It took me hours of struggling and finally gave up, reverted to formulas in plain text.
The Math template generates an image, no links possible to explain variables?
To me, the current text formula's looks fine, but some Math enthusiasts may prefer template:Math based version.
That template is not for me, gives me headaches.
Are you comfortable with that Template?
Would you like to step in and convert my text version to Math versions?
Is it possible to keep hyperlinks?
While struggling with the Math template, I found the following BRI formula in the sandbox version of the calculator which is the same as the live version:
It is different version than documented on the BRI page. That is no big worry as it gives the same results. Still it would be easier to understand the code if it matched the version on the BRI page.
It does not use the pi constant but a hardcoded 6.28318 for 2pi with a limited number of decimals. That is not a big deal, until close to the very crisp NICE boundary of 0.4, where every decimal matters. 0.39999 is out of range, 0.4 is healthy. I think that we should use maximum available accuracy for the computations. The WHtR has 2 versions, one accurate for computations and one to display. The BRI result does not matter, is a dead end in 4.0, does not propagate to other formulas.
It could be optimised and reuse the WHtR result. I think the calculator is hitting formula propagation limits at the moment, so the less propagation the better. The current formula recomputes if waistcm or heightcm changes, which gives 2 propagation rules. It could reuse the WHtR result, which would be one formula propagation definition less.
And tricky, not confirmed by a reliable secondary source, but I think the WHtR - BRI connection would be clearer with showing how they are one and the same family:
waist and height
Or in math:
It does simplify the complex BRI formula, good for the rest of us.
Where do you consider that wlinks would be needed? We can assume that everyone knows what waist and stature are.
We absolutely should use pi as a variable for as much precision as the system offers. But if a little judicious rounding gave you boundaries at the right place, I can't see that anyone would complain provided that you document it using the hidden note technique.
Yes, I'm afraid we do need a secondary source. Although it is permissible in Wikipedia per WP:2+2=4 to recognise that they are mathematically equivalent because the constant (pi) can be ignored. But it is a WP:SYNTH violation to assert that the raft of citations for WHtR can be recycled as equally applicable to BRI.
the formula is independent of the units used, so long as they are used consistently. So there is no need to specify "in cm".
the source uses c/2π (=radius) and h/2 to calculate the eccentricity and it seems that custom and practice (as shown at Ellipse is to use half the long axis and half the short axis. Which is why Thomas et al. have shown it like that. The mathematical simplification that you have done is trivial and doesn't compensate for the loss of information on how it got there. So no, I wouldn't.
As far as I understand, Math generates a picture. Now it is possible to create hyperlinks on part of a picture, but that is too time consuming for me. The text versions are good enough for me. If anybody wants to see Math there, go for it, but leave me out.
Agree, go for max precision with pi. It feels a bit silly as the whole pi concept applies to circular waists only and sub cm waist differences won't matter much anyway in real life. And the margin of error for measuring waist and height is happily ignored. But well, no need for additional inaccuracies.
The formulas caused enough turmoil, I won't touch them for now.
It will probably be a matter of time before more people realise that WHTR is the smaller brother of BRI, even part of the BRI formula. You could argue that BRI has only one input parameter: WHtR.
The calculator itself will help, calculating both WHtR and BRI from the same input. Amazing that the current live version does not convince.
People will see that it is silly to wait for a secondary source on 2 formulas using the same 2 input variables.
You can't aim to low here. The unconscious competent will just ignore the hyperlinks. Pictures and hyperlinks will help the conscious incompetent.
Yes and no on the independency of unit. Yes you could input mm iso cm and it would still work. The nasty detail here is that the imperial height is two input variables, which is not the same as one for a simple computer without a human brain. The calculator formulas just use cm, being the smallest unit. An imperial input will still be accurate, as it produces decimals in cm.
A strong no to WP:SYNTH. WHtR results apply to ratios of height and waist. BRI results apply to ratios of height and waist. Spot the difference. I can't. There is nothing to SYNTH here. It like freezing water would yield different conclusions dependent for Celcius than Fahrenheit. They don't. Water does not even know about those two scales when it freezes. Similar for the a combination of height and waist. One will be conclusions for height 178 waist 60 and the other will be conclusions for height 178 and waist 60. Spot the difference. A coloured WHtR graph will look exactly the same as a BRI graph, the only difference will be the black lines for a WHtR scale or a BRI scale.
