The Ghost Comes Home
The Ghost Comes Home is a 1940 American comedy film directed by Wilhelm Thiele and written by Richard Maibaum and Harry Ruskin. The film stars Frank Morgan, Billie Burke, Ann Rutherford, John Shelton, Reginald Owen and Donald Meek. The film was released on March 8, 1940, by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.[1][2] It was based on a play by Georg Kaiser which had previously been made into the 1935 German film The Valiant Navigator by Hans Deppe. PlotPet store owner Vern Adams is going to catch a ship to help out his friend John Thomas, however he still has time before it ships, so Vern goes to a nightclub and ends up being arrested for 60 days. When he gets out he finds out that the ship sank and that his family is using the insurance money. Now Vern hides out, so his family is not arrested for fraud. Cast
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