User talk:Tgeorgescu/Archives/2022/February
SeriousnessI had corrected what was inaccurate and erroneous phrasing, I was not trolling. Proletarian Banner (talk) 03:07, 15 February 2022 (UTC) SteinerI am confused. I dont think you know what nautrality means, or you are biased in a sense. I was trying to make the discription of Steiner MORE neutral. A lot of people disagree with the idea that Steiner was a pseudoscientist. And no they are not stupid, they have a different epistomology based on a different ontology and a cosmology. As an anthropologist, who has discovered that any claims about a superior knowledge lets say is in fact etnocentric. Do you think for example that it is neutral to write 'voodoo is superstitous' or 'claims about astrology in the Quran are pseudescientific. So by writing it in this manner I was trying to make it more neutral and more user friendly to people who believe differently and have the freedom to do so. It is not a FACT that Steiner was a pseudoscientist. As the word 'science" is multivocal; it means different things to different people in different contexts. But many modern scientist discribe him that way, which is very understandable, but also biased, etnocentric and certainly not neutral. I hope you are able to respond to my argument and overthink this subject. 2001:1C04:3E0B:8300:18E6:EAC9:CA6C:AF81 (talk) 22:01, 17 February 2022 (UTC)
Yes. We are biased.Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, once wrote:[1][2][3][4]
So yes, we are biased.
And we are not going to change. tgeorgescu (talk) 22:06, 17 February 2022 (UTC) References
Neutrality vs BiasedFair enough. Wikipedia has the freedom to be biased. But don't claim to be neutral in that case. You cant be neutral and biased at the same time. Prove me wrong. Especially your description of Steiner as being a 'lunatic' seems quite unneutral to me. 2001:1C04:3E0B:8300:18E6:EAC9:CA6C:AF81 (talk) 22:22, 17 February 2022 (UTC)
I am not a denialist, nor an anthroposoph nor a fan of Rudolf Steiner. And I therefore do not wish to be categorized as such. Like you, I am academically educated, and regard the scientific method very highly. But precisely the following sentence: 'His ideas are largely pseudoscientific.[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] Others call them parascience.[31]', implies that there is no scientific consensus that Steiner's ideas are pseudoscientific, after all others describe his ideas as parascience. So my point is not so much to equalize science with fringe science, but to equalize the first mentioned sources to the last mentioned sources. Furthermore, I find only the source to Staudenmaier at the sentence : He was also prone to pseudohistory' not sufficient to make such a statement. That is why I have modified that sentence as well. I have read Staudenmaier, but he does not address the emanationism that underlies Steiner's history reading and Theosophy which is quite essential in understanding it. Again I am not a denialist, but I do think that statements like this should be properly substantiated, precisely in the name of the scientific method. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rodanmeb (talk • contribs) 11:59, 18 February 2022 (UTC) Balance of SourcesI am not a denialist, nor an anthroposoph or a fan of Rudolf Steiner. And I therefore do not wish to be categorized as such. Like you, I am academically educated, and regard the scientific method highly. But precisely the following sentence: 'His ideas are largely pseudoscientific.[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] Others call them parascience.[31] implies that there is no scientific consensus that Steiner's ideas are pseudoscientific, after all others describe his ideas as parascience. So my point is not so much to equalize science with fringe science, but to equalize the first mentioned sources to the last mentioned sources. Furthermore, I find only the source to Staudenmaier at the sentence : He was also prone to pseudohistory' not sufficient to make such a statement. That is why I have modified that sentence as well. I have read Staudenmaier, but he does not address the emanationism that underlies Steiner's 'historical' narrative which is quite essential in understanding it. Again I am not a denialist, but I do think that statements like those should be properly substantiated, precisely in the name of the scientific method. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rodanmeb (talk • contribs) 12:04, 18 February 2022 (UTC) Buna ziua domnule nontrollNenea ,doar pentru că îți impui opiniile și le motivezi cu surse din cărți ateiste nu înseamnă că restul care îți arată unde te înșeli sunt troli. Rahatul de articol scris din perspectiva ateista nu are decât surse părtinitoare ateiste iar când am incercat sa atrag atenția ca un citat din nu știu ce carte nu e argument ci doar opinie personala a autorului ce ați făcut? Ați restabilit aceeași prostie din orgoliu prostesc impunând propriul adevăr. Nu trebuie sa fii troll ca sa vezi că ceea ce faceți voi aici e o manipulare ,o minciună și o falsificare a datelor pentru prezentarea unei viziuni personale pe care o prezentati ca fiind adevăr susținut cu dovezi. Pe de altă parte domnilor fanatici cu prea mult timp liber sau plătiți pentru anumite interese când un creștin v-a prezentat o sursă ați sters-o pe motiv că nu e sursa credibilă. Pai voi spuneți că sunteți serioși și restul sunt troli că va strica joculețele? Pe de altă parte pe Wikipedia se șterg frecvent informații pe motiv că nu se prezinta sursa dar când sursa se dorește a fi prezentată ,surpriza Wikipedia zice că singura sursa disponibila e pe lista neagră și nu poate fi folosita iar când se reușește în sfârșit să se prezinte o alta ,e ștearsă pe motiv că sursa nu e credibilă.. Dar siturile ateiste așa zis științifice sunt dovezi în sine și surse și uite de asta voi ateii aveți religia voastră,știință.Sau ceea ce se vrea a fi știință pentru că de multe ori e exact opusul. (talk) 01:02, 21 February 2022 (UTC)