August 25, 2013.[2] This series was partly made to promote the live-action film.[3] PremiseThe series follows the adventures of an orphan teenager named Speed who dreams of being a famed car racer like the one he is named after. He takes a bus to the elite Racing Academy, founded by the Racer family, and soon experiences the difficulties of fitting in and competing with X, the best racer/student in the school, and Speed Racer's son. Episodes
Comic book miniseriesSpeed Racer: The Next Generation Birthright was a four-issue miniseries published by IDW Publishing. It ran from November 2008 to February 2009.[4] References
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