V392 Persei, also known as Nova Persei 2018, is a bright nova in the constellation Perseus discovered on April 29, 2018. It was previously known as a dwarf nova.
Dwarf nova
A U Geminorum-type variable star or dwarf nova is a type of cataclysmic variable star consisting of a close binary star system in which one of the components is a white dwarf that accretes matter from a cool main sequence or subgiant companion.[8] V392 Persei was discovered in 1970 and received its variable star designation a year later. It is normally visual magnitude 17.4 and experiences outbursts of 2-3 magnitudes.[1] Its spectrum in the quiescent state has been studied and only the cool star is detected. The spectrum shows emission lines of hydrogen-alpha (Hα) and both neutral and ionised helium.[3] The brightest recorded observations is at magnitude 5.6.[6]
Nova eruption
On April 29, 2018 it was discovered by Yuji Nakamura to be extremely bright, and it was spectroscopically confirmed as a nova outburst with magnitude 6.2 on April 30. The spectrum includes broad Hα and FeII emission lines with P Cygni profiles. The absorption core is blueshifted by a velocity of 2,680 km/s, which would be the expansion velocity from the nova explosion.[9]
V392 Persei is the southern of a pair of stars separated by 8.5".[2]
The symbiotic pair are unresolved, with an orbital period of only 3.21997 days,[12] and the nature of the cool component is unclear. The spectral energy distribution is inconsistent with a bright giant star but it could be less luminous red clump giant or subgiant. If the cool component was a main sequence red dwarf as expected for a dwarf nova, then the system would need to be closer than the 13,000 ly suggested by its Gaia parallax.[6]
^ abcdSamus, N. N.; Durlevich, O. V.; et al. (2009). "VizieR Online Data Catalog: General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2007-2013)". VizieR On-line Data Catalog: B/GCVS. Originally Published in: 2009yCat....102025S. 1. Bibcode:2009yCat....102025S.
^ abWatson, C. L. (2006). "The International Variable Star Index (VSX)". The Society for Astronomical Sciences 25th Annual Symposium on Telescope Science. Held May 23–25. 25: 47. Bibcode:2006SASS...25...47W.