Sunny Day (TV series)
Sunny Day is an animated children's television series produced by Silvergate Media.[2] The series revolves around Sunny (voiced by Lilla Crawford), a tween-age hairdresser who runs her own hair salon with the help of her dog Doodle (Rob Morrison), hair colorist Rox (Élan Luz Rivera), and receptionist Blair (Taylor Louderman). Sunny's best customers are Timmy (Kevin Duda ), who is in charge of hosting events and shows in Sunny's hometown, and Cindy (Melissa van der Schyff), the unlucky town chef who has a constant bad hair day. The series is loosely based on the Random House picture book series Fairytale Hairdresser by Abie Longstaff and illustrated by Lauren Beard. Each episode features an original song written by Peter Lurye. For the first season, 40 episodes were produced by Silvergate Media and Canadian company Pipeline Studios.[3] On April 5, 2016, the show was renewed for a second season of 20 episodes.[4][5] The series premiered on Nickelodeon in the United States on August 21, 2017. New episodes moved to the separate Nick Jr. Channel in October 2018. The show also aired in Canada on Treehouse TV and on Nick Jr. and Milkshake! in the United Kingdom. PremiseTaking place in the seaside city of Friendly Falls, the series follows a professional hairstylist named Sunny who works at her own hair salon. Sunny uses her creativity and knowledge of hair care to solve problems.[1] The other salon employees are Sunny's talking dog Doodle, Rox the hair colourist, and Blair the receptionist. Sunny's best customers are Timmy, who hosts every town event in Friendly Falls, and Cindy, the unlucky local baker with constantly messy hair. While the setting of the series is different, the message and characterization mirror Abie Longstaff's original vision in Fairytale Hairdresser books, which feature salon-owner Kittie Lacey, "the facilitator and the problem-solver ... at the heart of the community"[6] "who works hard, defeats evil-doers, [and] shows solidarity with the girls she helps."[7] CharactersMain
BroadcastSunny Day debuted on Treehouse TV in Canada in September 2017 and debuted on Nick Jr. in the United Kingdom on 5 March 2018. The series debuted in Australia on Nick Jr. on 19 February 2018. Home mediaNickelodeon and Paramount Home Entertainment released the first DVD of the show with the same title on May 22, 2018. Then released a second DVD, Welcome to Pet Parlor, on September 3, 2019. On September 6, 2019, the first season was added to Paramount+, with the second season being added on September 16. It was removed from the streaming service on January 1st, 2024.[8] Awards and nominations
MerchandiseBooks are released, and a toy line from Mattel was confirmed.[10] References
External linksWikiquote has quotations related to Sunny Day (TV series). |