Джон Гилберт Фулмер (англ. John Gilbert Fulmer, Jr.; род. 1944) — американский экономист, эмерит-профессор Колледжа бизнеса при Университете Теннесси в Чаттануге, автор модели Фулмера.
Джон родился в 1944 году.
Высшее образование получил в Уоффордском колледже[англ.], где получил степень бакалавра наук (B.S.). Докторской степени (PhD) был удостоен в Алабамском университете[1].
Преподавательскую деятельность в Колледже бизнеса Университета Теннесси в Чаттануге начал в должности профессора финансов с 1977 года, был заведующим кафедрой бухгалтерского учёта и финансов, заместителем декана и временным деканом. Ушёл в отставку в 2011 году. Под руководством Дж. Фулмера Колледж бизнеса Университета Теннесси в Чаттануге возглавил рейтинг SACS[англ.] и AACSB, а также возглавлял высший рейтинг бизнес-школы по версии Businessweek и The Princeton Review[англ.]. Фулмер работал в совете факультета, совете декана, был президентом Альфа-общества[1].
Являлся заядлым игроком в гольф, организатором ежегодного турнира выпускников Колледжа бизнеса по гольфу[1].
Вклад в науку
Основная статья: Модель Фулмера
Является автором модели Фулмера.
За свои достижения был неоднократно отмечен[1]:
- Fulmer J.G.Jr. The Effect of Federal Reserve System Membership on the Earnings of Commercial Banks in South Carolina//Journal of Bank Research, Winter l974, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 324-325
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Alford C.L. The Economist in the Courtroom"//South Carolina Trial Lawyers Association Journal, October l974, Vol. XI, No. 3, pp. 6-9
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Pulley J.L.Jr. The Optimal Size Hospital//Hospital Administration, Spring l975, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. l6-29
- Fulmer J.G.Jr. The Effect of OSHA Regulations on Injury Rates in Textile Mills//Review of Industrial Management and Textile Science, Spring l979, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, pp. l1-28.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Valley R. Bank Data Processing - A Third Alternative//Appalachian Business Review, May l98l, Vol. VIII, No. 2, pp. 3-10
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., and Jeffrey G. Wyatt, "Application of Investment Principles to the Management of the Bond Portfolio of a Credit Union During Inflationary Times," Credit Union Management (September l981), Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 10-12, 33-35.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., and Valorie Hammond, "Making SBA Loans", The Bankers Magazine (November - December l981), Vol. l64, No. 6, pp. 71-77.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., and Thomas E. Geraghty, "The Appropriate Discount Rate to Use in Estimating Financial Loss". Federation of Insurance Counsel Quarterly, (Spring l982), Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.263-271.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Jeffrey G. Wyatt, "A Model for Setting Loan and Dividend Rates", Credit Union Executive (Spring l983), Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 12-18.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., and Thomas E. Geraghty, "The Role of the Reinvestment Rate in Portfolio Construction", Trusts and Estates (May l983), Vol. 122, No. 5, pp. 43-48.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Moon J.E., Gavin T.A., Erwin J.M. A Bankruptcy Classification Model for Small Firms//The Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, July l984, Vol. 66, No. 11 — pp.25-37.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Moon J.E. Tests for Common Stock Equivalency//Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, (Fall l984), Vol. 8., No. 1, pp. 5-14.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Moon J.E., Thomas A. Gavin, and J. Michael Erwin, "More on Bankruptcy Model", The Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, (November l984), Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 60-61.
- Fulmer, John G. Jr., William J. Bertin and John M. Alvis, "The Callable Bond Package: The Appropriate Coupon-Call Premium Mixture," Akron Business and Economic Review, (Spring l987), Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 26-36.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Moon J.E. "Speaking the Same Language: Refining the Earnings-Per-Share Measurement," Today's CPA, (November December l987). Vol.13, No.3, pp. 38-41.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., William J. Bertin and John M. Alvis "Determining the Preferred Coupon-Call Premium Trade-off When Selecting Bonds", Journal: The Institute of Certified Financial Planners, (Spring, 1988) Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 57-69.
