Emanuel Haldeman-Julius (né Emanuel Julius) (30 Juli 1889 – 31 Juli 1951) adalah seorang sosialis, penulis, pemikir ateis, reformator sosial dan penerbit Yahudi-Amerika. Ia dikenal sebagai kepala Haldeman-Julius Publications, pembuat serangkaian pamflet yang dikenal sebagai "Little Blue Books," denagn total penjualan hingga ratusan juta salinan.
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- Bradford, Roderick. Video clip on Haldeman-Julius from the film American Freethought (Council for Secular Humanism, 2013).
- Brown, Melanie Ann. Five-Cent Culture at the "University in Print": Radical Ideology and the Marketplace in E. Haldeman-Julius's Little Blue Books, 1919-1929 (diss., Univ. Minnesota, 2006; see here).
- Burnett, Betty. "Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel." American National Biography (edd. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes). New York: OUP, 1999. Vol. 9.
- Cothran, Andrew. "The Little Blue Book Man and the Big American Parade" (diss., Univ. of Maryland, 1966).
- Davenport, Tim. "The Appeal to Reason: Forerunner of Haldeman-Julius Publications", Big Blue Newsletter no. 3 (2004).
- Fielding, William J. "Prince of Pamphleteers." The Nation, 10 May 1952, pp. 452–453.
- Gaylor, Annie Laurie. "E. Haldeman-Julius" at Freedom from Religion Foundation.
- Gunn, John W. E. Haldeman-Julius: The Man and His Work (LBB no. 678). Girard: 1924.[1]
- Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel. Books by, about, or published by H-J at the Internet Archive.
- Haldeman-Julius, Sue. "An Intimate Look at Emanuel Haldeman-Julius." The Little Balkans Review, vol. 2.2 (Winter 1981-82), pp. 1–19. By his second wife.
- Haldeman-Julius.org, Haldeman-Julius Family Tree.
- Herder, Dale M. "Haldeman-Julius, The Little Blue Books, and the Theory of Popular Culture." Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 4.4 (Spring 1971), pp. 881–891.
- Herrada, Julie. "Emanuel Haldeman-Julius" in The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief (ed. Tom Flynn), pp. 374–376.
- Jacoby, Susan. Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism. New York: Henry Holt, 2004.
- Lee, R. Alton. Publisher for the Masses: Emanuel Haldeman-Julius. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2017.
- Leinwand, Gerald. 1927: High Tide of the Twenties. NYC: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2001. pp. 293–297 (excerpts).
- Mordell, Albert. Trailing E. Haldeman-Julius in Philadelphia and Other Places (ed. E. Haldeman-Julius). Girard: Haldeman-Julius, 1949.
- Mordell, Albert. "Culture Salesman from Girard." The Brooklyn Jewish Center Review, vol. 33.12 (Nov. 1951), pp. 5–10.
- Potts, Rolf. "The Henry Ford of Literature." The Believer, vol. 6.7 (Sept. 2008).
- Ryan, William F. "Bertrand Russell and Haldeman-Julius: making readers rational." Russell, nos. 29-32 (1978), pp. 53–64.
- Scott, Mark. "The Little Blue Books in the War on Bigotry and Bunk." Kansas History, vol. 1.3 (Fall 1978), pp. 155–176.
- Victor, Jane. "Emanuel Haldeman-Julius: The Paper Giant" (Pittsburg State Axe Library).
- Wagner, Rob Leicester. "Hollywood Bohemia: The Roots of Progressive Politics in Rob Wagner's Script." Santa Maria, CA: Janaway Publishing, 2016 (ISBN 978-1-59641-369-6)
- White, Kevin. The First Sexual Revolution: The Emergence of Male Heterosexuality in Modern America. NYC: New York Univ. Press, 1993.
- Whitehead, Fred and Verle Muhrer (edd.). Freethought on the American Frontier. Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 1992.
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- ^ Gunn collaborated especially with Marcet on a number of works and wrote her eulogy in 1941.