A BRI chart without the black BRI lines will be exactly the same as a WHtR chart without WHTR lines. Both re health levels for length waist combinations. In fact, such a lineless chart could serve as a paper body roundness calculator for risklevel. Just look at the (height, waist) coordinates for the colour.
Would you like to dive into the 4.0 sandbox wikicode and have a go at the changes?
It would be good if some more people understand the calculator concepts.
I am really impressed by the calculator. Please go and see the source of User:Doc_James/BRI the very first version.
My expectation is that the calculator will be very popular indeed.
I am not exactly sure how the template handles rounding. I expected an internal value for computing and a rounded value for displaying. But I saw some strange things after rounding WHtR to 2 decimals. So I had to create a hidden, unrounded version of WHtR for calculations which now propagates to the rounded one being displayed, a dead end of the propagation chain.
Your "No I prefer to stay away from the calculator code" is fine with me, if I don't see any changes by tomorrow, I'll make the changes myself, make two versions on BRI, one that uses height and weight as input, the other one WHtR. It would surprise me if they produced different results, but I'll check to be sure before ditching the current formula.
I went through your previous concerns. I expect quite some turmoil when 4.0 goes live. 4.0 seems to be so much more than just a calculator. For many it will be hard to believe that it is just a calculator. It might even make it to the top 100 of medical calculators. Well having seen the pity state of the commercial BRI calculator, that would not even surprise me. I think 4.0 is already way beyond its commercial equivalent. Funny that the wikipedia one will be free available, including source code. Ha ha ha.
Fill the question marks for NICE based risk level. Any source for WHtR values below 0.4. I'd say that is a very rapid down from "no increased health risks" to "further increased health risks" and even "no living subjects to study". Any mortality known based on WHtR research? Any WHtR values known for emaciated people? There must me.
What's happening about hip circumference? Thomas mentions it as significant but doesn't take it any further. It's a real pity that her calculator has been taken down. You should ask why.
Question marks for NICE based risk level: well above my pay grade, I'm afraid. You need at least a qualified medic (who will probably tell you to read the citations at WHtR. Ditto the colours.
"Is the body roundness calculator really just a calculator? Isn't it AI?": No. It is not even an expert system. It is just grade school division in a pretty package.
Imperial units: if people want to put in half-inches (as n.5), how is that a problem. If it matters, then there is some false precision at play. You can just blur the edge-cases. Most people who use imperial cam give their height in inches without tech support.
Should colours at 0.4 to 0.7 also have a gradient? See WP:NOR. Sorry.
Yet, I expect a lot of turmoil when 4.0 goes live.
Panic, This is just too complex for me so it must be dangerous! This must be AI! This is something that can not be maintained by most Wikipideans, completely incomprehensible! Now of course, I myself is not stupid, I is just toooooo busy doing really important things, have no time. I don't understand it, can't maintain it, so it must be removed.
Pfft, this is nothing, I am not even impressed, can't be bothered. Remove it anyway, I'll come up with some guideline violations that sound serious!
This is an expert system giving medical advice!
It violates many Wikipedia guidelines!
This must be Javascript, a serious security problem!
I am thinking about wrapping the calculator in 3 tabs.
the calculator itself, the default first tab
AI or not AI? With the plain English answers to avoid turmoil questions
the information hierarchy, the formulas and propagation explained to the rest of us, next to Wikipedia guidelines.
The documentation could then be for the lucky few that do know the difference between a calculator, a spreadsheet, an expert system and AI. Those are likely the ones that can help to maintain it, while keeping the user interface as simple as it is.
went back to the drawing board for unitless input. That was a major puzzle for imperial feet and inches for the current calculator template.
bold decision: just one input field for height, one for waist, let the computer compute all conversions
You can really use any unit now, use pixels if you want (and do not forget to multiply waist diameter by pi)
use unitless height and weight for WHtR. The formula in the coding is now really sweet: formula=waist/height
compute BRR using pi with max available decimals, use formula as on BRI page and reuse whtr to minimise formula propagation rules. Current sandbox version: formula=364.2-365.5*sqrt(1-pow((whtr/pi),2)) Yes, that is real code that I can understand, unlike the Math template
checked new BRI formula against old one, same results, even better decimals. Removed old BRI formula
reverted idea to truncate WHtR and BRI. Just show max decimals there too. Let the user do the rounding to own desire.
created feet to inches and yard to feet calculator at Foot_(unit), ha ha, no that calculator is not AI, not an expert system either.
updated formula on BRI page, removed cm as unit from text. Fine-tuned text. Moved calculator close to formula.
to be continued for your other comments...