- Gavin, Thomas A., John G. Fulmer, Jr., William J. Bertin and Edson G. Hammer, "Job Satisfaction of Commercial Loan Officers," The Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, (May, 1989) Vol. 71, No. 9, pp. 39-53.
- Gavin, Thomas A., William J. Bertin, John G. Fulmer, Jr. and Edson G. Hammer, "Perceptions of Supervisor Failings by Commercial Loan Officers," The Journal of Commercial Bank Lending, (June 1989) Vol. 71, No. 10, pp. 4-15.
- Fulmer, John G. Jr., Thomas A. Gavin and William J. Bertin, "What Factors Influence The Lending Decision: A Survey of Commercial Loan Officers," Commercial Lending Review, (Winter 1991-92), Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 64-70.
- Fulmer, John G. Jr., Thomas A. Gavin and William J. Bertin, "How Commercial Lenders Evaluate Your Loan," The Small Business Controller, (Summer 1992), Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 35-38.
- Fulmer, John G. Jr., J. Howard Finch and Jill Patton, "Handling Distressed Real Estate Loans," The Bankers Magazine, (January/February 1993), Vol. 176, No. 1, pp. 36-39.
- Finch, J. Howard, W.J. The Use of Duration in Real Estate Capital Budgeting," Real Estate Finance, (Fall 1993), Vol. 10, No.3, pp.75-79.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Bertin W.J. Discount Rates Currently Used to Compute the Present Value of Pecuniary Losses: Results of a Recent Survey//Defense Law Journal, Winter 1993/1994, Vol. 42, No. 4 — pp. 773-788.
- Finch, J. Howard Fulmer J.G.Jr. Using Duration When Evaluating Capital Projects//The Small Business Controller, Winter 1994, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 28-32.
- Finch, J. Howard and John G. Fulmer, Jr. Efficient Project Selection for Real Estate Investment Analysis// Real Estate Finance, (Spring 1995), Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 63-67.
- Payne, Thomas H., J. Howard Finch, Fulmer J.G.Jr. Estimating Cost of Funds: What Banks Are Really Doing//Bankers Magazine, (September/October 1995), Vol. 178, No. 5, pp. 49-54.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Karen J. Weekly Evaluation of the Business Side of the Group Practice//Medical Group Management Journal, March/April 1997, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 36-50.
- Finch, J. Howard, Fulmer J.G.Jr. Evaluating On-Going Projects and Divisions//Managerial Finance,Vol.23, No. 9, 1997 — pp. 46-54.
- Payne T.H., J. Howard Finch, Fulmer J.G.Jr. Banks' Use of Derivatives to Manage Interest-Rate Risk: A Survey//Bank Accounting and Finance, Vol. 12, No. 2, Winter 1998-99,pp. 58-62.
- Fulmer, John G. Jr., and Thomas I. Smythe, Jr., “Evaluating Alternative Loan Packages,” Journal of Construction Accounting & Taxation, Vol. 10, No.5, September/October 2000, pp. 43-44.
- Johnson, J. Frederick, Thomas I. Smythe, Jr., Fulmer J.G.Jr. Using Net Present Value Analysis in Cooperatives//The Cooperative Accountant, Vol. LIII, No. 3, Fall 2000, pp. 46-47, and 55-62.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Thomas I. Smythe, Jr., “Making Your Loan Package Competitive,” Commercial Lending Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, Spring 2001, pp. 56-57.
- Gavin, Thomas A, Fulmer J.G.Jr., and Thomas H. Payne, “Where Have RM Supervisors Failed?” The RMA Journal, Vol. 84, No. 6, March 2002, pp.72-74.
