Штат / территория
Материнское учреждение и дополнительные примечания
ответственный за водительское удостоверение
ответственный за право собственности и регистрацию транспортного средства
Driver License Division
Motor Vehicle Division
Отдел водительских прав (англ. Driver License Division) является подразделением Правоохранительного агентства Алабамы[англ.][4], тогда как Отдел автотранспортных средств (англ. Motor Vehicle Division) является подразделением Департамента доходов штата Алабама[англ.][5].
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Alaska Department of Administration[6]; previously under the Alaska Department of Public Safety and the Alaska Department of Revenue
Motor Vehicle Division
Division of the Arizona Department of Transportation[7]
Office of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration[8]. The Arkansas State Police is responsible for all driver testing.[9]
Департамент транспортных средств Калифорнии[англ.]
Department of the cabinet-level California State Transportation Agency[10]
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Colorado Department of Revenue[11]
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.][12]
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Delaware Department of Transportation[13]
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.][14]
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles[15]
Department of Driver Services[16]
Motor Vehicle Division[17]
The Motor Vehicle Division is a division of the Georgia Department of Revenue.
Нет государственного агентства; см. дополнительные примечания
Hawaii is the only U.S. state where no part of the state government performs DMV functions; it has completely delegated vehicle registration and driver licensing to local governments (i.e. the City and County of Honolulu; Hawai'i, Maui, and Kaua'i counties)[18]
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Idaho Transportation Department[19]
Driver Services Department
Vehicle Services Department
Departments of the Illinois Secretary of State[20]
Bureau of Motor Vehicles[21]
Motor Vehicle Division
Division of the Iowa Motor Vehicle Division and the Iowa Department of Transportation[22]
Division of Vehicles
Division of the Kansas Department of Revenue[23]
Division of Driver Licensing[24]
Motor Vehicle Licensing System[25]
Divisions of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. The state's Circuit Court Clerks offices are responsible for the registration and issuance of drivers licenses while the County Clerks are responsible for vehicle registrations and titles. The Transportation Cabinet is responsible for establishing the policies and designs for licenses and vehicle registration. The Kentucky State Police Driver Testing Branch is responsible for driver testing[26][27][28].
Office of Motor Vehicles[29]
Division of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Maine Secretary of State[30]
Motor Vehicle Administration[31]
Division of the Maryland Department of Transportation
Registry of Motor Vehicles[32]
Division of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation; transferred from the Executive Office of Transportation effective November 1, 2009[источник не указан 551 день]
Michigan Secretary of State[33]
Driver and Vehicle Services[34]
Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Department of Public Safety
Motor Vehicle Licensing Division
Driver licensing is handled by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety[35], while the Motor Vehicle Licensing Division is a division of the Mississippi Department of Revenue[36].
Missouri Department of Revenue
Motor Vehicle Division
Division of the Montana Department of Justice
Департамент транспортных средств[37]
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.]
Formerly the «Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety»
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the New Hampshire Department of Safety
Motor Vehicle Commission
New Jersey has differing titles for the high office holders in this part of the state government: the head of the New Jersey Department of Transportation is referred to as the «Commissioner», while the head of the MVC is referred to as the «Chief Administrator».
Motor Vehicle Division
Division of the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department[38].
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.]
Северная Каролина
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the North Carolina Department of Transportation
Северная Дакота
Driver License Division
Motor Vehicle Division
Divisions of the North Dakota Department of Transportation
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
The Bureau of Motor Vehicles is a division of the Ohio Department of Public Safety. Titles are issued at the county level by the Clerk of Courts.
Department of Public Safety
Tax Commission
Driver licensing is handled by the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, while the Oklahoma Tax Commission handles vehicle registrations and titles.
Driver and Motor Vehicle Services[39]
Division of the Oregon Department of Transportation
Driver and Vehicle Services
Division of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Rhode Island Department of Revenue
Южная Каролина
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.]
Южная Дакота
Department of Public Safety
Department of Revenue
Driver License Services[40]
Vehicle Services Division[41]
The Vehicle Services Division is a division of the Tennessee Department of Revenue; the Driver License Services division is a division of the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security. The state's county clerks are responsible for the registration and issuance of drivers licenses, vehicle registrations, and titles, while the Department of Revenue and Department of Safety are responsible for establishing the policies and designs for vehicle registration and licenses, respectively.
Driver License Division
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.]
Vehicle titles and registration were formerly provided by the Texas Department of Transportation, however these services were transferred to the new Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV), effective November 1, 2009[42] The Driver License Division is a division of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Driver License Services[43]
Division of Motor Vehicles[44]
The Driver License Services division is a division of the Utah Department of Public Safety and the Division of Motor Vehicles is a division of the Utah State Tax Commission
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.]
Subunit of the Vermont Agency of Transportation
Департамент транспортных средств[англ.]
Department of Licensing
Также работает с лодками, бизнесом, и профессиональными лицензиями[45]
Западная Виргиния
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the West Virginia Department of Transportation
Division of Motor Vehicles
Division of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Driver Services Program
Division of the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WyDot)
Американское Самоа
Department of Public Safety
Motor Vehicle Division
Department of Revenue and Taxation
Северные Марианские Острова
Driver's License Section
Bureau of Motor Vehicles
The Driver's License Section division is a division of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, which is a division of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Public Safety and vehicle registration and title is handled by the Department of Public Safety.
Driver Services Directorate
Управление услуг водителей (англ. Driver Services Directorate) входит в состав Департамента транспорта и общественных работ[англ.] (исп. Departamento de Transportación y Obras Públicas). До 1975 года был известен как «Motor Vehicles Area» Департамента (исп. Area de Vehículos de Motor).
Виргинские Острова
Motor Vehicle Bureau
Division of the United States Virgin Islands Police Department