Brent Scowcroft (; 19 Maret 1925 – 6 Agustus 2020) adalah seorang perwira Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat yang dua kali menjadi Penasehat Keamanan Nasional Amerika Serikat, yang pertama di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden AS Gerald Ford dan kemudian di bawah kepemimpinan George H. W. Bush . Ia menjabat sebagai Asisten Militer untuk Presiden Richard Nixon dan Wakil Asisten Presiden untuk Urusan Keamanan Nasional dalam pemerintahan Nixon dan Ford.
Bacaan tambahan
Daalder, Ivo H., and I. M. Destler. In the Shadow of the Oval Office: Profiles of the National Security Advisers and the Presidents They Served—From JFK to George W. Bush . New York: Simon & Schuster , 2009. ISBN 978-1416553199 .
Sparrow, Bartholomew H. "Realism's Practitioner: Brent Scowcroft and the Making of the New World Order, 1989–1993." Diplomatic History , Vol. 34, No. 1, 2010, pp. 141–175. JSTOR 24916037 .
Sparrow, Bartholomew. The Strategist: Brent Scowcroft and the Call of National Security (2015)
Sumber primer
Brzezinski, Zbigniew , and Brent Scowcroft. America and the World: Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy . New York: Basic Books , 2008. ISBN 0465015018 / ISBN 978-0465015016 .
Bush, George H.W. , and Brent Scowcroft. A World Transformed . New York: Alfred A. Knopf , 1998. ISBN 0679432485 .
Deutch, John , and Arnold Kanter , Brent Scowcroft. "Saving NATO's Foundation." Foreign Affairs , Vol. 78, No. 6, November/December 1999, pp. 54–67. DOI :10.2307/20049532 .
Perry, William James , and Brent Scowcroft, Charles D. Ferguson. U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy . Independent Task Force Report, No. 62. Council on Foreign Relations , April 2009. ISBN 978-0876094204 .
Scowcroft, Brent. "A World in Transformation." The National Interest , No. 119, Special Issue: Crisis of the Old Order, May/June 2012, pp. 7–9. JSTOR 42896448 .
Scowcroft, Brent. "Don't Attack Saddam." Wall Street Journal , August 15, 2002, p. A12.
Scowcroft, Brent. "Foreword." Burrows, Mathew J. Global Risks 2035: The Search for a New Normal . Atlantic Council , September 2016. JSTOR resrep03678 .
Scowcroft, Brent. "Getting the Middle East Back on Our Side." New York Times , January 4, 2007.
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