1809 Vermont gubernatorial election
The 1809 Vermont gubernatorial election for Governor of Vermont took place throughout September, and resulted in the election of Jonas Galusha to a one-year term.[1] The Vermont General Assembly met in Montpelier on October 12.[1] The Vermont House of Representatives appointed a committee to examine the votes of the freemen of Vermont for governor, lieutenant governor, treasurer, and members of the governor's council.[1] The committee's examination of the votes showed that Jonas Galusha had defeated incumbent Governor Isaac Tichenor for a one-year term.[1] In the election for lieutenant governor, the voters selected Paul Brigham for a one-year term, his fourteenth.[1] Benjamin Swan was elected to his tenth one-year term as treasurer.[1] In the races for lieutenant governor and treasurer, the vote totals and names of other candidates were not recorded.[1] In the race for governor, a contemporary newspaper article reported the results as follows.[1] Results