My design doubt for now: Is the one input field for height OK for people using feet and inches?
There are quite a lot of conversion rules involved for height as the feet and inches make it complicated. It is fun to see though how the calculator works like a spreadsheet. And it won't do much harm on formula propagation as all those conversions are on the end of a chain. Only the unit-less height and waist go on to update whtr and the whole bunch that is derived from whtr.
Your user page shows Milton Keynes, England, so you are probably surrounded by people used to feet and inches.
And you look quite enthusiastic about getting the calculator right.
Please avoid a focus to the input field. Shut up about that. Don't tell them what you are testing. Do not influence the subjects.
Tell the subject that you are testing a new user interface. It is not them who are the subject of testing. No worries. You want to test a brand new user interface that is a candidate for the top 100 of medical calculators. It needs to be tested and it must be tested fast. There is no money involved here, nothing to gain, just volunteer work for Wikipedia. The benefit for them is knowledge about their own health which they are welcome to share with friends and family they care about the most.
Ask them a question at the highest possible level: What would be a healthy waist size for you? For that question they won't need to measure their own waist. Knowing their height suffices to answer the question. Do not give any other instructions. Shut up. Answer 'I don't know' to any question. In real life there won't be a calculator helpdesk either.
Most people will know their height. If not will they be creative and use an alternative? Like standing against a wall counting bricks? Or use a piece of string/towel as a unit?
Take notes of what happens when. Note time to the second accuracy, what they are doing and if it is a success. Videoing may not be a good idea, as people act differently when being filmed.
Shut the f*** up and take notes. What actions do they take? What difficulties do they encounter? What goes well?
Shut up. Don't help if they struggle. Let them figure it own on their own.
A failure is a very useful test result too. Note where they failed and when.
Do not discuss solutions. Every body has an opinion. Just takes notes, even if they talk complete nonsense as their wrong of train of thought may be valuable. Don't argue, don't discuss, just shut the f*** up and take notes. If they want green socks with pepperoni, just note that down. Shut up, you are not discussing a solution, you are collecting valuable real time experiences.
Even shut up if they go on a completely wrong path. Shut up and take notes of the path they take. Others may do the same.
What method did they choose to enter feet and height? Note the time and what they did, both unsuccessful and successful.
Did they find the optimum waist size? At what time did they finish? How long did it take them in total?
Habits in the UK vary. Although the majority still use feet and inches, a substantial minority (including me) use cm.
Most people who use feet and inches know the inches-only equivalent (most people are ≤ 5'10" and since 5' = 60", it is easy to work it out.
So long as your calculator doesn't conflict with MEDRs and WP:NOR, there should be no complaints about adding it to articles provided that it is unobtrusive.
@Uwappa: Why? But taking a guess (forgive me if I'm wrong):
Yes, I know that it calculates 80 / 178 = 0.449438202247191 but there is a huge difference between the result of a calculation and the judgement that must be made on what is displayed, taking the precision of the input into account. That judgement is critical and must be made.
no comment.
Yes, the conversion between inches and cm is well defined (international yard and pound agreement) BUT (and it is a very big but) people do not measure their waist and height in microns or thousandths of an inch. The input measures are crude so the output must be equally crude, that is the fundamental point of false precision. It is one of the most basic principles of doing science and engineering. --𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 22:50, 4 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
[dubious – discuss]
I can not read minds. The calculator can not read minds. The calculator does not know the goal people are after.
Yes, people may use it for adjudicating the body roundness of real people. Excellent, that may save a few lives.
But just as well, they may be just playing games, hackers trying to let it crash with silly input. E.g. is SQL_injection possible to hack a database?
Wikipedian JMF could use it to support a "2 decimals suffice" point of view.
In the usability test today, the paramedic had to input dimensions of this fake extremely obese "patient":
That did not go down well, it was too ridiculous, so I'll update the test. Ha ha ha, the usability test revealed an error in the usability test.