- Henry, Gregory A., Thomas I. Smythe, Jr., Fulmer J.G.Jr. Managing Interest Rate Risk with Limited Resources//Bank Accounting & Finance, Vol. 15, No. 4, June 2002, pp.40- 50.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., J. Howard Finch, Thomas H. Payne and Thomas I. Smythe, “Growing Sales and Losing Cash: Assisting Your Small Business Customer With Cash Flow Management,” Commercial Lending Review, Vol. 17, No. 4, July 2002, pp.14-19.
- Gavin, Thomas A., Fulmer J.G.Jr., Thomas H. Payne, “Job Satisfaction of Bankers in the Commercial Lending Area,” Commercial Lending Review, Vol.17, No.4, July 2002, pp.48-52.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., Vance P. Lesseig, “Interest-Only Vs. Conventional Loans,” Commercial Network, October 2002, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 23-25.
- Fulmer J.G.Jr., J. Howard Finch and Amy Frost, “A Demonstration of the Effect of Sales Growth on Cash Flow,” Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2002, Vol. 5, pp.57-64.
- Cagle, Leisa, Thomas I. Smythe,Jr., Fulmer J.G.Jr. EVA Implementation Issues: The Story of One Company//Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, March/April 2003, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 65-70.
- Smith, E.L. Kittrell, John G. Fulmer, Jr. and Richard A. Turpin, “A New Approach to Teach the Preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows,” The National Accounting Journal, Spring 2003, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-14.
- Lesseig, Vance P., Fulmer J.G.Jr. Including a Decreased Loan Life in the Mortgage Decision//Journal of Financial Planning, December 2003, Vol. 16, Issue 12, pp. 66-71.
- Lesseig, Vance P., Fulmer J.G.Jr. “Comparison of Rates and Maturities for Loans,” Commercial Lending Review, July 2004, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 25-27.
- Turpin, Richard A., E.L. Kittrell Smith, Fulmer J.G.Jr. Insights from the Statement of Cash Flows//Commercial Lending Review, January-February 2005, Vol. 20, No.1, pp.39-42.
- Finch, J. Howard Fulmer J.G.Jr. Calculation of a Firm’s Sustainable Growth Rate//The International Journal of Business Disciplines, Fall/Winter 2004, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 43-45.
- Turner, Kimberly G., Fulmer J.G.Jr., and Vance P. Lesseig, “”Motivation in the First Accounting Course,” The CPA Journal, Vol. LXXVI, No. 5, May 2006, pp. 66-69.
- Archambeault, Deborah, Fulmer J.G.Jr., Richard A. Turpin, “How to Use the Changing Components of the Corporate Annual Report,” Commercial Lending Review, Volume 21, Number 3, May-June 2006, pp. 33-36.
- Lobo, Bento J. Fulmer J.G.Jr. Till v SCS Credit Corp.: A Tutorial in Subprime Interest Rate Determination//Journal of Finance Case Research, Volume 8, Number 1, 2006, pp. 89-102
- Brockman, Christopher M., Fulmer J.G.Jr., Robert Brooks, “Return on Ethics,” The National Accounting Journal, Volume 8, Number 2, Fall/Winter, 2006, pp. 25-30.
- Archanbeault, Deboarh, Fulmer J.G.Jr., Richard A. Turpin, “The Changing Components of the Corporate Annual Report: An Update,” Commercial Lending Review, Volume 23, Number 2, March-April 2008, pp. 27-28.
- Turner, Kimberly G., JFulmer J.G.Jr. Code of Professional Conduct and Professional Advice in an Introductory Accounting Course, The National Accounting Journal, Volume 10, Number 1, Summer 2008, pp. 7-11.
- Lobo, Bento J., Christi Wann, Fulmer J.G.Jr. “Managing Late Payments for International Sales,” The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, Volume 20, Number 6, September/October 2009, pp. 39-45.
- Lobo, Bento J., Christi Wann, Fulmer J.G.Jr. Greece; How Can Companies Manage the New Risks?//The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, Volume, 21, Number 6, September/October 2010, pp. 19-24.
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