Mary Roberts naît le à Homerton, un quartier de Londres, de Daniel Roberts, un marchand de Londres, et Ann Roberts, fille de Josiah Thompson, originaire de Nether Compton dans le Dorset. Son grand-père est le quaker botaniste, Thomas Lawson, et de son arrière-arrière-grand-père paternel est Daniel Roberts.
Le début de sa vie est mal connu, même si on sait qu'en 1790 Marie Roberts déménage avec ses parents à Painswick dans le Gloucestershire, où elle commence à écrire sur l'histoire naturelle.
Une confusion est parfois faite entre elle et une cousine du même nom, Mary Roberts, fille de Samuel Roberts (1763-1848) de Sheffield, auteure de Royal Exil, 1822[2]
Mary Roberts a écrit une quinzaine de livres, la plupart sur l'histoire naturelle et la campagne[3].
Histoire naturelle
The Wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom displayed in a Series of Letters (1822) (2e édition. 1824)
Annals of my Village, Being a Calendar of Nature for Every Month in the Year (1831)
The conchologist's companion (1834)
Sister Mary's Tales in Natural History (1834)
The Seaside Companion, or Marine Natural History (1835)
Wild Animals, their Nature, Habits, and Instincts, with Incidental Notices of the Regions they Inhabit (5e édition. 1836)
Sketches of the animal and vegetable productions of America (1839)
Flowers of the matin and even song; ou, de Thoughts for those who rise early (1845)
Ruins and old trees associated with remarkable events in English history (184-?)
Voices from the woodlands, descriptive of forest trees, ferns, mosses, and lichens (1850)
A popular history of the Mollusca; comprising a familiar account of their classification, instincts and habits, and of the growth and distinguishing characters of their shells avec des planches en couleur gravées par W. Wing (1851)
Select Female Biography; comprising memoirs of eminent British ladies, derived from original and other authentic sources (1821)
Sequel to an Unfinished Manuscript of H. Kirke White's, to illustrate the Contrast between the Christian's and the Infidel's Close of Life (1823)
Domesticated Animals considered with reference to Civilisation and the Arts (1833)
The Progress of Creation considered with reference to the Present Condition of the Earth, early, in prose and poetry'" (1845)
Mary Roberts a également publié plusieurs ouvrages;
An Account of Anne Jackson, with particulars concerning the Plague and Fire in London written by herself Anne Jackson (1832) (Marie de Gleva)
The Present of a Mistress to a Young Servant, par Ann Taylor Ann Taylor (1851)
↑Marilyn Ogilvie, editors, Joy Harvey,, The biographical dictionary of women in science : pioneering lives from ancient times to the mid-20th century., New York, Routledge, (ISBN0-415-92040-X)
↑(en) Catherine M. C. Haines with Helen M. Stevens, International women in science : a biographical dictionary to 1950, Santa Barbara, Calif. u.a., ABC-CLIO, , 383 p. (ISBN1-57607-090-5)