People may use it to verify the credibility of the calculator. What WHtR value does it show if a height = 2x waist?
What if I enter data measurements from a picture? Will it be a factor pi off, because diameter != circumference?
How does it deal with negative numbers, zeroes?
How well can it cope with insane large numbers, like 1E88?
I myself used it during development. I needed precision. Was 0.3999999999999999 classified correctly as below 0.4?
I used it to map WHtR values to silhouette index numbers (1, 2, 3, ..., 20). With BRI values as a nasty intermediate as the current silhouettes are still BRI based.
I used it to compare results of the old BRI formula (with rounded 2 pi hardcoded) against the new formula (using a pi with max decimals and just WHtR as input)
So I firmly disagree with the rounding. You do not know what people use it for.
when you round, you can't go back to precision. What will you do with 0.399999? Display as 0.40 with an error message "Unspecified for WHtR below 0.4"???
when you keep precision, you can leave the rounding to the human.
On point 2:
How about a calculator that is art related?
E.g. something for a Golden_ratio?
Enter a number and the calculator will
take it as a width and compute height
and... take it as a height and compute width
On point 3:
Any unit will do.
People may may use a piece of string or cloth as a unit.
E.g. a towel the size of the waist. And it will work just fine. Uwappa (talk) 00:01, 5 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hello JMF! The thread you created at the Teahouse, Is CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0 acceptable on en.wikipedia for a specific image on a specific page?, has been archived because there was no discussion for a few days.
The current situation in the UK was broadcast in the major mass media in Japan.
It is not directly related to Wikipedia, but it is the programme linked here. A programme produced by TV Asahi, ‘Akira Ikegami's News That's Right!!(池上彰のニュースそうだったのか!!) produced by TV Asahi, was broadcast in a section entitled ‘The current situation in the UK’. Please watch the programme and state your thoughts on the commentary in this programme. Please note that as this is a Japanese site, it may be caught by geo-blocking. If you are caught by geo-blocking, please use a VPN or other means to connect to a server in Japan before watching the programme.[1]LendingNext (talk) 15:36, 16 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@LendingNext:, the page you linked says "配信中のエピソードがありません" [There are no episodes currently available]. Can you write a summary of what it says? because I can't think of any "current situation in the UK" that is in any way unusual or remarkable. 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 20:56, 17 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry. This TVer, it's normally supposed to be available for a week after broadcast, but this show was only available for less than a day and a half. Understood. One of the things that was reported in this programme was about Prime Minister Starmer, who had changed governments four times in just three years, so it was discussed that people either couldn't remember his name or were confused. Other topics covered included the fact that leaving the EU would mean that no more overseas workers would come in, there would be a shortage of labour, and that people would change their exports to other EU countries because of the procedures involved when importing agricultural products from France and other countries. It was also mentioned that young people are going to game bars, where prices are cheaper, instead of going to pubs, which are more expensive. LendingNext (talk) 01:36, 18 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@LendingNext: There seems to be a misunderstanding. The outgoing (Conservative Party) government has had four leaders (and thus three Prime Ministers) in as many years – one lasted just a few weeks; I guess that the news item is because they have just elected their fourth leader but the pundits don't expect that she will last long either. So I suspect that many people neither know nor care who leads them.
The new (Labour Party) government was elected just a few months ago. The party leader (and Prime Minister) Keir Starmer has led the party since 2020. There have been no significant changes in his cabinet.
Yes, Brexit has been an economic failure (as almost all respected economists predicted). One witty commentator remarked that "The United Kingdom is the only country in the world ever to have imposed economic sanctions on itself!". Over 50% of UK exports go to the European Economic Area (EU plus closely aligned EFTA); the fraction is much higher for physical goods (which is hardly surprising since it is right next door). It has caused all sorts of problems and no benefits.
As for the claim about young people in Britain, I give it as much credence as you would to a claim that all young Japanese men stay in their bedrooms all day playing computer games and all young Japanese women dress in agejo gyaru style. 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 10:42, 18 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hello! Voting in the 2024 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 2 December 2024. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
I'm thinking about a 'black', dead, impossible, all lights out.
For sure WHtR = 0, no waist at all, not even a spine, is dead, ashes to ashes. Or, looking at the brighter side of life: no fertilised egg yet.
