The Green Hills of Earth (short story collection)
The Green Hills of Earth is a collection of science fiction short stories by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, published in 1951, including short stories published as early as 1941. The stories are part of Heinlein's Future History. The title story is the tale of an old space mariner reflecting upon his planet of birth. According to an acknowledgement at the beginning of the book, the phrase "the green hills of Earth" is derived from a story by C. L. Moore. ContentsThe short stories are as follows, in the order they appear in the book:
All of the above stories were also included in the 1967 collection The Past Through Tomorrow. ReceptionBoucher and McComas described the collection as "an outstanding book", noting that the "slick" stories published in non-genre magazines included "classics in a new form".[1] P. Schuyler Miller noted that most of the contents were "simple stories of human reactions".[2] ReferencesExternal links