For sure WHtR < 0, either height or waist is below zero, is a concept unknown to living humans. This must be a test by
an alien that does know the concepts of negative height or waist.
a non living human, someone dead with no more body, just a spirit,
or a test by someone not born, not conceived yet. That is a unfertilised female egg cell, with sperm cells approaching,
or a sperm cell who is racing to an egg cell,
or a female egg cell, with no sperm cell in sight
or a sperm cell, with no egg cell in sight (the implied go get F*****, may violate WP:NOMEDICAL and WP:HOWTO, ha, ha, ha)
or, most likely, it is a mathematician or IT expert, testing the calculator with unrealistic negative values, so an little joke would be entertaining to those 'nerds', while the thought of entering negative values would not occur to normal people. They will never see the joke.
Part of me says "great idea, go for it!". Another part is a bit reluctant because there is a mini-industry of pseudo-science around it, but I suppose that will always happen anyway.
Before you invest the time, it would be sensible to declare the intent at talk:Golden ratio as there is a possibility of consensus to exclude. (Make sure to italicise your abc for legibility).
As a an easy learning step, would you like to take out the duplicate-with-text bits yourself? It is just like taking out normal text, just remove things with the wikisource editor.
I'll look into the input field for a+b tomorrow, as this may tricky:
a impacts a+b
b impacts a+b
a+b impacts a and b
(this is similar to height impacts WHtR, waist impacts WHtR and WHtR impacts waist)
If you feel up to the challenge, just go for it yourself in a second update and just revert if it does not work out. A talk page is a safe environment to try things. Uwappa (talk) 17:19, 23 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, the end of the 2024 was a bit more busy than expected. Done now, the circle is complete:
Input a and the calculator will compute b and (a+b)
Input b and the calculator will (a+b) and a
Input a+b and the calculator will compute a and b
Please remove the bits you don't want.
And just revert if you were a bit too enthusiastic removing bits.
And when you like the result, copy it to the article.
That will make more sense, going from input to "output". Ha ha ha, that a/b is not really output, but the constant phi, don't tell anybody... Uwappa (talk) 13:34, 1 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
No worries, I'll post it and face the music. That will be less work for me than endless debates.
About the caption: I'd say: Don't add any instruction. The text around it in the article will explain the a, b and a+b. The input fields will be inviting enough for people to go play around. Later I'll look in the article and reuse calculator values, just like in WhtR and BRI articles. That way the text and calculator work seamlessly together.
Thanks for the compliment, but is there a need for a golden ratio calculator? I can't see what there is to calculate. Additionally, most people can't recognise a decimal number as fractions of √5. Cheers, cmɢʟee⎆τaʟκ05:11, 4 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Changed table background to silver, which seems appropriate.
I'll have a look where to insert this little calculator in the article. If I do not see any objections I'll just boldly go for it and face the music.
Uwappa (talk) 08:37, 5 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Had a look and Golden_ratio#Calculation seems the best place. The current text already has an example with b=1. That 1 can interactively copy the current calculator's value of b and take it from there for a and a+b.
That will be an Easter egg for most users, as they won't interact with the calculator, but the few ones that do will see how the text follows their input interactively. Any objections? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Uwappa (talk • contribs) 09:29, 5 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
As I told you already, that article has such a history of daft bold edits that its watchers have become hypersensitive. I advise strongly that you put the proposal at the talk page first. That is far more likely to achieve success. --𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 11:45, 5 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Oops, I thought we were on that talk page already. We are not, this is your talk page. Duh...
Excellent idea, I'll be happy to post the current result at that talk page with suggested new content for the calculation section, having "dynamic text" with examples that "magically" follow the calculator input, just like we did for WHtR and BRI.
Anything else you like to see changed before I do that?
I don't control the traffic lights. A consensus is formed by regular participants of the article concerned (articles, if the change is a template used in more than one article, so not immediately relevant in this case.) 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 12:00, 5 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, yes, no worries, I know the WP drill and what a shock it will be for text oriented Wikipedians to step into the 21 century and see a computer compute... Wow, what the f*** is this? Is it AI? Can we maintain this? FOMO, Amygdala hijack and all of that...
But is it green light from you to post it now on that talk page? No worries, I'll do it.
I'm putting my answer off of the article talk pages, because they are intended for editing discussions. There is a book currently out in a limited form, How Comics Were Made, that I've not read yet but is getting very good response for delving into printing details. It's focused on comic strips, but much of it would apply to comic books as well. It's coming out in a more general edition, under a slightly different title, next year. -- Nat Gertler (talk) 13:49, 2 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for being such an active jaguar on my talk! I need to work on making sure new editors are less unsure of the reasons for reversions and such, especially given how scatterbrained I can be with replying to stuff out of order. You helping out has been much appreciated. Remsense ‥ 论23:47, 3 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
My (guilty) pleasure. Main thing is to use the edit summary and (for new editors) take the sting out by starting their talk page with a {{welcoming}} and a brief explanation for the revert with a reference to WP:BRD to say that reversions are normal, it is what makes Wikipedia work. 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 00:02, 4 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Remsense: Might I suggest you consider using the phrase "better before" as an edit summary, as it is less likely to provoke a knee-jerk response than a judgemental statement like "not at all useful", "unconstructive" and the like? --𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 15:12, 4 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
thats my bad
hit the wrong button, sorry. U in the right big dawg
Might you have the full citation data for your contribution to Asterism?
I write because I tried to address a missing title error for this reference, to no avail:
McAuley, James Phillip (1964). Quadrant. 8. H.R. Krygier: 33. {{cite journal}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
You appear to be the editor who added it! I know it's been nearly five years, but I hope my attempt at researching it will help. As far as I can tell, James McAuley was credited with two contributions to Quadrant in 1964/Volume 8:
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way to view the sources directly, to confirm that either is a good match, and I also find it disheartening that neither matches the page you specified. I'm not familiar with the database I was relying on, so perhaps it's incomplete?
I know this is essentially a demand of your time, and it's likely a stretch to recall besides. I might have an alternate source for the statement you added, but I love this article and I want to preserve your contribution if possible!
Gosh, it's dusty in here... brushes cobwebs out of face ... lifts a croquet set out of the way...
Yes, I remember researching Dinkus at the time (subsequently split out to its own article, where the same error appears). My source was but I never had the original journal. And it looks like Google no longer gives the source information (which I guess came from a bookseller who had a copy for sale?), so you are in even a worse position than I was. And someone up there really likes to tease you, as it would be the fourth article:
Contents Patrick Whites Plays.......... 7 The Grey Men of Business......13 Five Years of Castro's Cuba....28 8 other sections not shown
I've just tried to google "I became a member of the dinkus department" but nothing found. Sorry, best I can do. Best of luck in your hunt. --𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 11:19, 13 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
How do I find sources when most links are either very informal or unreliable
I noticed that you recently reverted my edit on Skull and crossbones in the "Use in social media" section, I was going to add sources but I can't seem to find any reliable ones. They are either very informal (Reddit, Facebook, etc) or unreliable sources (Android Authority, Shutterstock, etc). The only reliable and formal source I could find is but something in my head says its unreliable. Please help! ミラへぜ (talk) (ping me!) 00:23, 16 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Wikiy programming makes it easy because I get notified of any changes to the many artickles that interest me. So I don't really do any patrolling. Why not create an account yourself and you will get the same facilities (and other easy ways to improve the encyclopedia). 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 19:52, 22 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have one. It's 千乇丨丂ㄒㄚ尺ㄖㄖ丂ㄒ乇尺. I have two houses and to be quite honest with you, I don't want to have to get my parents to drive to my other house to accept the thingy that accepts logging in from a different location. (I think they have that here). Sooo yeah. (talk) 21:49, 22 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
You can certainly log in to Wikipedia from anywhere in the world (subject to local censorship laws!). And from any device – phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, kiosk, whatever. Over WiFi, mobile or wired, doesn't matter.
I have done all of the above (well, some of the world and never in a kiosk) and never had to ask anyone to go home to "accept a thingy" for me. Do you mean a HTTP cookie ("internet cookie")? That's a one time thing that goes with whatever device you happen to use, wherever you are. Take the device, it goes with you. Use a different device, you get another one. Not a problem. 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 09:29, 23 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
You really need to resolve the difficulty because you can get blocked if you use two different identities to edit the same articles or talk pages. 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 09:39, 23 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hello JMF, may you be surrounded by peace, success and happiness on this seasonal occasion. Spread the WikiLove by wishing another user a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, whether it be someone you have had disagreements with in the past, a good friend, or just some random person. Sending you heartfelt and warm greetings for Christmas and New Year 2025. Happy editing, Abishe (talk) 21:59, 24 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hello JMF, may you be surrounded by peace, success and happiness on this seasonal occasion. Spread the WikiLove by wishing another user a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, whether it be someone you have had disagreements with in the past, a good friend, or just some random person. Sending you heartfelt and warm greetings for Christmas and New Year 2025. Happy editing, FeistyRooster (talk) 16:41, 25 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hello JMF! The thread you created at the Teahouse, Notability of electoral divisions, has been archived because there was no discussion for a few days.
I don't understand what you are trying to do with the images. The link to IMAGESZ is dead. But you have not just changed image sizes, but you have changed their positions so they no longer correspond to the relevant text. I am reverting your changes, but happy to discuss how this should best be organised Kognos (talk) 21:07, 18 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@Kognos: Whoops,I should have written MOS:IMAGESZ (it's a Manual of Style thing). It says explicitly that we should not give the image size in pixels.
Alignment with text is practically impossible as well as pointless, because we have no idea what size screen the visitor is using. The layout will display on a wide desktop v a laptop v an even smaller tablet. See also MOS:IMAGELOC re other issues, such as 'goal-posts'. In general the best we can do is place the images in the appropriate section and let them cascade. On mobile, they don't even go alongside the text. If you have a big screen, check the effect on varying size of window to see what I mean.
WP:GALLERY is also relevant. The article does need its galleries, but they should be unobtrusive.
Thanks for the revised link. I do look at the article on my phone as well as on my computer, and it generally looks OK, but I'll certainly check this out - will be mañana... Kognos (talk) 22:02, 18 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I take your point about fixed pixel widths, and will certainly use upright=scaling factor in future. As regards location, It does seem good to have the images as close to the relevant text as possible. As I said, I do check how the page appears on my phone as well as PC screen, and although the images don't go alongside the text, they are stil closer to the text they refer to than if they are all at the top of the section. The page now looks good to me on both large and small screens. Kognos (talk) 00:16, 20 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Although I agree with you about WP:NOTAGUIDE my intent is simply to update outdated citations whose domain has been usurped, I try not to change the content of the article at all leaving that to editors who have interest and knowledge of the subject. In this case the citation is valid and proves that at the time of it being added the town had these facilities, furthermore a little googling shows these clubs still exist. I will restore my edit so that any editor who wishes can update the information and links Lyndaship (talk) 14:59, 20 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
History of the metre
Hello, thank you for providing a link to the article Carlos Ibáñez e Ibáñez de Ibero in your edit in the article Prime meridian (Greenwich). I would like to inform you of a problem in the article Metre. Two messages have been placed at the beginning of the section History of the Metre. In my opinion the issues have been resolved, but I have a conflict of interest and therefore I can't remove the messages. Would agree to review this section in order to decide if you would find apropriate to remove the messages ? Charles Inigo (talk) 07:56, 22 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
@Charles Inigo:, I've had a quick look at the Metre article and, regretfully, I don't see how I can remove the caution messages. My reason is simple: the section is grotesquely overlength. It really should be no longer than the lead of History of the metre – indeed if it simply copied that lead (using {{excerpt}}, it would be fine. Yes, readers who just want modern information about the measure (and perhaps explore the whole SI system) should be informed in summary about how it came about. Right now, the history section is so large as to make the whole article tl;dr. That is intolerable. Whoever put those tags on showed remarkable forbearance: I might have deleted the section outright in favour of the excerpt.
I suspect that this is not the answer you wanted to hear and maybe I might have wrapped it in cotton-wool but I feel it is most helpful to tell the unadorned truth. There is really no point in tinkering at the edges of the current text: it needs to be reduced by about 90%. --𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 10:41, 22 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
and in any of them will the contributor have made an exclusive substantive statement that will make it the best (or only!!) citeable source. I'm thinking of a number that requires no fingers to count. 𝕁𝕄𝔽 (talk) 11:21, 31 January 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I included enough evidence for the topic you deleted to warrant some negotiation about the severity of this summary judgement: WP:NOTORUM, WP:SOAPBOX, WP:RGW and WP:ADVOCACY